Hi all,

I've been looking for a way to extract the sorting from the ^CacheTemp.zenData global that contain the tablePane snapshot data in order to use it on a report following the current UI sorting criteria.

I could see that if the column is sorted by one column, new entries with this structure are created:


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I have been experimenting with the creation of a set of REST services for an app. The basic GET operation is set to create a %ZEN.proxyObject instance, and then set an instance of a Persistant class as a property, which gives me all of the values I want to return. However, it also gives me some values that I don't want to return over REST (because they are both private, and large registered objects which will bog down performance)

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For debugging purposes I sometimes need to display stack information to the current device or save it (to a global for example).

There is this snippet offered in documentation:

ClassMethod StackToDisplay()
    For loop = 0:1:$Stack(-1) {
        Write !, "Context level:", loop, ?25, "Context type: ", $Stack(loop)
        Write !, ?5, "Current place: ", $Stack(loop, "PLACE")
        Write !, ?5, "Current source: ", $Stack(loop, "MCODE")
        Write !

And to save stack to a global there's always an exception method:

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If you are waiting for the Kindle Edition of Caché and MUMPS – Part II, I must apologize. I believed what others told me that once I have a book manuscript, the Kindle manuscript will be easy. Being a programmer I should have remembered: "never assume anything." The conversion to Kindle is proving a much bigger task than I thought. But don't lose heart, I am working full time on it. I have as my goal before May 1st. But, then again, you know what they say about goals. ;) - - Paul Mike Kadow

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This week I am going to look at CPU, one of the primary hardware food groups :) A customer asked me to advise on the following scenario; Their production servers are approaching end of life and its time for a hardware refresh. They are also thinking of consolidating servers by virtualising and want to right-size capacity either bare-metal or virtualized. Today we will look at CPU, in later posts I will explain the approach for right-sizing other key food groups - memory and IO.

So the questions are:

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Hello, our customer, large industrial company, is considering modernizing their old CSP application so it can run on multiple client device types, using responsive design.

They have a lot of experience with CSP and some ZEN.

They are new to REST and have some limited knowledge of javascript - perhaps not enough to the extent used by client framework.

Does anyone have a framework or a set of templates that you would be willing to share?

Thank you!

Dan Kutac

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· Mar 22, 2016
How does Zlogin work

Hi Community: I have a legacy Caché based app that has Zlogin or %Zlogin routine. I understand that such routine will be invoked as soon as the user logs in. Can someone tell me where to find such routine? The namespace where the user connects to? Or in CACHESYS? Thanks, HT

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We use iKnow's GetSimilar for decision making. Right now we have a domain with both good and bad documents and using GetSimilar we want to see if a document is more similar to the good ones or the bad ones. To do this we simply compare the weighted average of the score from the good ones and the bad ones that GetSimilar returns.

The problem is that GetSimilar doesn't always return the score to all other documents. Assuming we have 50 documents I would expect the following result:

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Please consider these two concepts:

Concept 1 - Web Service or Web Application or Server Side

Concept 2 - Client Service or Client Application or Client Side

Maybe I am just a Web/Zen newbie, if I am and you all understand this, I apologize. (no nasty remarks please)

The questions are numbered, if you wish to respond to an individual question please precede it by the question number.

  1. Is there consistency in naming these concepts?
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Hi Community,

How can I create a JSON with the object ID by using the %Object:$toJSON API?

I have the following piece of code bellow where I create an object reference, create a %Object instance from %fromObject and them I am creating the JSON from $toJSON, but it does not expose the %ID (object id). How is the best approach to create a JSON with the respectives object IDs?

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++ Update: August 1, 2018

The use of the InterSystems Virtual IP (VIP) address built-in to Caché database mirroring has certain limitations. In particular, it can only be used when mirror members reside the same network subnet. When multiple data centers are used, network subnets are not often “stretched” beyond the physical data center due to added network complexity (more detailed discussion here). For similar reasons, Virtual IP is often not usable when the database is hosted in the cloud.

Network traffic management appliances such as load balancers (physical or virtual) can be used to achieve the same level of transparency, presenting a single address to the client applications or devices. The network traffic manager automatically redirects clients to the current mirror primary’s real IP address. The automation is intended to meet the needs of both HA failover and DR promotion following a disaster.

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InterSystems Official
· Mar 17, 2016
Caché and Ensemble 2016.1

I am happy to announce the immediate availability of Caché and Ensemble 2016.1.

The highlights of 2016.1 are

  • Significant improvements in JSON support
  • Continued advances in SQL performance
  • Database scalability improvements
  • New REST services for DeepSee

These and other new features are summarized in this video introduction to 2016.1

For complete technical details of what’s changed in 2016.1, review the Caché release notes and the Ensemble release notes.

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· Mar 15, 2016 1m read
Code metrics over time

Among the outputs of our Yuzinji tool are two code metrics that it can be interesting to track over time as a development project proceeds. These are Size and XS. The first is fairly straightforward. As you write more code the size of your codebase increases. The XS metric (pronounced "excess") aims to quantify excessive structural complexity.

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One aspect of source code management is how to deal with the almost inevitable need to upgrade your Caché or Ensemble platform to a newer InterSystems release.

It's long been my experience that InterSystems does a very good job of maintaining backward compatibility. Code that works correctly on, say, 2012.1 is very likely to work correctly on, say, 2015.2 without any modification.

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>/tmp/compilew.log &>/tmp/compilew.log ; tail /tmp/compilew.log

to redirect the output to the stdout. Somehow the javac has wierd behavior with the output on errors and verbose information.


i want the JAVA-Projections and wrappers to compile after Caché created the files. The creation of the files works 100%.

My addition to createProjection in our Projectionclass is following:

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I have a tablepane in my Zen page that is tied to a class query. When the page first loads, the table is empty. A button onclick event causes the tablepane query to execute and load query results into the table. I want an onchange event from a datalistbox to clear the tablepane so that it looks empty as it was when the page first loaded. I have had no luck fiddling with javascript in the datalistbox's onchange.

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