InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,561 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

In this article you will have access to the curated base of articles from the InterSystems Developer Community of the most relevant topics to learning InterSystems IRIS. Find top published articles ranked by Machine Learning, Embedded Python, JSON, API and REST Applications, Manage and Configure InterSystems Environments, Docker and Cloud, VSCode, SQL, Analytics/BI, Globals, Security, DevOps, Interoperability, Native API. Learn and Enjoy!

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Hi all,

I have a requirement to periodically poll a URL to fetch some XML data based on a list of query data, lets say every hour, and map what's returned to HL7 then send downstream, I mostly have everything contained within a business process and DTL but I'm lacking a way of invoking the process every X minutes,

The client has a prefence for as much as possible to be done via out of the box components in the standard HL7 model of "Service --> Process/Rule/DTL --> Operation" within the Web UI,

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One of the most important tasks of dashboards is, on the one hand, to help you perceive data in an aggregated form, and, on the other hand, not to lose the depth of immersion in the data if you need this. One of the tools that help us achieve this result is drill down. It enables us to display several hierarchical levels of data, from aggregated to detailed.

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Hi Community

I have created a simple package that allows the use of Cache with the Laravel Framework.

From my initial testing everything seems to be operating smoothly but I would like to appeal to the PHP users in the community to help me improve this package.

For those of you out there who have time and would be interested in this, please visit the repo at

Thanks in advance

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· Aug 9, 2022
Comparisons in DTLs

Is there a way to compare the value in a source field against all of the values in a repeating field? For example, we have multiple DG1 target segments populated. Is there an easy way to check a source DG1 segments against all of the target DG1 segments? I didn't know if there is a wild card I can use for the comparison.

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I have a question regarding SQL insert/update from the mananger portal's SQL window.

I am trying to do an insert with a value that contains multiple spaces ($32) between two words. This is needed for a comparative reason. But the spaces are automatically trimmed away all the time. How should I write to keep these?


Insert into TableA
(MyColumn) Values('xxxx yyyy')

then the spaces are trimmed away and it becomes: 'xxxx yyyy'

But I want to keep the spaces. How do I get around the problem?


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Does anyone have experience with CircleCI or really any automation tool using %UnitTest?

I have built my app and ran my unit test in a Docker container automated by CircleCI. However, after many of the tests failed I see:

How do you halt out of the IRIS session and return an exit code to the shell?

I have a script in my repo that I pass into IRIS after CircleCI does the code checkout

iris session IRIS < inFile

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Hi ,

When I use jdbc driver to query the column info ,the "REMARKS" field always show the same as the "COLUMN_NAME" field.

When I use the sql "select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns a where a.table_name='some table name ' " to query columns info,there has a "DESCRIPTION" field ,the value is some comment for the current field.

So is there anyway to return the description to the jdbc remarks field? And is there anyway to update the desciption or remarks field? Or is there some other way that I don't know to manage column comment info?

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· Aug 12, 2022
Password requirements

Many password requirements can be enforced using a password validation routine which is available to implement in System Management Portal. But how about this one:

Check that at least 50% of the characters changed from old password to new password.

We need to have access to the old password to check this, currently password validation routine only gets the new password.

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Hi Community,

In April 2022 InterSystems participated as a Gold Sponsor in MIT Hacking Medicine GrandHack – MIT's annual flagship hackathon introducing healthcare challenges to be solved by engineers, clinicians, designers, developers, and business people. This year we introduced the "Best Use of InterSystems FHIR Services" challenge (read more here) and awarded prizes to the three winning teams.

⏯ Sharing this recap video from MIT Hacking Medicine GrandHack so you could also catch the vibe of the event!
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Hey Developers,

Don't miss this hands-on session hosted by @Don Woodlock, Vice President of InterSystems Healthcare:

Machine Learning 201 - Neural Networks and Image Recognition
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I am trying to investigate whether the SAM component will give us metrics that we are looking for when it comes to # of messages, etc... I have IRIS 2022.1 running on Red Hat 8, but noticed that SAM was bundled as a docker-compose image. REL 8 doesn't install docker off the bat, but has podman which reading podman 3 versions and later, I should be able to call docker-compose.yml images. After installing Apache and making some modifications to docker-compose.yml, I tried executing the script after verifying podman was running and podman-compose was installed.

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InterSystems is currently seeking full stack developers to join our healthcare development teams. Strong software design and development skills are required. Developers work with their scrum teams to scope, design, plan, and implement features to support healthcare systems globally. You will further develop skills such as database schema design, performance monitoring, working in client-side frameworks, and clean object-oriented coding.

In addition to industry-standard coding languages and frameworks, our stack leverages a full suite of InterSystems technologies. The IRIS data platform and database-coupled language give us access to the entire technology stack down to the compilers and database structures.

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0 443

Hi all

I'm testing migrating our existing installers (without ZPM) using the docker dev template as a basis with a commercial image and licence key.

So far everything builds as I expect, but the one issue I have is the production doesn't apply itself automatically.

In my iris.script I have custom installer that uses this manifest below but it does not observe the last three steps

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I have tried to install the module git-source-control into my USER namespace, but get the following error.

ERROR! ObjectScript error: SQL error(s) have occurred during the running of the 'statsINFO()' method. Invoke the following method for additional details: set errID=##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).getPToolsError(...) WHERE errRowID={2763|2764}>
> ERROR #6084: Unknown errors detected, but no error code reported

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· Dec 19, 2016
HL7 Section to JSON

Hi all,

I'm trying to convert a HL7 section to a XML or JSON string.

We need to save the content of PID section into a SQL Column, therefore we need to convert it into a XML o JSON string

is there any easy way to convert it?

I've tried to convert it directly into a DTL, but all my attempts have been unsuccessful

Best regards,

Francisco Lopez

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· Aug 8, 2022
FHIR Package Loading Sadness

Im playing whack a mole importing an IG (which is a fairly typical exercise with fhir packages) through FHIR packages, and getting at some parts I cant seem to work around with some store errors...

Im getting MAXSTRING on `hl7.terminology.r4`:

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