· Oct 28, 2024

How to print selected rows in a detail listing in a pivot table

Hi, I'm new to the Analytics world in Intersystems and was attempting to print and/or export selected rows from a detail listing in a pivot on a dashboard.  I am able to print and/or export all the rows; but if I select a specific set of rows, it prints out the entire detail listing; not the selected rows. Please advise on the best approach to accomplish this task.  Thanks.

Product version: IRIS 2022.1
$ZV: HealthShare Unified Care Record 2022.1.0 Build: 1006 [HealthShare Modules: Health Insight:23.0 + Core:23.0 + Patient Index:23.0] - IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2021.1.2 (Build 336_0_21564U) Tue Apr 12 2022 12:13:45 EDT [Health Insight:23.0|Core:23.0|Patient
Discussion (2)2
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Hi DJ,

Do the rows you want to print have something in common? If so (for example, if you want to print all the rows for customers in a particular city), you could add that characteristic (e.g. City) to the cube as a level if it isn't already one, and then either filter the pivot table to the City member you're interested in, or add the City level to rows/columns and select cells corresponding to the city you want to view the listing for. Then you should be able to see a listing that only has the data you're interested in, and print or export its results.

The check-boxes in the listing are mainly useful if you are working with a custom action, but that probably isn't the direction I would recommend you go if you are starting out with IRIS BI.