InterSystems Official
· Apr 14, 2023

IKO (InterSystems Kubernetes Operator) 3.5 Release Announcement

InterSystems Kubernetes Operator (IKO) 3.5 is now Generally Available.  IKO 3.5 adds significant new functionality along with numerous bug fixes.  Highlights include:

  • Simplified setup of TLS across the Web Gateway, ECP, Mirroring, Super Server, and IAM
  • The ability to run container sidecars along with compute or data nodes – perfect for scaling web gateways with your compute nodes.
  • Changes to the CPF configmap and IRIS key secret are automatically processed by the IRIS instances when using IKO 3.5 with IRIS 2023.1 and up.
  • The initContainer is now configurable with both the UID/GID and image.
  • IKO supports topologySpreadConstraints to let you more easily control scheduling of pods
  • Compatibility Version to support a wider breadth of IRIS instances
  • Autoscale of compute nodes (Experimental)
  • IKO is now available for ARM


Follow the Installation Guide for guidance on how to download, install, and get started with IKO.  The complete IKO 3.5 documentation gives you more information about IKO and using it with InterSystems IRIS and InterSystems IRIS for Health.  IKO can be downloaded from the WRC download page (search for Kubernetes).  The container is available from the InterSystems Container Registry.

IKO simplifies working with InterSystems IRIS or InterSystems IRIS for Health in Kubernetes by providing an easy-to-use irisCluster resource definition. See the documentation for a full list of features, including easy sharding, mirroring, and configuration of ECP.

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