Hello everyone,
so lets say i have the following:

w arg

and i am trying to execute it by its name such as:

s a = "say^hello"

*execute the name inside a*

now I know for a fact that if say were written without any argument then do @a would work!

but I can I pass an argument in this case?
I don't want to use Xecute because I am in need of really high performance code.

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I have a archive backup of a Cache database. I was able to restore the database but having trouble navigating through the globals, classes, namespaces .??? I am not a Cache user and/or developer so I am a bit lost. I am used to relational database such Microsoft SQL but not Cache which to my understand is a different breed of database. If you are looking for some extra money to help me extract some of the data I need i would be greatly appreciated.

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I have a business process that adds data to a global variable on receipt of an HL7 message, and a scheduled task that executes a class method defined within the same business process that removes data from the same global variable. With this in mind it makes sense to consider concurrency and therefore make use of the LOCK command.

My first question is whether this is actually necessary?

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· Nov 4, 2024


I am working on a demand wheres i need to find all the possible combinations of number contained in a string, its works very well, but when the total numbers is increased bigger, the time to execute the code is increased exponentially. Theres a beter way to find combinations then recursively?

string data:

0 6
0 156

I'm running a query, joining nine tables together. When I run it with a SELECT COUNT(*) I get about 200,000 rows. When I run the SELECT with the columns I want, I get about 2,700 rows. Is there something inherent with the queries that limits the result set size, or anything I can do to make sure I'm getting back all the results? Rather, than trying to run it about 100 times limiting all previously gotten accounts.

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0 94

Hi Folks,

I would like to visulaize the tables and data on Power BI, so I try to connect the romote server to Power BI to access the tables and data of remote server. I can able to connect that remote server to our Studio also able to view class files.
But I couldn't able to connect the remote server to power BI. I'm getting the below error while click on the tables

"Expression.Error: This native database query isn't currently supported"

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0 1.4K

So I know we can run routines using both XECUTE or @
However both of them run slower than just running the routine without it. (that is because as far as i understand, XECUTE command for example will re-compile before running?)

the question is: how can I run a routine by name - and keeping the performance as good as possible?

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0 99
· Oct 28, 2024
Load and compile error


I am using the following:

s status = $SYSTEM.OBJ.Load("myClassName," "c")

and while trying to compile it i get an error that a property or method does not exist, more specifically:

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0 98
· Jul 17, 2018
Cache Dynamic SQL Pagination

Would like to know if there is an alternative or better way to paginate through a dataset using dynamic SQL than what I am using below. The problem is that as the potential pool of data gets larger, this code slows down to the point of not being useable. In analyzing each line of code below, it appears the slow down is related to the initial rset.%Next() iteration. Is there anything available which does not require a subquery/%VID such as a simple LIMIT/OFFSET?

My code is similar to :

s sql=##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()

2 30
3 3.3K

Hello Experts ,

Could you help to search message details based on MRN in intersytems iris.

We have created 100+ interfaces and currenly in live (interystems cloud) . Now I try to search message details based on MRN using below query. it is working fine in DEV. but in prod it is taking ages.

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0 113

I’m trying to connect to an InterSystems Caché database from my local development environment using an IPv4 address. Most examples I’ve found show how to connect using the ODBC driver with the localhost or the default IP address ( However, I want to know how to connect using my local IPv4 address.

Here’s what I need help with:

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0 134


I'm trying to carry a custom error from one business process to another.

BPL:LookupClass fails it's lookup and a custom error of "Lookup XYZ" is generated.

The class quits with that error, but upon quitting, the custom error gets wrapped in an Ensemble System error:

ERROR <Ens>ErrBPTerminated: Terminating BP LookupClass # due to error: Lookup XYZ

0 0
0 69

I am experiencing an issue while executing a stored procedure in InterSystems Cache. Here’s the procedure I created

CREATE PROCEDURE Silk.sp_InsertRecord (
IN UserName VARCHAR(50),
IN RecordType INT,
IN RecordID VARCHAR(50),
IN CategoryID INT,
IN ApprovalDate TIMESTAMP,
IN WorkstationName VARCHAR(50)
INSERT INTO DummyRecords (

0 0
0 90
· Oct 16, 2024
Generate JWT token in Cache 2018


I try to generate JWT tokens in Cache (not in IRIS).

In IRIS I managed to generate tokens using ##class(%OAuth2.JWKS).AddOct("HS256",secret,.jwks).

But In Cache there is no such routine.

Could you provide me a place to find an example how to use JWT, please ? I am interested to generate a token in Cache, send it to javascript client, and read a token provided by the client and check it is valid.

Kind regards,

Alin Soare.

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Good morning

We are looking for a Senior Database Manager for a contract position with a health agency. It's a two and a half year contract, fully remote.

Please review the opportunity by clicking the link below and if you qualify, please let me know if you are interested in speaking about the opportunity.

More info here: https://teckpert.applytojob.com/apply/okkPyvcJn5/Senior-Database-Manager-Intersystems

Need to be based in the US and have work authorization.

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