· 3 hr ago

Authentication on a EnsLib.SOAP.Service service

Hi All

I have created a SOAP Service from a tutorial, using sample code, as follows:

Class Hospital.MyService Extends EnsLib.SOAP.Service

/// For this business service, ADAPTER should be "" so that we use the normal SOAP processing
Parameter ADAPTER;
Parameter SERVICENAME = "MyService";
Parameter NAMESPACE = "";
Method SubmitMessage(pRequest As Hospital.SoapRequest) As Hospital.SOAPResponse [ WebMethod ]
    // Do something with pRequest
    //set sc= ..SendRequestSync("GetCustomerInfoBO",pRequest,.response)
    //if $$$ISERR(sc) do ..ReturnMethodStatusFault(sc)
    // do something with the reponse
    set soapresponse=##class(Hospital.SOAPResponse).%New()
    set soapresponse.Name = "Andy"
    quit soapresponse


And, as expected it, works and can be accessed


I want to use it on other, non HealthConnect servers, without the need for authentication, as when I use the above URL I am prompted for a username and password. How do I get around this, am I using the correct service?



Product version: IRIS 2021.1
$ZV: IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2024.1.2 (Build 398U) Thu Oct 3 2024 14:01:59 EDT
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