We have a custom business service that is triggered by a scheduled task. The service queries a table, iterates over the result set and sends a message on to a business process for each result. Happy path functionality is all fine.

However, when there is an error detected in the business service code, neither throwing an exception nor returning an error %Status behaves as we'd expect.

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0 58
· Nov 7, 2022
Stream Compression

Does anyone have insight into how the Stream Global Compression works in 2022? I'm particularly interested in the XDSb repository on the Edges. As I understand it anything new will be compressed. Is there a compression method that is used that can be utilized by other code? How are the retrievals aware that the contents are compressed in order to de-compress them?

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0 548

What I can do:
Get a subset of HL7 messages.
Send the messages to a RecordMap (with key fields from the HL7 message).
Save each message to a file.

How can I send all messages until a set time (e.g. 9am each day) to single file?

In the period 09:00 1 Jan 2022 to 09:00 2 Jan 2022 there are say 50 messages to save to file: File001.txt
In the period 09:00 2 Jan 2022 to 09:00 3 Jan 2022 there are say 40 messages to save to file: File002.txt

0 2
0 415

Hi ,

I am trying to work out how to install the intersystems-jdbc-3.3.1.jar file onto a windows server to set up a connection between athrid party application and an Iris database.

Is there an installer ? the java -jar etc command does not work "could not load main class " . Added the folder to the system path .

Running Eclipse temurin but I do not work with java at all, other than these very specific points where need to get applications to run .

If someone could point me to a guide or instruction that would be of great assitance


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0 546


We are going to have basic patient demographic data coming in to Cache via a webservice. I thought that I should define the input as XML something like the FHIR format (with UK extensions).

In the past we've input XML streams and used the %XML.Reader to convert them to matching classes successfully, so I thought it would be easy. However, I've found that the FHIR format stores everything in attributes like:

0 5
0 232

hi,I meet a problem,i want to move huge data from ensemble to oracle.it`s about 3years business data.i have tried some case!

1. EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter

i parse the data one by one,and translate it into inser or update sql statement then write to Oracle,it·s most slowly,and take more disk space。

2.save the data to a new table,and then use dbeaver transport data to oracle。

3.user linktable. save object as insert,but,i can·t user %openid method.

0 1
0 265

Is CR/LF changes to DTL files edited/committed to git via VS Code a known issue?

We had an issue with exporting files from one server and importing on another, using XML code exported from Studio: ERROR #6301: SAX XML Parser Error. Turns out that issue was down to CR/LF changes made when transferring the XML from one server to the other.

0 2
0 154

Hi All,
I was creating a unit test directory with the below script. But it not creating any directory as mentioned in code. I am working on MacBook with irisusr User as standard installation process.

if '$data(^UnitTestRoot) {

set mainFolder = "UnitTest\NewDir\"

set st = ##class(%File).CreateDirectoryChain(mainFolder _ testSuite)

if $$$ISOK(st) { set ^UnitTestRoot = mainFolder }

else {

write !, "UnitTestRoot folder could not be created. Consult with instructor."

do $system.Status.DisplayError(st)



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0 176

Hi Guys,

I've an fileupload and button that executes Upload() clientmethod to upload files in my database and everything works fine when I run the application in the server where it is located, but if I run it from a client machine the %OnSubmit class method doesn't get invoked when form.submit() get executed so how can I fix this?

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0 140
· Oct 10, 2023
Creating a Custom IRIS Container

I think there have been articles published here before but I'm struggling to find them:

I'd like to be able to create my own customised version of the official IRIS Community Edition Container, eg with Node.js and a number of modules pre-installed. So, for example, can I create my own Dockerfile that begins with something like:

FROM containers.intersystems.com/intersystems/iris-community-arm64:2023.

and then I can add my own stuff to it?

... or is there another recommended approach?

Any info appreciated

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0 191

Hello, I am quite new with InterSystems, SAM and Grafana. I am looking a way to get Log Files and Application Errors from InterSystems to SAM like in this post: https://community.intersystems.com/post/grafana-support-intersystems-iris. Is this plugin still under development or is there any other way to get those errors? By using SAM, I do not get those errors.

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0 262

Hello Community,.

I've updated the IRIS community form 2023.2 to 2023.3 and I didn't see the User defined(Sample) error messages in ^IRIS.Msg global even I verified in both pointer and data level. I re run the set x=##class(%MessageDictionary).Import("error.xml") After import I could see the pointers and data in ^IRIS.Msg

Is the User defined error will reset from the server after IRIS upgrade?

0 1
0 89

Hi Community,

I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out because I have encountered an issue with a new dimension I created, named "Region," and I could use your assistance in resolving it.

The problem is that when I open the cube analyzer, the "Region" dimension does not populate data as expected. Instead, it merely displays the text "sourceRegion," which I specified as an expression in the architect.

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0 75

I am sending an httpRequest from ObjectScript to a python server. I am not receiving a response in OS

OS config On the client side

// Create an HTTP request object
Set httpRequest = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()

// Set the server URL
Set httpRequest.Server = ""

// Set content type to JSON
Set httpRequest.ContentType = "application/json"

0 5
0 152
· Apr 8
DynaTree problem

Hi Guys,

Any Idea on how can make a dynaTree with 4 levels hierarchy (attached), I'm using the below code but sometimes works and other cases it doesn't?

0 1
0 54

Hi all,

I was wondering is there is already a sample of a Helm chart or better even an IKO manifest to deploy a REGISTRY and/or EDGE container to a Kubernetes cluster.

The samples I found show how to deploy to docker using docker-compose but I want to deploy into a better runtime orchestrator.
Regards Joost

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