Hello, everyone,

Now that Virtual Summit 2020 is over, we'd like to remind everyone that we would still love to hear your input on Certification topics via a very brief survey - less than 8 minutes. You can even indicate if you would like to be a Subject Matter Expert for us in the future and what kinds of incentives you'd like to receive to do so.

Please let us know your thoughts:



Jamie Kantor, Certification Manager

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Hey Developers,

See how InterSystems IRIS Adaptive Analytics can be used to aggregate and query billions of records from a virtual cube, applying machine learning and analytics to that data.

InterSystems IRIS Adaptive Analytics in Action

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Hello, there!

Just a "last call" for anyone who wanted a free certification exam attempt at InterSystems Virtual Summit 2020. Today is the last day that we will accept requests. If you'd like a free attempt and haven't yet requested one, please do it today.

Thanks, and thanks for joining us at Virtual Summit 2020.

Friendly regards,

Jamie Kantor, Certification Manager

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Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video recorded by @Evgeny Shvarov on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Developing InterSystems IRIS solution using GitHub Codespaces

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Get your hands on our technology with On-Demand Experience Labs available now through November 6th. Each lab is paired with an office hour session scheduled for this week. Learn more about how you can get hands-on with our technology.

Join the office hours to get answers your questions about the labs, talk about how the technology fits into your environment, and discuss implementation. Sign up for the Office Hours/On-Demand Experience Labs today. The labs have gotten great reviews so far!

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Hi Developers!

Here're the technology bonuses for the InterSystems Interoperability Contest that will give you extra points in the voting:

  • Business Process BPL or Business Rule DTL Usage
  • Custom Interoperability Adapter Usage
  • Production EXtension(PEX) Java or .NET usage
  • Workflow Engine usage
  • ZPM Package deployment
  • Docker container usage

See the details below.

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Hey Developers,

Learn about InterSystems Reports, powered by Logi Analytics, a report-generation tool that enables you to rapidly create and view visual reports of your data.

A Look at InterSystems Reports

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Hi Community!

We are pleased to invite all the developers to the upcoming InterSystems Interoperability Contest Kick-off Webinar! The topic of this webinar is dedicated to the Interoperability Contest.

In this webinar, we will talk about the interoperability capabilities of InterSystems IRIS, will do a demo of building the basic IRIS interoperability solution, and demo how to use the PEX. Also, we’ll discuss and answer the questions on how to build interoperability solutions using InterSystems IRIS and IRIS for Health.

Date & Time: Monday, November 2 — 10:00 AM EDT

🗣 @Stefan Wittmann, InterSystems Product Manager
🗣 @Eduard Lebedyuk, InterSystems Sales Engineer
🗣 @Evgeny Shvarov, InterSystems Developer Ecosystem Manager

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Hi Community!

Watch a demonstration of Production Extension Framework (PEX) in InterSystems IRIS that uses a Kafka integration as an example:

PEX: Production Extension Framework Demo

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· Oct 28, 2020
InterSystems Certification Survey

Hello Everyone,

We are working on growing the InterSystems Certification program, and would like to gather some input from the community.

Please participate in this brief 6-minute survey to share your thoughts with us regarding the new certification exams we have planned and other program improvements that we are considering.

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· Oct 28, 2020
New Video: ZPMshow Demo

Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video recorded by @Robert Cemper on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

ZPMshow Demo

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Hey Developers,

We remind you about a great opportunity to make a live conversation with InterSystems Product Managers Team on Live Q&A Sessions at Virtual Summit 2020!

🗓 TODAY at 12:40 PM EDT at https://intersystems.6connex.com/event/virtual-summit/en-us/contents/434...

And now we've added more options to make it even easier for you to ask questions upfront:

✅ Submit your questions in the comments to this post

✅ Submit your question to our Discord Channel: discord.gg/WqVjtD

✅ Submit your questions to VS2020questions@InterSystems.com

✅ Send your question personally to @Anastasia Dyubaylo or @Evgeny Shvarov in Direct Messages on the community

✅ Submit your question to Q&A Chat on the conference platform during the session

Note: We will pass all your questions to the PM team, and you'll receive answers during the Live Q&A Sessions.

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Hi Developers,

InterSystems is offering a new and easy challenge as part of Global Summit 2020. As you know IRIS Data Platform 2020.4 and IRIS for Health 2020.4 are now in preview release. We are looking to improve the developer experience in migrating from earlier 2020 container release(s) of these products to the 2020.4 preview release.

We invite you to complete a survey and get 7000 points on Global Masters🎁

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Hey Community,

We're pleased to invite you all to the Virtual Summit 2020 session dedicated to InterSystems online programming contests, best winning projects, and their developers! Please join:

⚡️ "Best applications of InterSystems programming contest series: Best IntegratedML, FHIR, REST API, Native API, ObjectScript solutions" session ⚡️

Please check the details below.

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Hi Developers,

If you are planning to attend the Focus Sessions of InterSystems Virtual Summit 2020, please do not miss the session dedicated to InterSystems Developer Community and Open Exchange!

⚡️ "Developer Ecosystem: Developer Community forum and Open Exchange applications gallery" session ⚡️

🗣 @Anastasia Dyubaylo, Community Manager, InterSystems
🗣 @Evgeny Shvarov, Startups and Community Manager, InterSystems

What awaits you?

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Hey Developers,

Don't miss the new exciting promo video from our Brazilian developers on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

🍿 Promo video + Screencast for No Project Mess By IRIS

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InterSystems Official
· Oct 20, 2020
ObjectScript extension for VS Code reaches 1.0

Hello Developer Community!

Once again I'm here to talk about the ObjectScript extension for Visual Studio Code, and this time we are excited to announce the release of version 1.0!

The community has come together in an unprecedented way to deliver this product with InterSystems, and its only fitting that a tool so critical to developer productivity would be built with community testing, feedback and source code from the very beginning.

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