If you work with Productions, highlighting connections between Business Hosts is a very convenient feature, allowing developers to get a visual representation of a data flow.

This feature works by default with all system Business Hosts. If a user writes their own Business Services, Processes, or Operations, they must implement the OnGetConnections method for this functionality to work with their custom Business Hosts (or use Ens.DataType.ConfigName properties for connections).
That said, the SMP shows only the first layer of connections of the selected Business Host. Sometimes, we need to get connections of connections recursively to build a complete data flow graph. Or we might need this connection information to check which downstream systems might be affected by a change upstream.

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I just wrote up a quick sample to help a colleague load data into IRIS from R using RJDBC, and figured it's worth sharing here for future reference.

Ultimately it was pretty simple, aside from IRIS not liking "." in column names; the workaround is to just rename the columns. Someone better at R than me could probably provide some generic approach. smiley

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The ideal number of table permissions to assign for your users is zero. Permissions should be granted upon sign-in based on the application used for access. For web applications, we have a simple way of doing this by appointing application roles, matching roles, and required resources in the System Management Portal.

ODBC and JDBC connections present a different problem, however, especially when third-party applications are involved. As providers of an ERP system, our customers often wish to be able to employ various software packages to integrate with or report on their data. Many of these programs are capable of running any kind of query. Yet, letting them do that can be devastating to a customer’s data.

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Hello, good morning

First thank you for your time in reading and answering our question.

We have been reading, inquiring, researching about how to make multiple dispatches from 1 Process of type "DICOM.BP.QueryProcess" to several target Operations.

We need some help to further develop this use case, and some advice 🧭, examples or recommendations

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I am trying to execute a program from within cache using a $zf call

S X=$ZF(-1,"C:\""Program Files (x86)""\Car-Part\Messaging\iCPM.exe")

For the sake of this post I changed it to open notepad

S X=$ZF(-1,"C:\Windows\notepad.exe")

If I call it directly from terminal notepad opens and all is happy.

If I add it to a program we use to run certain tasks once an hour or even every 10 minutes it will fire off notepad but it will be in the background.

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I'm experiencing a recurrent problem that I haven't found the way to solve, so I'm coming here with the hope somebody can give me a new approach.

To make it short: we are creating categories on-demand to be able to place the maximum numbers of workers in memory, avoiding the limits established by system categories. But from time to time, one of this creation fails and system is no able to start the queue. The error we are getting is:

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I have a %GlobalBinaryStream object that I'm trying to save as a local file after being received through a SOAP Web Service.

To do this, I created a %Stream.FileBinary object and wanted to set where the stream copied to this object would be saved by using either the DefaultStreamDir() ClassMethod or the NewFileName() ClassMethod. However, the documentation isn't very helpful on how to use these ClassMethods.

Right now, I have the below code:

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Good morning,

First of all, thank you very much in advance for reading and responding.

Also, thank you for any support, because it is a relief, support, contribution, help to have people with more understanding, knowledge and practice, reading, and thinking this doubt.

There is the following need:

Two 2 circuits are available:

1st DICOM Circuit of "Studio" ( Classic Service ).

Service: class: DICOM.BS.QueryService

Process: class: DICOM.BP.QueryProcess

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cache 2017.2.1 (Build 801_3)

when I look into the "sql statements" ( sql page of the management portal ) I have lots of old statements with a lot of them frozen. many of them are %sqlcq routines (I believe these are the SLQ's I run when testing/running random SQL queries in the sql page. )

I can clearly see where I can click on an individual query and untick an individual query to unfreeze it. or delete it. but thats a painful slow process. I can't see anywhere to delete/change multiple queries

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0 225

Hello everyone,

I have a question, I am trying to use xecute command, but something wrong happen when i was using the command, and i don't know why hahahaha.

I created a file .mac with this code:

label(test) public{
       set routine="variable"
       set call="write routine,!"
       xecute call

But when i run the command, show me this message error:

<UNDEFINED>label+3^tstFJR3 *routine

After that i changed the code to:

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0 224

We have a handful of cases where we get reflex orders in an interface that contain multiple OBR segments. These are rare but when we get them, they are causing errors in down stream systems because we are unintentionally excluding OBR segments.


At the DTL level - is it possible to iterate over this segment WITHOUT altering the underlying schema? If so what would that look like?

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Good morning,

First of all we would like to thank you for your time reading, thinking and aswering this question.

We have been developing a Transformation to convert a source ORU_R01 to a target ORU_R01. For each OBX segment we need to check an if, and then, if it is true we just need to put this OBX and continue to the next iteration, otherwise, if it is false, we need to put (copy) the ORC + OBR + TQ1 before this OBX, and then put this OBX, and after that, the SPM.

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This is a series of programming challenges for beginners and experienced Caché programmers.

For an introduction : go to article https://community.intersystems.com/post/advent-code-2016-day1-no-time-ta...

You walk into a room, step on a tile and hear a loud click...

Traps !

The challenge is about avoiding traps.

You can recognise if a tile is a trap by following scheme :

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I was wondering if there is a way, or what is your recommended way to generate, or develop some kind of deep interest or even some joy, love, or excitement towards coding, programming, software developing. Specifically for people aged between 20 and 30 years old.

I am aware of some programming games like the following ones:



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If Iris does propose to create keys following a sequence, how can we obtain a sequential number in another context?

In my case, I automatically create care centers, and I want to set them a number like:


APP = Name of the application used by the center
DD = center department number
999: sequential number in the department
It is of course possible that centers will be created in competition, so this possible competition must be managed.

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Hey everyone as you may know I am a beginner and I am kindly asking for some assistance in a problem I have been solving. The problem is that I am calling a user defined function within a procedure called occupiedseatsAdj and the compiler comes up with this error.

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I am reading the following code in ObjectScript:

GitHub repository

And there is a sentence which I am facing difficulties to understand:

kill ^OPNLib.Game.CWLF(..World)

I know that kill removes variables, OPNLib.Game are the package and subpackage, and ..World is a property. However what does CWLF mean?

You could think that it is the class' name, but it is:

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We currently have the following scenario: We have a bussiness SOAP Operation, where we get a SAML String and we convert it into a %SAML.Assertion object correctly.

👩‍💻👨‍💻 We would need to send the SAML Assertion inside the SOAP Header to the Target System.

First of all thanks for reading, and thanks for answering.

We currently have opened Log Soap and we do not observe it being added to the SOAP Header, as you would observe in the following Log Soap:

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First of all thank you for your time reading our topic

We would need some help from experienced people

We have a SOAP Service with more than 10 methods

Our aim is to include all classes being used by this SOAP Service, in a Studio project

The challenge is that there are plenty Data classes (which extends from (%SerialObject, %XML.Adaptor))

▶️ Is there a recommended way to include all project's classes in a Studio project?

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