My team and I noticed that the %ZEN class documentation labeled all properties and methods as deprecated.

Example: %ZEN.Auxiliary.altJSONProvider - InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2024.1 - including private class members

In this regard, the big question is: what will be used to replace these methods, in particular %ZEN.Auxiliary.altJSONProvider?

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I built a dashboard to show hourly instrument capacities based on a term list. The term list consists of the TestInstrumentID and the number of tests that instrument can perform in 1 hour. The calculation works correctly and the data is accurate but periodically if you go to check the dashboard the percentages all get changed to 100% across every hour. If you check it later or add an additional site to the filter then the percentages correct themselves. I don't know what's causing this or how to troubleshoot it because it does calculate correctly but is not consistent.

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Our team has had success creating and publishing Power BI reports using an ODBC connection to an IRIS database, but there have been concerns about the responsiveness of these reports.

As an attempt to improve responsiveness, I'm trying out the "DirectQuery" connection using the InterSystems IRIS connector available in our version of Power BI Desktop (September 2021).

The version of IRIS I'm connecting with is "IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2022.2"

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I would like to define an advanced filter within my pivot table that allows me to look at diagnosis codes, or at procedure codes - but I do not want to hard code values within the pivot table definition (get the %OR defined).

I would like to be able to allow my dashboard user to chose what specific diagnosis codes or procedure codes they are interested in. So for example one user may want to look for # of patients with cancer dx or patients who have had a radiation procedure.

How can I accomplish this OR feature using dashboard filters?

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I have a pvot table defined. that generates a set of data. I want. to. execute the pivot table programatically which I believe involves using %DeepSee.ResultSet. Does someone have an example showing how to apply filters to the results?

For. example

[DateTime of Filing].[Date].[Date Filed Year] = &[2023]


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Hence the question: is there a way to do that?

The goal is to get data (from half a thousand to 3-4 thousands lines) from DB, calculate standart deviation then use it as logical condition in analyzer.

For example IF std > custom_value = show_the_result ELSE null

There is a STDDEV(MDX) method used in Analyzer but it is a measure and it can not be used as logical condition (correct me if i am wrong)

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Hello community, I need to solve a complex but trivial issue.


Two tables "Comment" and "Post". Each one contains an "Author" field, which is essentially a user ID. In these tables, each user ID represents an author. The goal is to count all participants together and then group them by month, language, and other metrics.

The question is how to do this within the IRIS ecosystem. Is it even possible to take two tables, get distinct data from them and then combine into one cube?

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Hi Community,

I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out because I have encountered an issue with a new dimension I created, named "Region," and I could use your assistance in resolving it.

The problem is that when I open the cube analyzer, the "Region" dimension does not populate data as expected. Instead, it merely displays the text "sourceRegion," which I specified as an expression in the architect.

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· Apr 29, 2024
IRIS Dashboard/Deepsee Queries

Hi Everyone,

We are using SQL based KPI's to display reports in IRIS dashboards. We have applied the filter functionality in these SQL based KPI reports.

I need your help for below scenario.

Below is my full report. Filter is applied on Name and Subject Name in this report.

Now I have used filter on Name and selected values 'Virat' and 'Big Show'

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