· May 25, 2016
Runtime Expressions in XML


I'm facing a problem when I try to use the Runtime Expression below inside the XData Contents:


It compiles correctly, but when I open the page on the browser I get the message "Expression Error" instead of "Testing!".

How could I use the $$$Text macro with Runtime Expressions? Is there a way to make this?

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Hello, guys.

I want to add a class to my project. This class is in UDL format.

I know that there is a method: ##class(%Compiler.UDL.TextServices).SetTextFromStream. The problem is that to use this method I need to know the name of the class (including all packages) in advance. But, a class can have any name(I mean C:/source/AAA/BBB/CCC.cls, but the real name is Sample.Human.cls).

For now I found only one way to get to know the name of a class - just parse the class code and search for a word which is followed by "Class" word. Is there any better way to do that?

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· Aug 25, 2016
ZEN Mojo onEvent() callback

Hi - Trapping onselect and onchange events that occur on layout objects seems to work fine, however, according to the documentation, I should also be able to use onevent, which is defined as follows:

onevent: Defines how the page behaves when another type of event occurs within a documentView (an event other than select or change).

and has the method signature:

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0 379

I have a ZEN page with buttons, text boxes and a tab group. The tab group contains a single tab which I use to display an image(src). When the user, uses the browser zoom capabilities to reduce or enlarge the image, the other controls are reduced or enlarged as well. How can I reduce or enlarge the tab src alone? Thank you for any and all input.

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· May 16, 2016
Roman Number Converter

My name is Sergio Fernandes and I'm from Brazil.
I would like to know how can i use MVBasic at Cache Terminal or .csp.
My original problem is to converter Integer Numbers to Roman Numbers and consulting cache documentation I found "Conversion Codes" at http://localhost:57772/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=GVRF_basicfea...
My version is Intersystems Ensemble 2013.1.6.950.0
Thanks a lot,

Sérgio Fernandes

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· Sep 9, 2016
Stream Property

Hi ,

  We upgraded the cache 5.02 to cache 16.
  we are using stream property in one class .(i.e.  Property notes As Stream;) but it not support in cache 16.
 how handle this problem?


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· Jul 13, 2016
Overriding soap body

We can override soap body by using WriteSOAPBodyMethod. Something like:

Method Online(ByRef Obj1 As myClass1, Obj2 As myClass2, Output ObjOutput1 As myClass1Output(XMLNAME="Obj")) [ ..., WebMethod ]


s ..WriteSOAPBodyMethod="override"

d (..WebMethod("Online","ProcessRequest")).Invoke($this,"Online",.Obj1,.Obj2,. ObjOutput1)

s ..WriteSOAPBodyMethod=""


Method override(proxy As %SOAP.ProxyDescriptor, tag As %String)



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0 375


I am using the &sql () tag to retrieve the value from the Cache DB.

below is the piece of code i am using:

script language="cache" method="retrieveDetail" arguments="pVariable" returntype="%String"
&sql( select columnA,
into :tempVariable1
from TABLE
where COLUMNC = pVariable

quit tempVariable1

i have to return the ColumnA value back to the calling procedure.

can i know how it can be done ? since i am getting an javascript error.

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0 374

Hi, I have a question about web applications.

First, I know that my ZEN application is using a web application called /OurAppName, but I honestly don't know why it's choosing that web application over the default of /csp/default-namespace, so if you can give me a hint as to how else the web application is set, please do let me know. I'd also love to see the web application's properties programmatically, if possible (such as the physical files path).

Our other web applications are called /OurAppName/NAMESPACE rather than /csp/namespace.

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0 368

I have two pages and I am using the push and pop to go and back navigation. When I click the button forward and back in the browser, I can't navigate more between pages.

The following code:

Page 1 - onSelect Method:
var obj = {idExame: VALID, objUsu: ObjUsu};
zenPage.gotoArea ('itemexames', key, key, false);
view.pushDocument (key, obj, key, obj);

Page 2 - onSelectMethod, back:

var documentKey = "PacienteExamesinitial";
var layoutKey = "PacienteExamesinitial";
var area = "pacienteexames";

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0 365
· Jun 9, 2016
Beginning Again

I've been in IT since 1986.

I started with Pr1me INFORMATION and Primos on Pr1me hardware.

In the 90s and 00s, I used D3.

I'm giving Caché a try, but I'm kinda having some difficulty getting started.

I've installed Caché on a 64-bit Windows 7 workstation. It was installed under an administrator's account. From a standard users account, I'm trying to access the Management Portal at:


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