· Dec 7, 2015 4m read
Source Control Hooks and Atelier

So another topic that has been of interest to a number of people since the beta was put up last week is in regard to Studio Hooks and Atelier. This requires a bit of background and then some discussion of how the architecture of Atelier necessitates some changes and then what our current thinking on the subject is.

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· Feb 19, 2016 4m read
Why Atelier? And what about Studio?

I have been meaning to make a post about this topic for a few weeks and the other day an issue came in through the WRC about it so it seems this is a conversation we should be having. I want to begin by taking a few moments to explain "Why Atelier" then we can talk about what this means in the general sense for Studio and Atelier and Caché developers. We have wrestled with what to do with Studio for years. When I moved to Product Management in 2008 this was already a "thing". At the time we could not reach a consensus. Some felt Studio was fine as is.

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