· Feb 26, 2018
How export data using query

Hi, iam newbie on caché database.

Iam trying, export data from query.

I read in some article that is not so simple.

So I create a view then a execute a query insert into select statement.

I have problem to know the job progress. I execute an hour ago and nothing happened.

Iam using intersystems web IDE.

Thanks for help!

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0 381

I have this local, containing a list of books of arbitrary length:

set books=2
set books(1, "author") = "Alice"
set books(1, "title") = "Hello"
set books(1, "pages") = "123"
set books(2, "author") = "Bob"
set books(2, "title") = "World"
set books(2, "pages") = "456"

And I want to generate this PDF (there could be more than two tables), each book is a separate table:

The header is always the same (Author, Title, Page) but the number of tables would be different.

0 3
0 821


I have very recently started to work with Ensemble and have both the 2014 and the 2017 version.

To learn, I have created a small test flow that takes an xml file using EnsLib.EDI.XML.Service.FileService, sends it to a Process that transforms it with xslt into another format, and then passes it onwards to a EnsLib.EDI.XML.Operation.FileOperation Business Operation.

This is the code that I have before and when sending it onwards:

0 2
0 849

Is there a way to have a context property be available across 2 or 3 different business processes? For example if I am setting a value in a context property within one business process and want to use the same context property in a second business process, is this possible? Is this something that can be done with the "Context Superclass"?

0 5
0 391


I'm trying to create a Zen Report that, when rendered to PDF has a header on every page that includes some items from the group that I'm iterating over in the <body>. I can't use <header> as that only displays once for each iteration, even if that spans more than one page, but <pageheader> seems to be independent of <body> so again doesn't work.



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0 324


I'm new with writing Caché Objectscript so I need some assistance. I have XML which contains information like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

I have a class representing this object as follows:

0 2
0 1.3K
· Jul 20, 2017
Cursor placement


What methods are available to position a cursor on a screen to begin writing as not to disrupt other areas of the screen? I have used ?# , ie: ?5 but this is destructive from the let to character 5. I would like to enter a command that will position at row,col and then start writing? Can I create a window in a window type display to write text and then when done viewing, remove it?

Please advise,

Thanks in advance for everyone's time.

0 2
0 294

I'd like to access and view the soap log. Apparently there is a global for that (^ISCSOAP) (, but insofar I have been unsuccessful finding the exact cache command for viewing the soap log or changing it so that it logs both incoming and outgoing traffic. Can anyone enlighten me?

I.e. I am trying stuff like:

set ^ISCSOAP("Log") = io

write ^ISCSOAP("Log)

0 5
1 3.6K
· Dec 15, 2017
cache operator

In if condition what is the difference between specifying the single operator and double operator? For example, what is the difference between (&& and &) or (|| and !)

0 9
0 710

Today in docs I found this example using NULL:



zzdump $LB(NULL)

and NULL can be case-insensitive:

zzdump $LB(null)

seems the same as just:

zzdump $LB()

But if null variable is defined then list would contain value from variable. Case sensitive in that situation.

Does anyone have any Idea what is this? Is NULL used anywhere besides as a list element?

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· Feb 9, 2022
Learn Cache online

Hello community,

It's been quite some time since I came on this platform.

I have been down with the global pandemic and is currently recovering. Thank you all for your valuable prayers.

I am in the streak to learn something new and want to learn CACHE development.

Is there a possible site or Link that I can follow please.

From BASIC to ADVANCE is my requirement.

Help me out on this community.

God Bless and stay safe.

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