· Nov 28, 2016
spatial data

Hello. I am a student from Syktyvakar Forest Institute(Russia).

I need to make Research : "Databases for working with spatial data
Consider MySQL, PostgreSQL and 1 to choose from". I want to explore Cache with subject library of spatial data.


Does Someone from the developers write the libraries of spatial data?

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,663 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Hi everybody,

I have to create a pivot that shows the result comparing the last week of the current date with the last week of the last year in the same month. I tried using the function LAG, but didn´t work. Works only if I want to compare the months between the two years. If someone has some idea, i will appreciatte a lot.


Jaqueline Krieger

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· Jul 3, 2017
Way, way out of my price range

I know this may sound like sour grapes, but really it is not.

I hear all the exciting things about the up coming InterSystems Conference, and I am sure it is.

But it is way, way out of my price range, and I am sure out of the price range of most of the Cache/MUMPS developers, without company backing.

Just wondering what others think.

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0 520

Good day, I would like to find out the size of Caché ObjectScript variable in order to guarantee that my program will not leak, equally in terminal and Caché globals. For example how huge number I can store in that variable ? And what happen in Caché when variable will leak ? How is this behavior treated? (how much memory is reserved for common variable?)

Thanks in advance for your answers.

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Dear All,

I would like to block ADT_A18 and ADT_A47 HL7 2.3 messages with an empty MRG:1 field.

This is to prevent my current HL7 ADT router (Business process) sending blank Merges downstream.

I've attempted to create a business rule where this would return out the business role process. However the messages still loop though the other rules.

Any advice would be great.

Kind Regards


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0 801


I need to convert a array (JSON) in a List Of String. I think, there is some method that does it directly.

Something like that:

SAMPLES>set list = ##class(%ListOfDataTypes).$fromJSON("[""a"",""b"",""c""]")

%FromObject+21^%Library.RegisteredObject.1 *%Exception.General Compose Compose %FromObject Unable to map frm %Library.Array instance to %Library.ListOfDataTypes

I have reading about this but I don't found some trick to help me.

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Hi Community!

Please find the Developer Community video of the week:

Monitoring : Don't Turn a Drama into a Crisis
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0 311


I get always the following error when I query our FHIR repository with a specific TAG


ERROR #5002: Cache error: <INVALID OREF>zSearch+86 ^HS.FHIR.Repository.Operations.1

I've deleted rows from cache database. On the table HS_FHIR_Repository_Resource.Encounter as we had duplicate records...

Any help would be great

Kind Regards,

Joao Palma

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0 479

Hi everyone!

We have many severs (DEV, QA and LIVE) besides many other slave servers (about 133) that are running Caché instances. Before writing this utility myself, I would like to know if anyone has done it before. We need to change the SuperUser password and do other credential setups like this on all of these servers and we don't want to do it one by one.

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0 735

A few customers have seen this happen, so I thought it would be worth mentioning here on the Developer Community. This could affect users running versions between 2014.1.3 and latest who install or upgrade Wireshark. There is a bug in the Visual C++ 2013 redistributable shipped with the current Wireshark 2.2.1.

This is from Microsoft’s bug report :

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0 941

I would like to start a discussion regarding Caché Objects and Caché SQL.

It is my understanding that the creators of Caché Objects see Caché SQL as the reporting arm of Objects and as such SQL is essential to Caché Objects.

I once met a Caché Objects programmer who was writing code to $Order through the Globals because that person thought that Caché SQL was too slow and inefficient. I attempted to convince the person otherwise.

So, what say you? Is SQL essential to Caché Objects?


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Can you please tell us how to create xsl file for CCD to SDA conversion using XSLT.

What will be the prerequisites.

I have tried to create an xsl file for the given xml given belowusing XSLT transform Wizrad:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<s1 title="s1 title attr">
  <s2 title="s2 title attr">
    <s3 title="s3 title attr">Content</s3>

using the stylesheet below:

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0 1.2K

This is a translation of the following article. Thanks [@Evgeny Shvarov] for the help in translation.

This post is also available on Habrahabrru.

The post was inspired by this Habrahabr article: Interval-associative arrayru→en.

Since the original implementation relies on Python slices, the Caché public may find the following article useful: Everything you wanted to know about slicesru→en.

Note: Please note that the exact functional equivalent of Python slices has never been implemented in Caché, since this functionality has never been required.

And, of course, some theory: Interval treeru→en.

All right, let’s cut to the chase and take a look at some examples.

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0 659


I have been struggling and could use some help as I think I'm burnt. I am trying to change a Textual 2.5.1 OBX;5 with multiple iterations to a simple non-iterating outbound result. I have played around with $piece but can't seem to get it to work. The outcome I would like is for OBX;5 to look like this: |Positive| and currently it looks like this: |Positive~_~_~_~_~|. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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