Hello dear developers,

I am currently doing an internship and learning about InterSystems IRIS and ObjectScript and have downloaded and installed the community version of IRIS.

I have not made any changes in the Management Portal.
In Visual Studio Code I have loaded the InterSystems ObjectScript Extension Pack.

If I now want to compile a file, VSC throws an error:
"ERROR #16006: Document name 'x.csp' is invalid"

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 19,684 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Hi Community,

Watch this video to see how to configure production component settings in InterSystems products to process HL7 V2 files:

Configuring a Production to Consume HL7 V2 Messages

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We resume our series of articles on the FHIR Adapter tool available to HealthShare HealthConnect and InterSystems IRIS users.

In the previous articles we have presented the small application on which we set up our workshop and showed the architecture deployed in our IRIS instance after installing the FHIR Adapter. In today's article we will see an example of how we can perform one of the most common CRUD (Create - Read - Update - Delete) operations, the reading operation, and we will do it by recovering a Resource.

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Interacting with Users in the Terminal: A Guide to Using %Library.Prompt in IRIS

Have you ever wondered how commands like ^DATABASE engage users in the terminal? Or perhaps you're writing an automation routine and want ways to specify options directly from the terminal. Thankfully, the %Library.Prompt class in IRIS offers a straightforward way to do so!

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Hi there,

I'm working on a project where I retrieve RawHL7 message(ORU R01 2.3.1) content from a database in a BPL. I've created a context object of type Enslib.HL7.Message, and I need to populate it with the contents from the RawHL7 message so that I can use this context object as source for my DTL transformation.

Does anyone have suggestions on the best approach to achieve this? I'm looking for guidance on how to efficiently transfer the data from the RawHL7 message to the context object.

Thanks in advance for your help!

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Hello Everyone,

The Certification Team of InterSystems Learning Services is developing an InterSystems IRIS Developer Professional certification exam, and we are reaching out to our community for feedback that will help us evaluate and establish the contents of this exam.

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Hi Developers,

Watch this video to learn the different roles in OAuth 2.0, scopes, tokens, important authentication flows/grant types, and more:

OAuth 2.0 Fundamentals @ Global Summit 2023

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Multi-tap or multi-press is the name given to the historic technique of writing SMS on the first mobile phones with a keyboard of 10-12 numeric keys.
For example, to type LOL you need to press 5 three times, 6 three times and 5 three times again.
Your task is to write a function that takes a string as input and returns the repeated digits associated with each character according to the multi-tap system.

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· Dec 14, 2023
LDAP Logging

I am trying to troubleshoot an issue with LDAP and a specific user. Besides what is in the Audit Database is there another way to look to see the LDAP functionality that is being called and the response, like there is with OAuth and the ISCLOG? The Audit Log is returning a failure (Unexpected - /api/atelier login failure | InterSystems Developer Community) for this particular user, and I want to get proof that it might be something with the LDAP and not IRIS.



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Hi Devs!

Recently I was impressed by @Dan Pasco's article where he shares also how he uses terminal aliases.

Terminal aliases is a very powerful tool for developers and sys admins if you often need to call some cumbersome terminal expressions and make it shorter and cleaner. Here is the documentation.

But what about Docker environments? What if you are fan of Docker dev environments but also want to keep using your favorite aliases with Docker as well?

Turned out it is very possible.

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The InterSystems Certification Team is building an InterSystems TrakCare Reports certification exam and is looking for Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) from our community to help write and review questions. You, as a valued InterSystems community member, know the challenges of working with our technology and what it takes to be successful at your job. A work assignment will typically involve writing 15 assigned questions and reviewing 15 assigned directly to you.

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I'm having a few issues with keeping Ubuntu happy and stable, and it seems to be something at the OS level rather than within IRIS itself. My thought is to simply pare back the stuff that Ubuntu LTS runs by default, which will free up system resources (which really shouldn't be a problem, but it might help) and reduce the amount that can go wrong.

Are there any guides as to what can be safely disabled at boot time, or are required to be enabled?

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Hello Community,

SQL language remains the most practical way to retrieve information stored in a database.

The JSON format is very often used in data exchange.

It is therefore common to seek to obtain data in JSON format from SQL queries.

Below you will find simple examples that can help you meet this need using ObjectScript and Python code.

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Hello Everyone,

The Certification Team of InterSystems Learning Services is in the process of developing an exam focusing on creating and working with TrakCare Integration, and we need input from our InterSystems TrakCare community. Your input will be used to evaluate and establish the contents of the exam.

How do I provide my input? We will provide a list of job tasks. You will rate them on their importance as well as other factors.

How much effort is involved? It takes about 15-20 minutes to fill out the survey.

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Hey Community,

Watch this video to learn how to use terminal aliases for InterSystems IRIS and also how to set it up with your Docker Developer Environment:

InterSystems Terminal Aliases and How To Have It In Docker Environment

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Hi Developers,

Get an overview of InterSystems IRIS in the different roles in OAuth 2.0 and the configuration menus for those roles. Watch practical demos of InterSystems IRIS in those roles and see how they connect back to OAuth 2.0 concepts:

OAuth 2.0 in Practice with InterSystems Products @ Global Summit 2023

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In 2021, I participated as an InterSystems mentor in a hackathon, where a newcomer to FHIR asked me if there was a tool to transform generic JSON data containing basic patient information into FHIR format. I informed her that I didn't know anything like that, unfortunately.

But that idea stays in my mind...

Several months later, in 2022, I came up with an idea to experiment: to train a named entity recognition (NER) to identify FHIR elements into generic texts. The training involved synthetic FHIR data generated by Synthea and the spaCy Python library.

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I am exporting data from Cache using the SQL export wizard. This is on a docker image of Cache hosted on a Linux server.

I select my database, schema, and table, make sure that all columns are being exported, check other settings, and then finish the export.

All server settings look correct and permissions are rwe on the directory. I have tried various directories, including a system level directory. I tried creating the file before I do the export in case there was an issue with creating the files, and I also made sure the created files had rwe permisisons.

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