Job Description

Planning, building, training, and manage (Program and Project) to convert HL7 inbound messages (coming from primarily Epic) to InterSystems FHIR.

Looking for a person who can develop (well versed in InterSystems FHIR experience), demo, train/mentor the team, manage the project.

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 19,682 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Hi Community,

Immerse yourself in our fresh video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Data Fabric Demystified - Patterns and Examples @ Global Summit 2023
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I'm wondering what the best practice is for handling %Status values within the terminal.
1. set tSC=...
    do $SYSTEM.Status.DisplayError(tSC)
2. set tSC=...
   zwrite tSC

3. An alternative?

Is there a meaningful difference between the two? Should one be used over the other for any reason? Should something else be used?

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Last Friday November 17 suddenly ran into an error where ZPM would issue an error saying:

ERROR! Object open failed because 'Name' key value of 'xx' was not found

I googled but found no specific help. Step by step I was able to conclude that:

  1. This is the error message for error 5770, also known as $$$KeyValueNotFoundOpen.

  2. In objectscript, this error can be raised by calls to NameOpen, where 'Name' is the first quoted part in the error message.

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We are running Batch job in scheduled task and the messages are picking in single session and it is not easy to trace the record.

I used the Set ..%SessionId= "" at before sending the message to BP but I see the session Id is '1' created for each message.

Is there anyother way to create new session for each message sending to BP?


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I've created an Object Gateway via the System Management Portal, and installed the following Java classes to allow connectivity between the IRIS server and RabbitMQ ...





I've used the Java Gateway wizard via Studio and compiled the java classes that this would refer to, and a quick test worked on Day 1. However, on Day 2, on trying to connect, I got this error :


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In VSCode using the InterSystems extensions, I now have an almost working environment where routines can be created or modified on disk and these are pushed to the developer's IRIS instance.

One issue I'm finding whilst testing is that if I rename or delete a routine from disk, the change isn't pushed to IRIS and I can't work out how to make this happen.

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· Jan 17
VSCode New Files

The company I work for have a repository for one of our products which already contains both InterSystems and non-InterSystems source code. I'm in the process of trying to migrate us over to using VSCode to edit the InterSystems source but am stuck on some issues surrounding the files on disk and the routines in the IRIS instance.

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I have this IRIS server, NODE1. NODE1 is a Linux server running IRIS.

To connect to IRIS on this server I:

From my PC ssh (via putty) to NODE1

From the putty session, I, "iris session <iris instance>"

I was hoping to use iristerm on my PC:

I put NODE1 into IRIS Server Manager

From my PC, I, "iristerm /server=NODE1"

I get this error message:

"TCP connect() failed"

How to get this to work?

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Customer has a connection set up to connect to an ISC sftp server but it keeps failing the connection with:

ERROR <Ens>ErrOutConnectFailed: SFTP Connect failed for'!SFTP'/PubKey=''/PrivKey=''
with error ERROR #7500: SSH Connect Error '-2146430933': SSH Error [8010102B]: Failed getting banner [FFFFFFFF8010102B] at Session.cpp:238,0

A manual connection can be made successfully and I have verified that the credentials are correct. The Connection Settings are:

SSL Configuration - !SFTP

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The 2023.1.3 extended maintenance releases of InterSystems IRIS, InterSystems IRIS for Health, and HealthShare Health Connect is now available. It provides bug fixes for any of the previous 2023.1.x releases.

You can find the detailed change lists / upgrade checklists on these pages:

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0 134

Hi everyone,

I'm facing issues uninstalling Ensemble software from my system. I've tried using the command first ensemble-2018. /instance LOCALENSEMBLE /qn REMOVE=ALL. Additionally, when I try to uninstall it through Settings > Apps and Features, it doesn't get removed and lists the app again there.

Has anyone encountered a similar problem or could provide guidance on the proper uninstallation process for Ensemble? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Hi everyone,

Does anyone know how to export projects via VSC?

I opened the project through the "InterSystems Tools" plugin (command is "Edit Code in Project") and I can correctly work on it.

However, when I try using the "ObjectScript" plugin to export the project (right click on the project -> "Export Project Contents")

This message appears and it is not possible to export the project:

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0 1.1K

When I do $TRACE("message") I can see the message on the message viewer. However, I don't know where to find messages generated from $$$sysTRACE, and I haven't found anything about it in the documentation.

Do you know where I can find it?

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Hey Developers,

Watch the latest video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Working with InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL
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· Jan 4


Im using an ORU_R01 2.3.1 message for converting to pdf. For the stylesheet, i need all the OBX segments under each OBR segment with custom table headers. Can anyone help me with the xslt?

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In the context of HL7 FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources), the terms "id" and "identifier" refer to specific elements used for identifying resources within the FHIR data model. For a newbie, these terms can be confusingly similar, but they serve distinct purposes.

Look at the below Patient resource for August T. Faulkner:

The resource has an id of “1” — generated by the FHIR server when the resource was created.
Patient August T. Faulkner also has a identifier (Medical Record Number) — possibly provided by the hospital — of 78510398960

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