Does anyone know how to get the closing tab/menu changing event in a CSP? I've tried the JS "OnBeforeUnload" already but it seems the browsers aren't allowing it anymore. I need to show a pop-up that holds the user if trying to get away before completing the stage.

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· Apr 22, 2021
Cache code conversion tool


I have a requirement to convert few screens having character based interface built in Cache to a web based interface in Java while still keeping Cache as the backend which means database will remain the same. Wanted to know if we have any tool in the market which can help doing that keeping in consideration that these screens in cache are using mumps code.

If we don't have any tool, would appreciate if someone shares their experience in the manual conversion as well.

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0 273


I'm getting thousands of errors like the ones below:

2021-05-03 14:11:44 [SQLCODE: <-400>:<Ocorreu um erro fatal>] [Cache Error: <<READ>Dispatch+14^%SYS.BINDSRV>] [Location: <ServerLoop>] [Client info: <Username: KIORAS, Node Name: 3IK0VLS5UU, IP Address:, Executable Name: EXTRService.exe, Internal Function: B0>] [%protocol: <52>] $Id: //ce/2018.1.2/kernel/common/src/aclass.c#1 $ 23468 104

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0 472
· May 14, 2021
SSLConfig with ECC

Hello everyone,
I can choose between RSA and DSA. ECC seems to be unsupported.
Is there any workarounds without using external binary like curl?

Best regards

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· May 27, 2021

User antiterrorism is assigned the following SQL procedure privileges:


SOURCE ELEMENT: %CSP.UI.Component.SQLTables (SQLProcs)

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0 383

I have a client that no longer wants to use sftp to transmit their data file to me. Instead they want me to pick it up via a web service.

Email from client:

Here is the postman collection and mocking service to start your development. The API has only one URI parameter {id} for which you need to pass UniqueIdentifier(will let you know exact value later).

0 7
0 499

When I'm asked questions about SQL, I like Intersystems staff at the WRC, generally ask about the Query Plan. My feeling is that even before you run a query you should examine the results of Show Plan to confirm that the code is going to give me the results in the manner I would expect. If I expect it to leverage an index and I see that it is not then I go back and look at what I might have done incorrectly and try to re-write the query to get the index behavior I'm looking for. To that end, there's a poll below to ask you if think moving the Show Plan button as the first button would be

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0 147
any persistan class can be used as msg body, if i use one of my persistent class(ex sample.person) as msg in the ensemble then perform purge  management where inculde msg bodies .. will we loose the sample.person data?
0 3
0 276
· Sep 1, 2021


We are using AWS SSO authentication in our application to validate the users. For validating the users, we are passing the username and password from AWS SSO to our application. We need to validate the user in our application without using the password.

We developed the login class using zenPage. We used <loginForm> tag in the login page which is used for the automatic validation.
Is there any possible way to achieve this?

Thanks in advance.

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0 241

I am trying to get a list of databases using the DatabaseByServer method but I am only getting an empty string. I have not found any useful examples of the proper usage of this class/method.

I have tried 2 formats. First

set dbList=""

set db=##class(Config.Databases).DatabasesByServer("my-host",.dbList)

I also tried:

set db=##class(Config.Databases).DatabasesByServer("my-host",.dbList,"/cachesys/")

In each case dbList is empty string. I can not figure out what I am missing.

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0 95

Our company is using Cache FDBMS for Medtrak.

I am trying to insert a record with the following data types : date, time, string and memo field (multiline). The SQL insert/update works fine without the memo field.

Here's my SQL statement

Insert into MR_SUB (MRSub_Date,MRSUB_Time,MRSUB_Update,MRSUB_Desc) values(:DTE, :time, :use, :remarks)

Based on FDBMS docs. MRSUB_Desc is a multiline/memo data type

Hope somebody can help. Thanks

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0 355

Hi developers, 

We've incorporated VS Code's support for multiple concurrent debug sessions and consoles into the latest release of Serenji

So if you're working with processes that relate or are dependent on each other, you can now debug them together. Just launch a second Serenji debug session (F5) whilst the first one is still active. 

This short video below shows how it works. We hope you find this feature useful! 


Serenji 3.2 multiple concurrent debug sessions

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0 163

I would like to create a toolbar button in Cache Studio. After clicking on it, it would run a custom command (eg: to execute a routine that will clean a global).

I took a look at dialog that is shown after right clicking on a toolbar in Studio, then choosing "Customize" but AFAIK there is nothing there that allow such a thing.

I know it's possible to customize menu items by extending %Studio.SourceControl.Base class, is there something similar for toolbars ?

Here is some base code example (based on Danny Wijnschenk answer) :

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0 280
· Mar 24, 2022
generate random password


I need to create strong random password including letters and integers. Does Cache Object Script has methods to generate password or I have to create my own method ?

0 6
0 443

Hi Team,

I am working on data transformation ADT^A01 from ADT^A01 ,In both source and target MRG segment is not available. How can i create a new MRG segment in Target. Kindly share your ideas how to create a new segment in Data transformation.

Thanks in advance

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0 291


I have an error connecting the InterSystems cache with the odbc driver with the ODBC-2017.2.2.865.0-lnxrhx64.tar version using the ubuntu versions 20.04 and version 18.04 (which works with the .Net Core 3.1 version) with the Net 6.


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0 283

Hello! I need help reading a file and putting the contents into variables.

File path would be, c:\temp\zipcitystate.csv or txt

Data looks like this


I need to add the first area to variable ZIP, Second to CITY and third to STATE. they are separated by a comma.

Any help would be appreciated

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0 582

Hi there have been various posts around how to clean up globals without parent data but none have gone into how you solve these issues.

Our database is approaching 600gb in size so i am looking into how to reduce this.

We use standard purge tasks.

Our cache stream class has a global size of 2463243 from running global size so it is what i would like to tackle first.

1) is there any way i can find based on my oldest message session for where most of these globals

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