· Feb 13, 2020
Cache Unit Test with jenkins

Hi, everybody,

I've been reading some posts in the community but I haven't been able to come to a conclusion. Here's my point.

I have a cache code, and following this guide but I can't understand how to run this from jenkins for example, without using the console, and thus automate the process. That is to say, if it were possible to do it, what steps should I follow.

Thank you very much

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 17,844 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

I understand RecordMaps can be used to send delimited files through a production without custom coding. The data segments are delimited by tilde character followed by $Char(10) in Linux/Unix. When I test the same IO data in Windows, I have $Char(13) and $Char(10) instead of just $Char(10). I like to use just tilde character for record delimiter and ignore $Char(13) and $Char(10) between the tilde and the leading data of the next segment / record. Is this good idea or not if someone wants to generate classes will it override code?

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I've recently encountered a HS Caché that won't start informing that Collation 30 is not available, but I have not found an easy way of knowing what collation is 30.

I've found that the following command returns the ones from the current locale, but not from all locales:

Set Rset = ##class(%ResultSet).%New("%Library.Collate:CollationList")

d Rset.Execute()

While (Rset.Next()) {zw Rset.Number_": "_Rset.Name}

Thank you

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I'm not sure what the purpose of this is, but the Management Console causes the browser to refresh periodically. If you're in a form or an editor such as the DTL or Routing Rule editors, you may lose work unless you save frequently. This did not occur in Caché 2018 and earlier releases.

I've had a couple of incidents where I've created a number of rules in the DTL editor, answered the phone or stepped away for a few minutes, then come back to find any work since the last save erased.

I've noticed this in both 2019 and 2020 releases of IRIS.

Heads up!

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Hi Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Machine Learning 301: Learning from Text
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· Aug 30, 2018
Machine Learning 101 Presentation

View Machine Learning 101 recording at:

In addition to our webinar on machine learning (, we are pleased to announce a basic introduction to machine learning presentation that provides an overview of the basic algorithms by @Don Woodlock, InterSystems VP of HealthShare Platforms.

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Hi all — we're excited to release the first three episodes of the all-new Data Points podcast! The video below contains a short highlight from each episode, but head over to to check out all three and subscribe on your favorite podcast app! In the coming days, we will share individual posts for each episode, to allow for further discussion. Feel free to let us know your thoughts, comments, questions, and suggestions for future topics!
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We would like help to know why our web service which gets Patient's ID number, does not accept messages?

We observe its Event Log, and it contains the following pattern:

We detail each log to give info to discover what's happening:

First there is a new connection:

Then it suddenly disconnects

After that it looks like the service restarts:

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0 610

will InterSystems fix the Transaction-Handling for the .Net Connection Provider?

Nor the Property IsTransactionAcvtive nor TransactionLevel is set on the Connection when using BeginTransaction.

Latest PreView will give me problem as InterSystems removed removed the TStart() Option to create the Transaction that way which gave back a TransactionObject whith working versions...

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1 286


For many routines we write, we utilize a global we name ^HITLIST($JOB,"routineName") as temporary storage as needed. For various reasons this gets junked up and we are at a point where we need to do some routine garbage collection.

The idea is to write a utility that looks at all the ^HITLIST($JOB) nodes, check if the job is currently running and if it isn't then we can issues the KILL command on ^HITLIST($JOB).

0 7
1 804

I am looking to run some analysis on existing software to quickly identify global variable references. Ideally you would feed in a "starting routine" and after going through all referenced routines you would end up with a finite set of global variables. So the primary purpose is to take say 10,000 lines of code and map out the referenced global structures without relying on a programmers eye. I found the post on Object Script equivalent to Studio "Find in Files" interesting but the downside is that output is too verbose and would require parsing to extract the global structures. How would you override writing to the terminal so that you could parse the data?

0 4
0 816


I have a SQL Query using %iFind.Highlight which returns text highlighting certain words and phrases. %iFind.Highlight seems to remove cr/lf from the returned text.

Here's my query

ClassMethod Search(pSessionId As %String, pSearchString As %String) As %String
set tTags="<span style='background-color:yellow;'>"
SELECT %iFind.Highlight(Text , :pSearchString , , :tTags) into :results
FROM SSA_OCR.TempSearchable where sessionId = :pSessionId)
quit results

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0 292

Hi Community,

The new video is available on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Collecting Healthcare Data with Alexa
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0 272

We have multiple databases running on a single server. I have duplicate interfaces on each database.

If we're doing testing in copy #1, the interfaces should be running in that copy. I want to block analysts who try to start the interfaces in copy #2.

So, I'm looking for something that would check the port and tell me the status: already in use or free.

My challenge is that this system needs to stay ISO/ANSI compliant.... so I can't use any of the newer tricks.
Is there any plain-old Cache' I could use for this task?

0 13
0 283

Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube, recorded by @Stefan Wittmann:

⏯ Supporting All Tools for Development in InterSystems IRIS
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AnalyzeThis is a tool for getting a personalized preview of your own data inside of InterSystems BI. This allows you to get first hand experience with InterSystems BI and understand the power and value it can bring to your organization. In addition to getting a personalized preview of InterSystems BI through an import of a CSV file with your data, Classes and SQL Queries are now supported as Data Sources in v1.1.0!

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0 560


We would like to submit a JSON using Ensemble. Here we have the JSON structure:

"app_id": "e47322de-64c8-43c5-a1b7-42aa6409eb48",
"headings": {"en":"Cita Atencion Primaria","es":"Cita Atencion Primaria"},
"subtitle": {"en":"C.P. ISORA","es":"C.P. ISORA"},
"contents": {"en": "Next appointment", "es": "Siguiente cita"},
"centro": "C.P. ISORA",

"fecha": "yyyy/mm/dd",

"hora": "hh:mm",

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0 738
· Feb 6, 2020
Opening Files Within A BPL

I have two files that I ultimately need to combine. The first file contains data from a PO. The second file contains tracking information. What I thought about doing was create a BS that grabs the first file, loads it into a record map and transfers it to a BPL. Then, the BPL would open the second file where I would write code to load the file into a second record map and then insert the tracking information to the correct places in the first file based on PO line items.

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1 261

I am developing a viewer for Crystal Reports using the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio (CR13SP26). I have also installed the latest ODBC Drivers for Cache, but when I connect some reports to the Cache database using a connection string, I get an error that I failed to retrieve data from the database, and it reports the Database Vendor Code 30. Has anyone used Crystal Reports connecting via a connection string and received this error? If so, how did you correct it?

Thank you,

Brian Cromwell

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I am wondering the best way to disable a user account using this class in Cache (Security.Users).

Example User Account = jhipp

Currently is Enabled

I know that we can use the auto-generated EnabledGetStored method, for example:

%SYS> w ##class(Security.Users).EnabledGetStored("jhipp")

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