Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Exporting Bulk Data from a FHIR Server

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This is Jayanth from OAK Technologies.

Hope you are all doing well!!

We have a position for InterSystems IRIS Technology Role for our client if anyone is interested, please drop your resume to jayanth@oaktechinc.com

Job Role: IRIS technology role

Location: Chicago, Illinois (Remote Work)

Contract:1+ Year W2 OR 1099 Contact

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Fun or No Fun - how serious is it?

Large language models are stirring up some phenomena in recent months. So inevitably I was playing ChatGPT too over last weekend, to probe whether it would be a complimentary to some BERT based "traditional" AI chatbots I was knocking up, or rather would it simply sweep them away.

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We are going to have basic patient demographic data coming in to Cache via a webservice. I thought that I should define the input as XML something like the FHIR format (with UK extensions).

In the past we've input XML streams and used the %XML.Reader to convert them to matching classes successfully, so I thought it would be easy. However, I've found that the FHIR format stores everything in attributes like:

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Hi Community,

Watch this video to learn about InterSystems FHIR Server, the turnkey FHIR data solution that empowers FHIR application developers to focus on building life-changing healthcare applications:

⏯️ What is InterSystems FHIR Server

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InterSystems Official
· Mar 7, 2023
Take part in the FHIR R5 Quality Review!

Hello Community,

As you may know, the next release FHIR R5 is currently published in "beta". Right now, it is undergoing a quality review. And we'd like to invite YOU to participate in this process!

Your task, if you wish to accept it 😉, is to check text descriptions, copy editing, and grammar. To facilitate this quality review, ClinFHIR is being used, which is a web tool used for developer education on FHIR and to help developers to visualize FHIR data and to plan out the building of FHIR applications. For instructions on how to do the quality review of FHIR R5 read this short document. The application you will use to do the quality review is here.

This is how ClinFHIR looks in action for this FHIR R5 Quality Review:

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In article


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\Users\rochesterd\PythonScripts\fhir_stuff\fhir-client-python-main\fhir-client-python-main\src\client.py", line 57, in <module>
patient0 = Patient.parse_obj(patients_resources.search(
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'serialize'

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Newbie here...

I am looking to use fhir to gather patients in our end point that have a certain diagnosis and or certain insurance.

Is this what fhir can be used for?

In the past I have done the normal SQL query/extract to CSV file. Looking to use fhir for this for future.

Thanks in advance for your time


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Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

InterSystems Startup Accelerator Pitching Sessions @ Global Summit 2022

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Hello community,

is there anything special to consider when running a foundation production regarding purge jobs (Ens.Util.Tasks.Purge)? I am thinking specifically of the QuickStreams, which according to my information are stored in a temporary database until the system is restarted. Since a system reboot is much less frequent then the purges, I wonder what happens to the QuickStreams whose messages and headers have already been purged. Is there a way to view Quickstreams (not content, but rather metadata) e.g. via the Management Portal?

Thanks for your comments and hints,

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Hi Community,

Watch this video to learn about InterSystems FHIR Server, the turnkey FHIR data solution that empowers FHIR application developers to focus on building life-changing healthcare applications:

⏯️ What is InterSystems FHIR Server

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Hi InterSystems Developers!

Recently I've updated the FHIR dev template so that it now publishes an IPM package fhir-server that makes the setup of InterSystems FHIR server a trivial manual or automatic or programmatic procedure one command long.

Please see below how you can benefit from it.


USER>zpm "install fhir-server"

All the details below.

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In this article, we'd like to describe Med.me's incubation experience and takeaways, the cross-organizational booking problem, and our approach to solving it.

This exciting story started during one of the regular medtech meetups, where I met @Evgeny Shvarov, senior InterSystems chief of the Developer Community. Following the good old startup rule “pitch wherever you can”, I briefly explained to Evgeny Med.me concept – EHR exchange and appointment scheduling platform to automate and simplify communication between clinics, pharma on one hand and insurance companies, doctors, and patients on the other.

Evgeny listened carefully and replied that InterSystems provides plenty of products to solve the interoperability problems amongst the vast variety of EMRs and kindly advised me to hurry up to apply to the FHIR incubator Caelestinus powered by InterSystems.

That led to a start of an amazing 9-months long road where we were able to ramp up our understanding of interoperability, participate at the InterSystems Global Summit, find new customers and partners, and where the new concept of Resource Availability Exchange was born.

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Cures Act USCDI/ C-CDAv21 certification. I am looking for SDA3 examples for Newman-Bates-Kid/registry settings/advices on how to learn / whatever is helpful. InterSystems xsl files are clean but I am not working very often with xsl. I am mainly looking at Provenance and Clinical Notes, the 2 last errors we have. InterSystems documentation, so far I know, is very poor: only classes and some pages. Support has a small knowledge about SDA3 -> C-CDAv21 even if they try very hard to help.

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Hi Community,

The day has arrived — InterSystems FHIR Healthtech Incubator Caelestinus Final Demo Day, November 30, 2022!

We started Caelestinus 8 months ago in March with 22 outstanding teams. Today 15 teams will pitch what they have achieved so far and their message to the market!

I’m pleased to invite everyone to InterSystems FHIR Health Tech incubator Caelestinus Demo Day, which will happen in a hybrid online/offline mode: you can watch pitches online via www.caelestinus.tech starting at 2 p.m. CET or go in-person in IKEM — Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, the largest Czech medical research and clinical hospital.

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· Nov 30, 2022 14m read
Creating FHIR questionnaires

Intersystems IRIS for Health has excellent support for the FHIR industry standard. The main features are:
1. FHIR Server
2. FHIR Database
3. REST and ObjectScript API for CRUD operations on FHIR resources (patient, questionnaire, vaccines, etc.)

This article demonstrates how to use each of these features, as well as presenting an angular frontend for creating and viewing Quiz-like FHIR resources.

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Brainstorming the project we would build to showcase in the current female health themed InterSystems FHIR Contest, our girl band decided that we need to do something practical for the ordinary user and to solve some burning issues of the modern life. This discussion led to the idea of creating a project that will help women not to forget their health in daily grind - FemTech Reminder.

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· Nov 27, 2022 9m read
Easy CSV TO FHIR - InterSystems Contest

Hello everyone, I’m a French student in academical exchange for my fifth year of engineering school and here is my participation in the FHIR for Women's Health contest.

This project is supposed to be seen as the backend of a bigger application. It can be plugged into a Front End app and help you gather information from your patients. It will read your data in local and use a Data Transformation to make it into a FHIR object before sending it to the included local FHIR server.

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Hi Community!

We'd like to invite you to join our next contest to share your FHIR knowledge:

🏆 InterSystems IRIS for Health Contest: FHIR for Women's Health 🏆

Submit an application that uses InterSystems FHIR or InterSystems Healthcare Interoperability!

    Duration: November 14 - December 4, 2022

    Prizes: $13,500!

    >> Submit your application here <<

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    Hello Community,

    when trying to send HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Request objects to an external FHIR server, I get errors: ERROR #6156: No match between server name '...' and SSL certificate values '...'. The reason is pretty clear, the problem is that we don't get correct certificates in time, but have some pressure to go live with the interface.

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