You might of seen or might of not seen my earlier post about Exporting a Production from 2018.1 to import it into 2021.1. I was able to get the export working, however I noticed in reviewing the data within the export, our previous Workday XML Schemas that we imported via XSD files were not in the export. When walking through the export process under Message Schema or vDoc Schema I could not find the missing XML Schema structures. Why aren't XML's part of the export process if they are used within the Production?

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 18,543 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

We are migrating from AIX to Linux and part of our testing is trying to figure the best method to migrate the code. I am trying to export an entire Production, however I keep running into an error...

Error generating export list for production osuwmc.TestClin and all items may not be listed.
ERROR #5002: Cache error: <CLASS DOES NOT EXIST>zgetRecordandComplexMapClasses+34^Ens.Config.Production.1 *(No name)

I went through any Complex Record Maps, and recompiled them but I am still getting the same error

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Hey Developers,

We have a requirement to develop SOAP webservice from existing wsdl. Consumers are currently consuming existing soap webservice exposed by other provider.

We need to implement same SOAP service in ensemble as consumers should not see any difference except endpoint url.

Here we need to develop SOAP service form existing WSDL, which is possible in java. Is it possible in ensemble?

Could you please give me some hints to way forward.



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Hi folks!

Sometimes we need the docker image of the InterSystems IRIS solution we build to be published on some docker registry. The cases could be:

  1. Deploy it then in Kubernetes cluster
  2. Let your pal run the image of your public repo without building it locally.

You can push the image to Docker Hub Registry or Github Registry.

In this very short article, I provide a way how to do it automatically on every push to your GitHub repository.

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Hello developers, I'm a newbie to Intersystems technologies and I started to work with Caché and Ensemble, and to be more specific I'm working with systems integration. In a scenario where I need to develop new software from scratch, would it be better to develop this new software using REST APIs? Does anyone have any recommendations about courses?

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I use Microsoft Query via Excel to query an Intersystems database.

Since upgrading from CACHE to Intersystems, lots of reports fail to refresh twice - by which I mean I can open the report (which may have several separate queries) and query the database once, and then it will refuse to reconnect.

I get:
[IRIS ODBC][State : S1000][Native Code 417] .... Access denied

If I then close and reopen excel, I can run the query again.

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Hi Friends ,

We have requirement to convert source hl7 message to target json message using dtl.

Currently I have created persistent cls for json and completed the dtl.

DTL giving output as json equivalent xml.

Now how to convert DTL result xml object to json?

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Hello Everyone,

In October 2021 we asked for input from the IRIS community regarding exam topics for our InterSystems IRIS System Administration exam. We will close the window for providing feedback on the exam topics on Wednesday, January 12, 2022. Thus, if you would like to have your say in what topics are covered on the exam, this is your last chance!

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We’ve already considered how to run an IRIS-based application in GCP Kubernetes in Deploying InterSystems IRIS Solution into GCP Kubernetes Cluster GKE Using CircleCI. Additionally, we’ve seen how to run an IRIS-based application in AWS Kubernetes in Deploying a Simple IRIS-Based Web Application Using Amazon EKS. Now, let’s look at how to deploy an application to the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).

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· Jan 3, 2022
JSON - NULL Properties

So I've been reviewing a lot of questions posted in the InterSystems community regarding NULL properties in JSON. I've also been reviewing the JSON documentation. None of these things have been able to help me so far.

1. We don't seem to have the %JSON.Adaptor class available for us to use in our system.

2. I'm not really confident enough to create JSON Type classes or backporting code, etc.

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