To transfer data between production components I actively use messages of type Ens.StreamContainer class and its descendants. In many cases the content of the message content is not visualised (the 'Body' tab contains a table with a list of selected message properties but the 'Contents' tab is empty). Response messages are never visualised, and request messages are visualised with a fifty-fifty probability. What do I need to do to ensure that messages are always visualised?

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,023 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

I encountered an unexpected behavior while working with the $ZTIMEH and $ZTIME functions, specifically with times between 12:00 and 13:00. Here's what I observed:

W $ZTIMEH("08:50:38.975411826")
Output: 31838

W $ZTIME(31838,1)
Output: 08:50:38

This behavior is correct as $ZTIME returns the expected time of 08:50:38.

However, with the following example:

W $ZTIMEH("12:05:38.975411826")
Output: 338

W $ZTIME(338,1)
Output: 00:05:38

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I have some Services using EnsLib.File.InboundAdapter to go directly to respective operations using EnsLib.File.OutboundAdapter which has a 'File Path' specified.

Using this File Path as a root directory, I'd like to instead pass this through a Router where I could somehow inject a subdirectory to place the file into on the outbound side based off the source service it is coming from. There will likely be several inbound services writing to each outbound operation and I'd like to be able to sort the output into subfolders.

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Hi Community,

Watch this video to learn how to programmatically manage task schedules using InterSystems IRIS, including creation, editing, and deleting a user-defined task:

Working with InterSystems IRIS task schedules programmatically
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I'm testing a REST API that is used for our IRIS Backend with a mobile app (Angular / ionic).

The problem is that, our test environment does not yet have HTTPS capabilities, it's something we're going to set up ASAP, but right now we don't have it set up.

We want to test the API endpoints via a web browser using either a test application built in Angular, or the app itself built with NPM via the browser. This means that the set-cookie headers are being blocked by the browser.

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The latest "Bringing Ideas to Reality" InterSystems competition saw me trawling through the ideas portal for UI problems to have a go at.
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· Sep 21, 2024
fileName in an FTP out

Hi All ,

I would like to add session ID to the fileName in an FTP out pass thru business operation.
How can I do that ?

<Setting Target="Host" Name="Filename">SessionID_%f_%Q.txt</Setting>

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A nice feature that we recently added to version 2.12.6 of the VS Code ObjectScript extension is controlled by this new setting:


When set true in JSON, or checked in the Settings Editor, a server-side file will be read-only if the source control class for the namespace reports that it is not editable.

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Hi guys,

Does anyone know what this error message mean, we are trying to save records to My.Package.List
class and sometimes we get this error message at first but when I try to save the same record again from the Terminal it does save fine?

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When using something like BeyondCompare when working with production class exports, the XData block "items" content very rarely if ever wind up in the same order making Beyond compare a total mess.

Is there a way of either sorting it on the export, or would I have to find (or write) some XSLT-based tool to go into the exported class and sort all the items? Does anyone know of a tool like that available?


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· Mar 12, 2024 2m read
Reviews on Open Exchange - #40

If one of your packages on OEX receives a review you get notified by OEX only of YOUR own package.
The rating reflects the experience of the reviewer with the status found at the time of review.
It is kind of a snapshot and might have changed meanwhile.
Reviews by other members of the community are marked by * in the last column.

I also placed a bunch of Pull Requests on GitHub when I found a problem I could fix.
Some were accepted and merged, and some were just ignored.
So if you made a major change and expect a changed review just let me know.

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Hi all,

I am trying to establish an HTTPS connection to a server using a %Net.HttpRequest object. I'm able to ping and curl the server via command line. The issue I am running into is that I am able to establish a connection, but something seems to be going wrong with verification from the server side. For example, if I use the CheckSSLCN method on the server, it returns this error message

ERROR #6155: Unable to verify SSL/TLS connected to correct system as no SSL certificate present for this socket. */

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I'm running a query, joining nine tables together. When I run it with a SELECT COUNT(*) I get about 200,000 rows. When I run the SELECT with the columns I want, I get about 2,700 rows. Is there something inherent with the queries that limits the result set size, or anything I can do to make sure I'm getting back all the results? Rather, than trying to run it about 100 times limiting all previously gotten accounts.

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I am experiencing an issue while executing a stored procedure in InterSystems Cache. Here’s the procedure I created

CREATE PROCEDURE Silk.sp_InsertRecord (
IN UserName VARCHAR(50),
IN RecordType INT,
IN RecordID VARCHAR(50),
IN CategoryID INT,
IN ApprovalDate TIMESTAMP,
IN WorkstationName VARCHAR(50)
INSERT INTO DummyRecords (

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· Sep 22, 2024
Property of list of lists

Hello, i need to make property that is of type List of Lists of String (see "body_text" in JSON)

How can i make it?


  "type": "BODY",
  "text": "<TEXT>",
  # Required if <TEXT> string contains variables
  "example": {
    "body_text": [
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Hi Community,

Play the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

InterSystems IRIS Vector Search and the Python Ecosystem @ Global Summit 2024
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Hi we are migrating to Linux from OpenVMS. which includes a new server and SAN. after reading a prior post about the differences with ESX and a VSAN I would think that the a SAN with Virtual disks all SSD type would be similar. which after reading it makes me think that using thick provisioning is the way to go. the 3rd party vendor is arguing this point with me. is it the same premise? is non-dedupe the way to go with thick provisioning. we are currently on 2015.2 of Cache with the plans to go to 2018 until the app vendor is able to certify their product on the latest versin.

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I have been adapting the IRIS WHIZ addon as part of the contest. I will soon fork the code on github so the changes are available.

The next phase is I am storing the date from and to time for a more complete search cache


it works in the chrome console ok

I'm not sure in external JS how to set the page it is on as a zenpage to use the zenpage functions

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