As noted in the previous article Native API has some limits.
So I did some research on a more Terminal-like interface that
provides me with access like a console or the IRIS terminal
to allow my $QUERY over a global and other nice commands
that are not supported/mapped in NativeAPI for ObjectScript.

The basic tools are well-prepared and available.

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0 183
· Jul 8, 2023 2m read
Character-Slice Index

A recent question from @Vivian Lee reminded me of a rather ancient example.
It was the time when DeepSee's first version was released.
We got Bitmap Index.
And we got BitSlice Index: mapping a numeric value by its binary parts.
So my idea: Why not indexing strings by their characters?
The result of this idea was presented first in June 2008.
IKnow wasn't publicly available at that time.

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1 127
· Jun 17, 2023 2m read
Reviews on Open Exchange - #29

If one of your packages on OEX receives a review you get notified by OEX only of YOUR own package.
The rating reflects the experience of the reviewer with the status found at the time of review.
It is kind of a snapshot and might have changed meanwhile.
Reviews by other members of the community are marked by * in the last column.

2 0
0 145
· Jun 13, 2023 2m read
OEX mapping #2

Technology Strategy

When I started this project I had set myself limits:
Though there is a wide range of almost ready-to-use modules in various languages
and though IRIS has excellent facilities and interfaces to make use of them
I decided to solve the challenge "totally internal" just with embedded Python, SQL, ObjectScript
Neither Java, nor Nodes, nor Angular, PEX, ... you name it.
The combination of embedded Python and SQL is preferred. ObjectScript is just my last chance.

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0 133
· May 25, 2023 2m read
Reviews on Open Exchange - #28

If one of your packages on OEX receives a review you get notified by OEX only of YOUR own package.
The rating reflects the experience of the reviewer with the status found at the time of review.
It is kind of a snapshot and might have changed meanwhile.
Reviews by other members of the community are marked by * in the last column.

1 0
0 98
· May 13, 2023 2m read
a virgin Jupyter-Notebook

Following one package from the last contest I met a strange problem.
There was the requirement to install jupyter-notebook
I work on Windows and there was some old Python installed
No big surprise: Installation of jupyter-notebook failed
Therefore, the latest version of Python was installed fast.

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0 218
· May 11, 2023 1m read
Moving Docker in Windows

During my repeated testing with Docker Desktop, I'm often short on disk space
nd need to clean it over and over as described earlier.
The main reason is the rather uncontrolled growth of ext4.vhdx
that is located on my C: drive by default.
So I decided to move this file to a large external disk.

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0 412

Creating your own commands or shortcut is one of the strongest features of ObjectScript
If you create your own Language Extensions to ObjectScript you mostly have to find the
proper %ZLANGC00 or %ZLANGV00 or %ZLANGF00 and add the extensions manually.

A few utilities do it already automatically (ZPM, ZME, ..)
This utility allows you to add your extensions also programmatically.

6 0
0 458
· May 8, 2023 2m read
Reviews on Open Exchange - #27

If one of your packages on OEX receives a review you get notified by OEX only of YOUR own package.
The rating reflects the experience of the reviewer with the status found at the time of review.
It is kind of a snapshot and might have changed meanwhile.
Reviews by other members of the community are marked by * in the last column.

14 0
1 993
· Apr 19, 2023 2m read
Reviews on Open Exchange - #26

If one of your packages on OEX receives a review you get notified by OEX only of YOUR own package.
The rating reflects the experience of the reviewer with the status found at the time of review.
It is kind of a snapshot and might have changed meanwhile.
Reviews by other members of the community are marked by * in the last column.

1 0
0 138
· Mar 17, 2023
A confusing experience

During my last migration to IRIS I met this Compatibility parameter

  • NullSubscripts true
0 - Throw error when referencing a null subscript.
1 - Null subscript references do not throw an error.

The consequences are shocking. This was allowed:

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