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Does anyone know how to get the closing tab/menu changing event in a CSP? I've tried the JS "OnBeforeUnload" already but it seems the browsers aren't allowing it anymore. I need to show a pop-up that holds the user if trying to get away before completing the stage.

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Episode 16 of Data Points features a conversation with Jeff Fried — Director of Product Management for Data Platforms at InterSystems — about what it means for InterSystems to have been named a visionary in Gartner's first-ever magic quadrant for Cloud Database Management Systems.
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The Business Case for InterSystems Ensemble

This document presents a business case for replacement of older interface engine software with our next-generation rapid integration product, Ensemble. To illustrate the business case, our primary example will be an InterSystems customer (Metro Health Corporation) that replaced its SeeBeyond eGate (now Sun SeeBeyond) interface engine with Ensemble. Other organizations also will comment on reasons for switching to Ensemble.

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I would like to ask whether there is some option to stop auto-formatting when I compile. The code is sometimes well formatted but the auto-formatter does not work correctly in some situations. I am talking about the compilation in the Studio editor in this image, not about Visual Studio Code.

Thank you in advance,

Alin C Soare.

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Anyone here know if the Implementation Partner program is still open, and if so, is there anyone we can contact to get more details? I've tried reaching out via the form on the website, I've called and left a message, and then I called and talked to someone a few weeks ago who said they would "forward my info over", but we still haven't heard back from anyone. We just want to get more info on what it entails, but can't seem to get in touch with anybody to talk about it.

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EnsLib.File.PassthroughOperation has File Name property with default value: %f_%Q%!+(_a)

The Management Portal documentation description of the property:

Name of file to output the document(s) to. May include timestamp specifiers. The %f specifier if present will be replaced with the name of the document's original source filename (stripped of characters illegal in target filenames).

See the method Ens.Util.File.CreateTimestamp() for documentation of timestamping options.

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Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Transforming HL7 V2 Messages in Health Connect
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· Jan 31 2m read
What is iris-hl7?

An App that converts HL7 messages to JSON objects. About a year ago I started a GitHub repo for collecting stuff related to HL7. Recently my team added an HL7 interface to our Interoperability Production and we were asked to persist HL7 messages. We created a Kafka topic to receive HL7 messages. We use Kafka Bridges to send messages to Kafka topics. Kafka messages are sent to the Kafka Bridge in JSON format.

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Hey Community,

Watch this video to get an introduction to the components of an HL7 V2 production in InterSystems products, which works as an integration engine to connect healthcare systems:

Introduction to HL7 V2 Productions
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· Jan 24
Request LDAP


I need to make an LDAP query to retrieve information about a specific team of employees. I have a custom service that instantiates a message of type EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Search with a filter matching the search and redirects it to an operation of type EnsLib.LDAP.Operation.Standard. I didn't get any errors, but I didn't get any results either. So I created an operation that inherits from EnsLib.LDAP.Operation.Standard and I overloaded the method to retrieve something. I get this:

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Hello and welcome to the September 2023 Developer Community Newsletter.
General Stats
161 new posts published in September:
35 new articles
40 new announcements
78 new questions
8 new discussions
217 new members joined in September
12,075 posts published all time
10,343 members joined all time
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Hi All! We have recently updated the Exploring Healthcare Analytics with InterSystems exercise to a new version. Originally from a 2021 Virtual Summit experience lab, this exercise now focuses more specifically on using InterSystems IRIS Adaptive Analytics with InterSystems IRIS for Health. It features a new and improved data model and exercise to explore. Feel free to give it a try!

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With the introduction of vector data types and the Vector Search functionality in IRIS, a whole world of possibilities opens up for the development of applications and an example of these applications is the one that I recently saw published in a public contest by the Ministry of Health from Valencia in which they requested a tool to assist in ICD-10 coding using AI models.

How could we implement an application similar to the one requested? Let's see what we would need:

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Looking to get started with generative AI? Try two brand-new learning paths. In Getting Started with Generative AI (2h 45m), learn the basics of interacting with GenAI. Then, try Developing Generative AI Applications (2h) to start developing your own GenAI application. Plus, earn badges for completing each path!

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