I am currently evaluating Source Control systems that we can use for both MS SQL, MS Visual Studio, and InterSystems IRIS. For both MS SQL and MS Visual Studio we do have the option of either Azure or GitHub. I understand when we upgrade to IRIS 2019.1 we have options for Source Control, and in previous Global Summit's I have heard GitHub discussed. So why can't I user GitHub for both MS SQL/MS Visual Studio and IRIS?

A couple of questions come to mind starting to think about Source Control

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,565 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!
· Dec 24, 2020 1m read
Output to JSON - Date Internal Format

There are couple of options to do this.

1. You can extend your class &JSON.Adaptor, it will do it for you with inbuilt logicaldtodisplay methods

2. Create another request class and do your transformations

3. Before calling the json convert to stream methods, transform the object's field with a ZDT.


I have an extremely simple example where there is a class with 3 properties

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Hi Developers,

Thanks to all who participated in our competition for your awesome ideas of applications that can be developed in 2021. See what a great list of ideas you all created! Now it's time to announce the winner:

Meet the Author of the Best Idea: @Yuri Marx 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Congratulations!

💡 Yuri's idea: "HTML 5/Node.js documentation generator app, based in markdown and with the option to execute ObjectScript class methods like a developer portal. It is not to swagger API, but to Object Script".

Yuri gets our special prize: a personalized handmade leather wallet.

See the complete list of ideas in the comments to this post. You are very welcome to leave more of your ideas! We hope this list will bring inspiration to all of you.

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Hi Developer!

During the last 4 days of the year, December 28-31, 2020, the price in points for these rewards will be changed:

JBL Clip*: 8000 points instead of 12 000 points (only 2 left!)
Socks: 800 points instead of 1200 points
Car Phone Mount: 800 points instead of 1 700 points
Any 1,5 hour consultation on InterSystems product: 3 000 points instead of 5 000 points
Certification Voucher*: 8 000 points instead of 10 000 points

🏃🏼Hurry up to redeem your prize!

Even if you are not a Global Masters member yet, but you made posts/comments on DC, or you have an application on Open Exchange - visit Global Masters to check your points, as they automatically adjusted for all your contributions.

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Hi Developers,

This post is a compilation of Top Authors, Top Experts and Top Opinion Makers of the InterSystems Developer Community in 2019. And it is a good guide "Who to Follow" in 2020.

We're glad to present these people who have contributed a lot to our community in 2019.

Let's take a closer look at the DC Wall of Fame 2019 and greet everyone with big applause! 👏🏼

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Hi all,

I added an additional shard node to an existing shard by accident.

After the add, it can not be removed and query from the master shard now fails. I did not find any data from shard master in the shard node.

How to recover it and remove the shard node from the shard master?


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Good day, Developer Community!

As you know we have Company listings on Open Exchange. It lets publishing Open Exchange applications on behalf of companies so one can check which solutions in certain industries are being provided by companies.

Sometimes people are also looking for qualitative and proven implementation or consulting services on InterSystems products: IRIS, Caché, Ensemble, or HealthShare.

And recently we introduced a new option on Open Exchange to list the services your company provides related to InterSystems technology: implementation, consulting etc.

How to do that?

Open your company profile in the Services tab and create a service. Choose the type of service and give a description of what the service is about and why it is worth ordering it. Instructions.

Then publish the service by sending it for approval.

Screenshot 2020-09-21 at 16 24 36

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· Dec 27, 2020 2m read
Secure IRIS Digital Services

The InterSystems IRIS has two major paths to a digital service: API/Web Service into Interoperability module and multimodel Database/Analytics. Each of them has your security configuration.

To do API security you apply an OAuth or JWT plug-in to the API endpoint. So in the Admin Portal, API producer and consumers get the keys to authenticate the API and consume it. The Admin Portal allows you configure RBAC policies too.

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Hey Developers,

This week is a voting week for the InterSystems Analytics Contest! So, it's time to give your vote to the best solutions built with InterSystems IRIS.

🔥 You decide: VOTING IS HERE 🔥

How to vote?

Please meet the new voting engine and algorithm for the Experts and Community nomination:

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The InterSystems IRIS has a very nice container class to allows you have your Dashboards as classes source code. It is %DeepSee.UserLibrary.Container.

With this class is possible group all your dashboard and pivot table definitions.

This is useful to automatically create your dashboards when you build your docker project and other automation scenarios.


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Today, is important analyze the content into portals and websites to get informed, analyze the concorrents, analyze trends, the richness and scope of content of websites. To do this, you can alocate people to read thousand of pages and spend much money or use a crawler to extract website content and execute NLP on it. You will get all necessary insights to analyze and make precise decisions in a few minutes.

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· Dec 23, 2020
Global ^Errors growing fast

Hello guys.

Can anyone help me about Global ^Errors? Only in 1 specific namespace is it growing fastly. It grows from 2 to 3 Gb per hour when all services are active. Which commands exactly do this? In another similar namespaces, there is not that Global in the class list.


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Hi guys!

I'd like to present you my new project: iris-analytics-notebook, a notebook approach to use IRIS analytics capabilities.

Project description

In past few years, notebooks tools like Jupyter are gaining popularity due its natural way to express ideias.

An almost unipresent tool for data scientists, notebook can also help to improve the impact of analytics tools for all sort of users.

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