· Jan 29 2m read
Get familiar with FHIR

🔥 Curious about the FHIR standard that everyone's talking about?

📚 Read on for a brief introduction, then try a brand-new learning path to get more in-depth knowledge!

The HL7® FHIR® standard has revolutionized the way healthcare developers take on the challenges of data interoperability. FHIR allows healthcare systems to exchange information seamlessly, and patient data can be consolidated in real time, regardless of where it's stored.

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 19,560 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!


First of all thanks for your help, time, and answers.

We would like to know what are we doing wrong and how could we improve it and fix it.

We need to convert the Api Monitor Metrics which are a String with this format:

iris_cache_efficiency 13449.122
iris_cpu_pct{id="CSPDMN"} 0
iris_cpu_pct{id="ECPWorker"} 0


iris_wdwij_time 11
iris_wd_write_time 8
iris_wij_writes_per_sec 0


We would expect them to look like a normal JSON as follows:

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Hi, I was working with %sStream.FileBynary and following the doc when I find an info that I'm not sure of.
In the part of the doc where it talks about saving streams, it does not precise where it is saved.
I tried to fill my stream, then rewind, then set the file and finally saved.
And it puts in my default directory with the temporary name.
If I do a zwrite of my stream, I get these properties about the file and directory.
(StoreFile) = ""
(NormalizedDirectory) = "C:\InterSystems\Community\mgr\user\stream\"

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The goal is to identify programmatically all SOURCE namespaces on a server to which the routines are mapped. In the example below from the Namespaces page in Management Portal the answer would be USER. But some other namespaces on the same server could be mapped to a different namespace or even mapped to itself.

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We are experimenting with IIS, as the PWS will be gone in newer versions.

The code which is executed, takes 15ms to run. If we execute it through PWS (REST), there is some overhead and the total execution time is 40ms, which is acceptable. However, if we go through IIS, it takes 150ms or sometimes even more.

Both PWS and IIS are running on the same server as IRIS in this case. No optimisations have been done on IIS.

Any suggestions on where to look/what to optimize on IIS?

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· Feb 28
Installation hangs

I had some issues with my install so I tried removing the software using Windows Add/Remove programs but it just froze. It messed up my install and now I can't access the SMP.

I tried reinstalling using the same commands I did on first install but it froze again. There were no logs in the installdir that was created. Windows log just shows install started.

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Hello everyone, could you please advise me on how to solve this error :
ERROR #6085: Unable to write to socket with SSL/TLS configuration 'HTTPSCert', error reported 'SSL/TLS error in SSL_connect(), SSL_ERROR_SSL: protocol error, error:1408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number' + ERROR #6034: SMTP server connection failed during init command: <READ>GetResponse+5^%Net.SMTP.1.
my SSL config :

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Enhanced Password Management: Edit Passwords Seamlessly

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital security, robust password management tools have become indispensable. Our password management application, designed to simplify and secure your online life, now comes with an enhanced feature – the ability to edit passwords with ease.

Why is this feature a game-changer?

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InterSystems announces its third preview, as part of the developer preview program for the 2024.1 release. This release will include InterSystems IRIS®, InterSystems IRIS® for HealthTM, and HealthShare® Health Connect.

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01/10/24-09:00:54:225 (14316) 2 [Utility.Event] ISCLOG: HttpRequest Error while reading from web server $ZE=<EXTERNAL INTERRUPT>zRead+28^%Net.HttpRequest.1 ns=BDHEALTH rtn=%Net.HttpRequest.1
01/10/24-09:00:58:210 (5096) 2 [Utility.Event] ISCLOG: HttpRequest Error while reading from web server $ZE=<EXTERNAL INTERRUPT>zRead+28^%Net.HttpRequest.1 ns=BDHEALTH rtn=%Net.HttpRequest.1

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I have written an in network single web page containing a jquery datatable. I want to add the "href" tag to link the Terminal window based on the IP.

Below is a list of failed attempts to make this work.

W " <td><a href=""javascript:pass('"_PASS_"|"_IP_"|"_USER_"|"_PORT_"')"">Terminal</a></td>"


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Hi Developers,

Tap to watch the brand new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Using InterSystems Reports for Insight @ Global Summit 2023
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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Hi Team,

Is there any way to disable all operation ( or services) in a production entirely?

For example when restoring from one HealthShare environment to another we may need to get the configs (IP, port, ssl etc ) updated before staring the operation. We set the production autostart to disabled but still need to disable the operation one by one if we want to start production without operations enabled.

Thank you for your help.

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· Apr 11
Delete the reference MEMORY

So as asked, I am not talking about KILL - KILL as stated in the docs:

This command removes the variable. If there are no further references to the object, this command also removes the object from memory,

I want to remove the object from memory even if it is still referenced in memory - I understand that cache is not a low-level programming language, But i was hoping there is a way.

Notice that have a RegisteredObject and it is a single reference, It is different than the UnSwizzles suggested in other posts.

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0 151

Hi Guys,

I'm new to IRIS and I'm converting from Ensemble 2018 to IRIS but not sure how to convert my file to IRIS.dat, I copied my to a new folder then went to IRIS management portal and created a new database and specified the directory to where my and saved and I thought that IRIS will automatically convert cache.dat to IRIS.dat but instead it created a new empty IRIS.dat, I guess I was wrong in my assumptions !?

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00:41:54.088:Ens.Director: Queued messages are being saved in the suspended production.
00:41:54.089:Ens.Director: Production 'MemberBPL.MemberProduction' suspended.

I have created the business service, process and operations and message was going through service to operation but some message got queued that'swhy production is not stopping correctly. neither it's deleting not it's stopping fully.

I have also trying purging data under manage production.

Please help me here.... how i can delete this production. ??

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Hi all,
Does anyone have experience with obtaining logs from Caché databases and parsing them now? Please leave me a message.

I ask because my project involves some hospitals that used Caché when creating databases over 10 years ago. Currently, we cannot replace the database, but we need to check and parse the database logs from the Caché.


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Artificial intelligence (AI) has transformative potential for driving value and insights from data. As we progress toward a world where nearly every application will be AI-driven, developers building those applications will need the right tools to create experiences from these applications. Tools like vector search are essential for enabling efficient and accurate retrieval of relevant information from massive datasets when working with large language models.

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