Hi Community,

Watch this video to find out how these digital health startups are improving workflows for disease management, remote patient monitoring, and patient engagement:

Digital Health Showcase - Virtual Care @ Global Summit 2023

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 18,022 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Customers who switch to Caché from relational databases report that their average performance is up to 20 time faster, running on the same hardware, with no changes to the application. What is it about Caché that lets applications run so fast?

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Hi Community!

We try a new approach to the InterSystems Developers YouTube Videos called "Coding Talks"!

Coding Talks is a short video in which the developer demonstrates a particular feature or functionality of InterSystems Data Platforms which he/she uses to in coding. Typical format: the face on side and editor with ObjectScript.

Check this video I made by myself participating in Advent of Code 2018 and coding with InterSystems ObjectScript in VSCode.

Coding Advent of Code 2018 Using InterSystems ObjectScript

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Hi Community!

Please welcome a new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Alexa: Connect Me with the World of IoT

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Hello Community!

Take advantage of watching the new video to discover the innovative solution which strengthens communication between community medicine and hospital practitioners for better patient care in the context of semi-emergency and contributes to the relief of emergency services in the region of Mayenne in France.

📺 MayVilleHop, the new City Hospital coordination platform

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Hi Community!

Here is the digest of the most popular videos on InterSystems Data Platforms we published in 2018 on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel!


Please check the most popular videos by Watch Time. See the details below.

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Hello All,

InterSystems Certification has redesigned their IRIS Integration certification exam, and we again need input from our community to help validate the topics. Here's your chance to have your say in the knowledge, skills, and abilities that a certified InterSystems IRIS Integration Specialist should possess. And, yes, we'd like to hear from you Ensemble users as well!

Here's the exam title and the definition:

InterSystems IRIS Integration Specialist

An IT professional who:

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The InterSystems Certification Team is building an InterSystems TrakCare Reports certification exam and is looking for Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) from our community to help write and review questions. You, as a valued InterSystems community member, know the challenges of working with our technology and what it takes to be successful at your job. A work assignment will typically involve writing 10 assigned questions and reviewing 10 assigned directly to you. We anticipate that it will take approximately 20 totals hours to complete an assignment.

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

To remove InterSystems products installed on your Windows system, use Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel (in Windows 10, select Apps from Windows Settings).

Since we will be making changes to the system, you will need to log in as a user with administrator privileges.

1) Log in to the system as an administrator.

2) From the system tray, exit the launcher of the InterSystems product instance you want to uninstall (click launcher → exit).

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Hi Community!

Please welcome a new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Developing with FHIR - REST APIs

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Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center — the world’s oldest and largest private cancer center — has devoted more than 135 years to exceptional patient care, innovative research, and outstanding educational programs. Today, we are one of 51 National Cancer Institute–designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers, with state-of-the-art science flourishing side by side with clinical studies and treatment.

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Keywords: Anaconda, Jupyter Notebook, Tensorflow GPU, Deep Learning, Python 3 and HealthShare

1. Purpose and Objectives

This "Part I" is a quick record on how to set up a "simple" but popular deep learning demo environment step-by-step with a Python 3 binding to a HealthShare 2017.2.1 instance . I used a Win10 laptop at hand, but the approach works the same on MacOS and Linux.

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Hey Developers,

Learn about new features in the InterSystems HealthShare Health Insight 2020.1 and 2020.2 releases and plans for future releases:

New & Next: Deliver actionable intelligence with HealthShare Health Insight

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Presenter: Stefan Wittmann
Task: Take advantage of the NoSQL paradigm without adding another tool
Approach: Provide sample use cases that are an excellent fit for InterSystems’ new document data model

Description: Designing applications always requires you to make assumptions about your data model. Come to this session to learn how you can effectively handle the cases where you have to rapidly evolve your model. We will also discuss other use cases that are an awesome fit for the flexible document data model.

Problem: I’ve observed the NoSQL landscape and like the direction, but I have no use-case that fits and I do not want to add yet another tool.

Solution: InterSystems now has support for a well integrated document data model that brings the NoSQL paradigm to the enterprise within your current stack.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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Presenter: Mark Massias
Guest Speaker: Bruce Porteous of Northgate
Task: Build a composite application that bridges data silos
Approach: Give a real-world example of combining data from multiple sources to run a composite application

Most organizations need to bridge silos of data or combine separate applications. This session describes techniques for building composite applications and silos. The session also looks at a real application that does this. It uses workflow to assign cases to individuals for investigation and extracts information from multiple systems to provide the investigator with a complete context for the case at the scene of the incident.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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Presenter: Barry Cooper
Task: Enable users to perform analytics within an application and take actions based on those analytics
Approach: Provide examples of embedding DeepSee within applications

Analytics is more than just using data to provide insight. Analytics is about taking action on that insight. See examples of how you can embed DeepSee in your applications, allowing you to take action.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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One of the pain points for maintaining HL7 interfaces is the need to run a reliable regression test upon deployment to new environments and after upgrades. The %UnitTest class allows unit tests to be created and packaged alongside interface code. Test data can also be maintained within the unit test class, allowing for quick and easily repeatable smoke-testing and regression testing.


  • Standard %UnitTest class

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Hey Developers,

In this video, you will learn how to use VS Code with Python:

Using VS Code with Python

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Hi Developers!

With InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL recently becoming Generally Available, some of you may have had a chance to try it out. Or maybe you used it for your contest entry or during the EAP period. We're curious to learn what YOU think of it. So, have you already tried the new service InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL?

We have launched a new Ideas Portal category dedicated to this database-as-a-service (DBaaS) where we're looking for your ideas on how we can improve InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL.

Or share your experience with the service in the comments to this post.

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Hi Community!

This is the update on what are the new applications submitted on OpenExchange in April 2019

New Applications

Arduino Snippets published by @Eduard Lebedyuk

Connect your Arduino to InterSystems IRIS or Caché via com port (or usb<->com)

Japanese Calendar published by @Hiroshi Sato

Japanese Calendar Converter for InterSystems products

Cache Quality for Atelier published by @Daniel Tamajon

IDE extension that helps you detect and fix quality issues as you write code. Like a spell checker, this extension squiggles flaws so they can be fixed before committing code. You can install it directly from Atelier and it will then detect new bugs and quality issues as you code (ObjectScript and JavaScript).

ETL Interoperability Adapter published by @Guillaume Rongier

Extend EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter to add batch batch and fetch support on JDBC connection for Ensemble and IRIS.

R Gateway published by Shiao Bing Sung

Use R language with InterSystems IRIS

The Folding Staff published by @John Murray

'The Folding Stuff' is a simple VSCode extension that adds Visual Studio Code's existing code folding / unfolding features to the editor context menu.<--break->

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· Dec 25, 2021 2m read

After >40 years of writing in-countable lines of code in M*/COS/ISOS (and a bunch of archaic languages)
I decided for myself to set a strong signal for the future. We have Embedded Python available
(still pre-release)! I just felt it as a sacrilege to ignore this excellent NEW opportunity and
stay with the old sermon that I had used for decades.

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Hello Everyone,

In October 2021 we asked for input from the IRIS community regarding exam topics for our InterSystems IRIS System Administration exam. We will close the window for providing feedback on the exam topics on Wednesday, January 12, 2022. Thus, if you would like to have your say in what topics are covered on the exam, this is your last chance!

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