I believe your issues may be because you are using the EnsLib.FTP.InboundAdapter in your Business Operation, not the EnsLib.FTP.OutboundAdapter.
Please investigate the outbound adapter, which should also allow you to retrieve files.
- Steve
Note that if you are running a recent release of iris, that is not the community edition, and, does not deploy the personal web server - chances are your docker-compose defines 2 services, one for iris and one for the webgateway.
So for VS Code to reach iris, I have had to change the docker objectscript.conn entries in the original post to:
"docker-compose": {
"service": "webgateway",
"internalPort": 80
where 'webgateway' is the name of the iris-webgateway service as named in the docker-compose file.

Congrats ! Well Deserved !