Hi - Recently I have been investigating an annoying situation whilst editing ObjectScript classes or routines in VSCode.

What was happening to me was, as I was typing in lines of code into my class (for example, adding a new Method, or changing the Class signature, or a block of code), this would quickly get syntax checked, re-formatted, and compiled - inevitably, (since I would be mid-way through my typing), this would generate compilation errors.

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A customer recently asked if IRIS supported OpenTelemetry as they where seeking to measure the time that IRIS implemented SOAP Services take to complete. The customer already has several other technologies that support OpenTelemetry for process tracing. At this time, InterSystems IRIS (IRIS) do not natively support OpenTelemetry.

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I have tried to install the module git-source-control into my USER namespace, but get the following error.

ERROR! ObjectScript error: SQL error(s) have occurred during the running of the 'statsINFO()' method. Invoke the following method for additional details: set errID=##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).getPToolsError(...) WHERE errRowID={2763|2764}>
> ERROR #6084: Unknown errors detected, but no error code reported

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I have 3 simple tables: Encounter, Patient and Immunizations. Encounter makes a reference to Patient, and Patient contains a list of Immunization objects.

I've tried using PowerBI to access IRIS (using ODBC connector, not InterSystems BI connector), PowerBI reports the error:

Expression.Error: The column 'Patient' of the table wasn't found.

it does this for two of the three tables I need only (Patient and Encounter), but not for Immunization IRIS table..

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I have an a Ens.Request subclass (Invoice) that has a relationship property to another persistent class (InvoiceItems), with properties of its own and the inverse relationship defined referring back to Invoice.

When building a DTL with these classes, the Relationship’s inverse relationship (Invoice, within InvoiceDetails) is displayed.

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· Jan 29, 2022
Calling Python Class Methods


What is the Python syntax I can use from a ClassMethod (developed in an IRIS using embedded Python), in order to invoke another class method,

- in the same class; and

- in another class.

I see 'self' is synonymous to use $this (..) in ObjectScript, but these are ClassMethods I am invoking, and self did not seem to work.

thanks - Steve

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· Nov 23, 2021 4m read
Mutual TLS setup


I recently needed to setup an SSL/TLS configuration in IRIS that supported mutual authentication (where the server IRIS is establish a connection to is verified, and, where IRIS is in turn verified by the remote host). After a bit of research and getting it done, I thought it worthwhile to just go over the process I went through in order to potential help others, and save you some time .

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When wanting to use VS-Code for server-side editing.. - In VS-code I can right click on a server item (eg a class) to see a set of menu options including 'Server Source Control... ' and 'Server Command Menu...' at the bottom.

I noticed that these options are somewhat connected to my server-side source control hooks class that inherits from %Studio.SourceControl.Base, however, I am seeing different behavior between my custom subclass of this, and, the provided %Atelier.SourceControl subclass.

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Business Rules can define a context object, whose properties are exposed and used in the expressions of the rules. For example, my context object is an object with 3 properties. PropA, PropB and PropC.

When constructing my rules, I can call a custom function, and I have one I built myself called 'myFunction' which takes arguments and I pass in properties of my context object. (I can pass in the value of the context object's PropA, B or C).

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· Oct 19, 2019
Common Testing Frameworks.


I'm after feedback and comments on the sort of tools and approaches the wider InterSystems community uses for QA Testing applications written in Cache/Ensemble or IRIS. I am aware of the %UnitTest package, and understand how that works... but:

- Do you use an alternative or framework built around this native Unit Testing tool ?

- What is your experience with %UnitTest if you use it ?

- Is there a tool you would recommend for your UI (I know this is not specifically an InterSystems' related question)

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I need to route a message synchronously to multiple targets using a routing rule.

In IRIS I built a general routing rule set, made up of a couple of rules. For one Rule in particular, and based on a common condition, I want to send the incoming message to 2 different targets. (no transformation is used)

I can select, in the single SEND action, multiple target names, or, I can create consecutive SEND actions, one after the other, each sending to their specific target.

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The Ensemble SQL Inbound Adapter executes a user defined query, and calls the OnProcessInput method of the Business Service with information about an individual row of the executed query.

If the query provided by the user (and executed by the adapter), returned multiple rows, then, OnProcessInput is called multiple times, once for each row.

Within the OnProcessInput method, however, is there a way to know that the row that is currently being processed is actually the last row of the query.



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A site has a Mirror set, and an Asynchronous DR. The disk drives for each of the instances are local disks and the databases are large (>2 TB)

The current backup strategy is started off as using Cache Backup and is still the case today, but the size and time it take t do the backup is obviously prohibitive.

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Is it possible to use the value of a column that is populated by its own subquery, in the WHERE clause of the outer-query ?

The following fails (it does not parse syntactically):


I guess I could wrap it up as in inner query of it's own - this way (which works) :

Select * from 
(SELECT A, B, (SELECT S1 FROM Table2) "C" FROM Table1)
where C>10

but I was wondering if there was some syntax in the original snippet that I could do instead.

Thanks - Steve

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