· Oct 10, 2022
hs_err_pid log files

Hi Guys,

I'm getting a lot of hs_err_pid.mdmp & hs_err_pis.txt error files in the path where Cache.DAT in located and as I googled these seems to be Java error files and I'm wondering what this has to do with Ensemble, and is it alright to just delete them?


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First of all thanks for your time, thoughts, teaching and help:

We wonder how could we get the metrics from http://[Ip]:[Port]/api/monitor/metrics and use them in Kibana to chart statistics.

We would like to ask you how do you use the api monitor metrics, and as a second question, how would you suggest to utilize them in a third party software as Kibana to chart them.

We have thought to do the following:

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Our 3M Computer Assisted Coding system goes down on a regular basis for updates, the Applications folks like us to Disable the Business Operations when this happens and start them back up when they page the on-call person. The Business Operations have to be started in a sequence to guarantee that all the ADT being sent it processed before we start sending everything else.

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Hi Team,

We are facing an issue connecting to a remote Cache DB server using CacheODBC 2018 on the client side.

The connection works fine without SSL on the Cache server, but when SSL is enabled, we are getting the below error - "Failed to load cconnect executable!, SQL state 08S01 in SQLConnect"

Also, the connection works fine when the PHP script is run through CLI on client server, but fails with the above error when the script invoked from a client browser.

Could you please help us with any pointers in resolving the issue?

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I know little about SOAP security and am trying to apply a WS-Policy to a simple HL7 web service, but when I do I get object script errors.

The most latest one being:

ObjectScript error: <UNDEFINED>zValidateTransport+4^%SOAP.Security.Policy.1 *%request

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I have a .NET based web application and would like to front end it with an Iris4Health server, ie possible using the CSP or web application url's to reoute to the requests into the docker container. Kinda of like a reverse proxy but using Iris for health. Is the external language server a good use for this or is that only for direct interaction with I4H?

I know you can create a custom container with the app copied into it, but not sure if that is the best way.

Any suggestions on how I could accomplish this would be appreciated.

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How to send the HL7 Batch messages over a SOAP webservice which takes 3 credentials(Username, Password& Org.ID) using IRIS Management Portal V 2019.1?

WSDL xsd : element - 1.Username , 2.Password ,3.Org.ID ,4.HL7 Message.

Info I had -

Source is CSV File will be translated to HL7 using data Transformations. All the transformed messages need to be sent to destination System through SOAP request as a single Batch File.

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I have a question regarding the Intersystems Caché Database and its jdbc driver. I need to set the connection timeout for the database, but I couldn't find any documentation stating that the jdbc driver for Caché supports setting the connection timeout. However, I noticed that the jdbc driver for the Intersystems Iris Database appears to support this feature.

My question is, can I use the Iris jdbc driver to set the connection timeout for the Caché Database?

The jdbc driver I use: cache-jdbc-2.0.0.jar

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Our team is working on building dashboard for internal reference and monitoring.

We would like to have details like Interface Name, Current Status, Last Messages Processed at, IP & Port, Serve/Instance/Production Environment name etc.

If there is any built-in service which we can utilize or any pre-compiled code that we can utilize to build such dashboard.

At this moment want to keep it basic, but moving forward will enhance with more advance features.

Please suggest, any help will be appreciated.



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I recently created a new foundation namespace in my IRIS for Health instance. I am noticing that Registry entries such as the Service and XUA registries (HS.Registry.Service.SOAP and HS.IHE.XUA.Config) from my previously created foundation namespace are not available in my new namespace. Is there a setting that controls this, or is there a way to map these registry values to my new namespace? Other developers I talked with on my team expected these registry entries available to all namespaces and were surprised when I reported they were not.

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I restore the “dirty” copy of the IRIS.DAT files, then apply the incremental backup as documented for Online Backup. As shown in the picture, restarting the service before mounting and rejoining the database to the mirror can restore the mirror database to the point in time of dirty data. I think the mount method used here is the default value, and I don't want it to perform mirrorcatchup. Is there any other way to recover the mirrored database to the point in time of dirty data?

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In HealthShare, we can add any new application that will show up in the left menu of the viewer. I am trying to add new navigation entries that will look like 'patient search' popup.

- Is Intersystems sharing its HealthShare style? They are using material tags, but it looks very different that the default material themes. I probably can pick up the style, but perhaps there is an official way.
- Is there a way to do a popup like patient search? So far I see, a new option is associated to an url not some javascript code?

Thank you for your help.

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Hello, I'm using the InterSystems IRIS connector for Power BI to connect to our Iris for Health database, using Direct Query.

I have a column [Company] which is datatype bigint, and as far as I can tell the data is 2 for most (or all?) records.

When I bring the data into Power BI, every row shows as NULL (I think it should be 2 for most)

= Table.SelectRows(Table, each [Company] <> null and [Company] <> "")

-- removes all rows

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