· Sep 2

Embedded python still using old version of python after system upgrade


I've recently updated the python version of a linux server running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.10 (Ootpa). We have an instance 2023.1 running there, and whenever I run the $System.Pyhthon.Shell() I can see it's still pointing to the old version. From within linux, it runs the latest one (we've change all the links to the new 3.11, so no scripts are broken).

So I guess the problem comes from the fact irispython is still compiled using old python version. So, how can I do to force IRIS to use the current version on the server, or update the irispython file?


Product version: IRIS 2023.1
$ZV: IRIS for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86-64) 2023.1.1 (Build 380U) Fri Jul 7 2023 23:36:58 EDT
Discussion (3)2
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If you want to stay on 23.1, can you use RH9 or ubuntu22 iris kit? It wont be quite 3.11, but at least it wont be 3.6!

If you are saying that you took a RH8 server and made python3 symbolic link point to a poorly supported development stream of 3.9->3.10->3.11->3.12 I would be very worried if your server was actually going to stay up. Its OK to install a  "python3.11" link for experimentation but its not exactly supported like 3.6 would be on RH8.

In general you want to stay with something the OS vendor supports, and this is the way IRIS works as well. IRIS doesn't want to be in the business of telling customers to install a non default python version. IRIS doesn't ship python on UNIX and the quality group will focus the vast majority of its efforts on testing the default python of the OS.

If you must stay on RH8, you can try 24.1 and Flexible... but you would still need a support plan that lasts through deployment. Its not good to rely on a dev stream.

BTW the main iris integration is not with the python3 binary. Its with something called, which is an optional component of python. That's what "embedded" means.

