Hi! I have a local project written on Cache and Atelier on my PC. I need to move it to notebook. Tried to export globals, classes, MAC-programms and csp with frontend stuff, but after I created my apps on notebook and imported my set, it just didn't work. I think it's because I have some settings on Management Portal, so how can I export portal settings and what I should export to have my working apps on another computer?

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· Sep 13, 2018
Purge Task History manually


I've read into console.log that there is some problems writing the global Task History

09/13/18-09:33:00:109 (9052) 0 Error al escribir en global de historial de tareas - Error (ERROR #5002: Error de cache: <DATABASE>%SaveData+20^%SYS.Task.History.1 ^SYS("Task","HistoryD",66179),c:\intersystems\healthshare\mgr\)

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I would like to get a list of all globals that have been read or written during a given context. In Portal, there are counters in dashboard that give the number of read/write to globals in general.

What I am looking for :

- some handler (eg: like $ZTRAP) that will be called everytime something is read/written to a global.

- to activate a "global log mode" in Portal that will dump some information to a file (like ^ISCSOAP for SOAP requests).

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· May 27, 2017
Insert SQL

I am inserting rows in a table. This table is appearing in all namespace as I did global mapping.

So once I run insert command from a method, it insert the rows. When I run the same insert command from other namespace, it replace the existing data in table.

Insert command is same in all namespace but the data I m inserting is different.

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I need to copy a bunch of globals from some crufty old databases to spanking clean brand new ones. GBLOCKCOPY has this cool feature that lets you create a batch of global names to copy and save the list in a batch. You can then execute the batch and go take a nap.

I like naps.

I need to do this for a number of old-new database pairs, but it's the same global names every time. Is there a way to export the batch configuration created the first time and import it to another environment/namespace? These databases will be spread across multiple hosts.


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Hello community!

I'm facing a base growth issue, which is being generated by a process and an Ensemble feature.

When executing the process of cleaning up the message queues, the Ensemble “preserves” the Streams that were part of these messages, deleting only the Header and Body. In this way the database (of one of the namespaces) has grown around 60GB per day, which has been maxing out the disk capacity.

InterSystems informed that this is a characteristic and that it is explained in the documents mentioned below.

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Hello. When you export and then import a table of data, is the import smart enough to figure out if a row already exists in the new namespace, and if so update the row rather than just save/add the row?

For example, we have a table in DEV, and the same table in QA. The DEV table has more fields than QA. When we moved up the class, the field definitions went with the table into QA, so now the table definition is the same in both.

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Have very little XML experience and have been able to manually create output. Have a need to take data that I store in a M global (example: ^TML("HDATA", ) and out put it in CCDA XML format.

Are there any examples of M code using the XMLWriter to accomplish this?

Or can anyone provide some guidance

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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0 704

In cache studio there are features, dialog boxes, that help map data from a global to class properties.
I have used %CacheSQLStorage quit a bit, or have in the past, to map globals to classes.

I haven't been able to find a similar feature in VisualStudio.
Do I need to upgrade to IRIS to be able to use VisualStudio to map global properties to classes?

Thanks for your time,

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0 122


We are looking again into DB size. Looking at our Ens.MessageHeaderI GSIZE is 3767107

Looking at the global i'm not sure if we have had an issue in the past so much of the data looks the same, we only have 3 values in the $zwc and although some of the data in the $c between 1 and 18630 it looks very similar as if there was an issue in the past. But if anyone has any examples of their index param this would help to know if our global is abnormal.

Data below

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Out of curiosity, I was looking in ^ROUTINE global to see how routines are stored internally.

I found out that lot of nodes are displaying "~pointer" as associated value (eg: instead of a string).

What are those pointers ? My guess is that it references some cache internal structure (eg: some nodes inside a B-Tree).

Is there a easily way to see what is behind ? Are pointers useful for user globals or is this something purely internal to Cache database ?

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Let's say I have a global named ^a and I need to export its nodes 1, 2, 3, 5 only.

Currently I write something like this:

Write $SYSTEM.OBJ.Export("a(1).gbl,a(2).gbl,a(3).gbl,a(5).gbl", "C:\Users\eduard\Desktop\a.xml")

Is there a way to write it shorter? I want to write global node once and list all the subscripts I need.

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