· Oct 17, 2016
Are we using callin API?

Hello community; this may seem odd, but I need to know if there's any way we could be using callin functions from a C application without knowing? e.g. if other developers created some C programs that call in to Caché that we don't realize are running. Is that possible? If so, where would I look to see these programs? Perhaps the server's task manager?

Thanks --Laura

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I am in Atelier editing a Class.

I want to look at the window or pane that shows my Properties,

I get to the tab that show Properties and their Value as shown below.

Now, how do I get the properties from my Class into the image below?

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If given a global, how can I discover information on that global? More specifically, how can I discover how many indices it contains? ie: ^G(1,2,3,4,5) How can I discover that there are 5 subscripts within the Global ^G if I did not already know.

Please advise, and thanks in advance for everyone's time.

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>/tmp/compilew.log &>/tmp/compilew.log ; tail /tmp/compilew.log

to redirect the output to the stdout. Somehow the javac has wierd behavior with the output on errors and verbose information.


i want the JAVA-Projections and wrappers to compile after Caché created the files. The creation of the files works 100%.

My addition to createProjection in our Projectionclass is following:

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· Nov 27, 2017
"Contains" operation for bitstring


Is there a handy function to test wether one bit string is covered by another one bitstring? For example, "bb" is covered by "aa".

I currently implement this by one AND operation and then do a bitcount, I just want to know any default function is already out there.


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Hello Everyone

I use VB.NET to dev. some program for query data

Code in VB like this

Private Sub Button4_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click

AxVisM1.MServer = "CN_IPTCP:myserver[1972]"
AxVisM1.NameSpace = "LABDATA"
AxVisM1.Code = "s err="""",err=$$select^LVBEPVIS(""" & ln & """)"

tmptxt = AxVisM1.PLIST.ToString

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0 339

Hi community,

I have some constants hardcoded in my class as parameter values, and those constants are referenced in many places in my module. Now the need has arisen to provide different value for those parameters depending on some context. Is it possible to create some sort of accessor method for the parameter (like it is possible for properties), or do I need to perform a thorough refactoring?



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· Aug 30, 2016
Get to know the format

I know that Cache files can be stored as XML and UDL based files. Is there any way to determine in which format the file(class, routine, dfi and so on) is stored? Because you can easily name your XML based file as class.cls and it will be perfectly valid.

I know that one way to check whether this file is in XML format is just try to parse it like

Set st = ##class(%XML.TextReader).ParseStream(contentStream)

if $$$ISERR(st) return $$$NO

else return $$$YES

However, is there a better way?

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I have a service that I need to receive notifications from when the service has started. Usually this service will be off, but when started a need a method to be called so I can email and be alerted. The only method I know I can use is " OnProcessInput" but this is when an input is received (new file, new message...) but I could not find any events to deal when the service starts...I tried "OnInit" but does not seems to work...any ideas?

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Hello everyone,

I am trying to use @() and SYSTEM() from Cache Terminal. I am searching for blinking text . I have found -5 as a Screen Display Option but not aware like how to use on terminal.
Can any one please help ?


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· Sep 22, 2017
browse sql record

Hi , World

this is i field in my global:


for information: it's respective key is "peyload"

my question is :

I want to extract the timestamps value , and the profile_id value , how can i do?


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· Feb 9, 2023
Tracking %RCOPY and %RI

Let's supposed somebody updates routines via %RCOPY or %RI, the really old-style hardcore way which still works. Does that leave any log traces in Journaling or system globals, as of when exactly did it happen or what was the IP address of the machine changes came from? I am aware only of the Date Modified changes as seen when opening the file.

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I am trying to support a use case where a test instance is created from a production backup. At a high level, the process works by mounting all relevant file systems and then bringing the instance up. This works well as long as the file systems are mounted using same mount points as the source instance. However, I would like to support a case where file systems are mounted using different paths.

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Several $System.OBJ methods have ByRef errorlog argument:

Compile(ByRef classes As %String = "", qspec As %String = "", ByRef errorlog As %String, recurse As %Boolean = 0)

ImportDir(dir As %String = "", wildcards As %String, qspec As %String = "", ByRef errorlog As %String, recurse As %Boolean = 0, ByRef imported As %String, listonly As %Boolean, ByRef selectedlist As %String)

What's the best approach of working with errorlog?

Do you convert it to status? If so - how? Manual iteration over local?

Is there some system method to convert it into %Status?

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· Jan 16, 2018
Testing in studio

After creating a ClassMethod for a routing rule is it possible to test an HL7 message within Studio rather than using Management portal? It would make it easier to debug the custom function to see where the rule is failing.

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How do I write DDL script for collection properties?

For example I want to create the following class:

Class SQLUser.Person {

Property Name As %String;

Property FavoriteColors As list Of %String;


My DDL script looks like this:

CREATE TABLE Person (Name varchar(50), FavoriteColors ???)
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