go to post Robert Cemper · 7 hr ago Similar to previous years I will provide the results of our private leaderboard It will sort by published ranking but separate DC members from "guests" The matching of DC members is a manual task if I missed you pls. let me know your identity in AoC by DC mail to add your DC flag due to private issue my updates might show delays sometimes 2 test sets with results are available on OEX: AoC2024-test I just added a column to show completion of parts in the exercises - no part 1 only part 1 (silver star) 2 only part 2 (another silver star) 3 1+2 both parts completed (gold star) DCrank AOCrank Scores Stars ok% ----- Code Parts OK ----- Name0 --- ---- ---- --- ----*----*----*----*----* --- DC Members ---1 2 1192 8 16 3333--------------------- maxymczech2 3 1175 8 16 3333--------------------- Jani Hurskainen3 5 1173 8 16 3333--------------------- Oskari Kosonen4 7 1156 8 16 3333--------------------- Ivo ver eecke5 8 1126 8 16 3333--------------------- Keith Avery6 15 851 6 12 333---------------------- rhodery7 16 849 6 12 333---------------------- JFerreB8 17 829 6 12 333---------------------- Peter Zubiago9 18 827 6 12 333---------------------- TylerFeldhege10 19 549 4 8 33----------------------- Oliver Wilms11 21 413 3 6 31----------------------- Chris Marais12 --- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- --- ISC internals ---13 11 1098 8 16 3333--------------------- TestSet 114 13 1090 8 16 3333--------------------- TestSet 215 --- ---- ---- --- ------------------------- --- unknow in DC ---16 1 1204 8 16 3333--------------------- Dominik Znidar17 4 1174 8 16 3333--------------------- Jarjar 31418 6 1163 8 16 3333--------------------- Joaquin Derrac Rus19 9 1117 8 16 3333--------------------- Abdul20 10 1103 8 16 3333--------------------- Sloan Kanaski21 12 1093 8 16 3333--------------------- (anonymous user #4293990)22 14 884 6 12 333---------------------- Chhayank Warad23 20 415 3 6 31----------------------- Gary Nguyen 24 Rows(s) Affected UTC 2024-12-04 18:19:30EST 2024-12-04 13:19:30
go to post Robert Cemper · Nov 21 Hi @Jeffrey Drumm ;different approach: use your own datatype that always returns fixed MAXLEN string: /// Make fixlength String according to MAXLEN parameter Class rcc.GetFix Extends %Library.String { /// Fill value <var>%val</var> to <a href="#MAXLEN">MAXLEN</a> characters. Method Get() As %String [ CodeMode = generator, ServerOnly = 1 ] { set code="$e(%val_"""_$j("",+%parameter("MAXLEN")) set code=code_""",1,"_+%parameter("MAXLEN")_")" $$$GENERATE( " Quit "_code) QUIT $$$OK } } and a test class: Class rcc.FixTest Extends %RegisteredObject { Property test As rcc.GetFix(MAXLEN = 12); } and now some check from terminal: SAMPLES>set z=##class(rcc.FixTest).%New() set z.test="rob" SAMPLES>write z.test,$L(z.test) rob 12 SAMPLES>;some oversized string SAMPLES>set z.test=";some oversized string" SAMPLES>write z.test,$L(z.test) ;some oversi12 SAMPLES> Hope this helps you along
go to post Robert Cemper · Nov 20 My guess: It was the WINNER of the video contest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZW5_Un0sYUw Also with no refence to video or article on OEX https://openexchange.intersystems.com/package/DNA-sequence-Gene-finder
go to post Robert Cemper · Nov 11 #2)Every LOCK persists until the process is ended or the LOCK is removed explicitely (LOCK -....)it is not related to any error handling. #1)depends on your design.If there is no conflict of subscripts between ADD and REMOVE possible there is no need of a Lock
go to post Robert Cemper · Nov 7 no need for this COPYif your docker-compose.yml contains volumes: - ./:/home/irisowner/dev
go to post Robert Cemper · Oct 27 .MAC and much more .INT are an almost 1:1 image of the runtime .OBJ code they get implicitely compiled by ZSAVE command while any .CLS gets first stored with a lot of internal parameters where XML is faster than UDL then it's translated to .INT(at least) including all extra params, and inherited pieces and other features for comfort and then compiled as any other .INT for the final .OBJ So comparing .CLS to .MAC/.INT is like comparing a goat to the final cheese you buy.
go to post Robert Cemper · Oct 22 So you have a local instance of Caché as well. Check with WRC if Cachè 13 is supported on Windows 11. local access needs no firewall in Win
go to post Robert Cemper · Oct 21 A few questions: my local IPv4 address in the ODBC connection in ODBC you have to specify the IP address of the Caché server there you create the connection FROM YOUR local server by default there's no connection outgoing from Caché No need for your local IP - eventually for some firewalls enabling remote access if you have username + PW from Caché you should have access only some firewalls on server or client may block you more important: what OS do you run on server and client ? and what type of connection do you try to establish ? Web, SuperServer, Terminal, ... ?
go to post Robert Cemper · Oct 21 To get the property position dynamically by program you may use this ClassMethod ClassMethod PropSeq(classname As %String = "", propname As %String = "") As %String [ SqlProc ] { if classname="" set classname=..%ClassName(1) set pos=0 &sql( SELECT SequenceNumber INTO :pos FROM %Dictionary.CompiledProperty WHERE transient=0 AND parent=:classname AND name=:propname ) if SQLCODE set pos="-1;"_SQLCODE quit pos }
go to post Robert Cemper · Oct 20 a somewhat 'dirty' approach select ID, Name_GivenName from Demo.DemoPatient where FOR SOME %ELEMENT(Demo.DemoPatient.Aliases) ($LISTFIND(%value,'Twain')>0) advantage - no need to know the structure of your serial classrisk - false positives for unexpected coincidences. eg. Washington, John, ...
go to post Robert Cemper · Oct 20 the example builds on the fact that the storage structure of the serial object is known Storage Default { <Data name="serItemState"> <Value name="1"> <Value>Subject</Value> </Value> <Value name="2"> <Value>Change</Value> </Value> <Value name="3"> <Value>Color</Value> </Value> </Data> <State>serItemState</State> <StreamLocation>^rcc.IC.serItemS</StreamLocation> in this case color is #3 in serial storage ==>> $list(%Value,3) So you need to know the position of FamilyName in HS.SDA3.Name (e.g.7 ?)then you can use $list(%value,7) = 'Twain' as condition 7 is just a guess as I don't have any HS* classes at hands
go to post Robert Cemper · Oct 20 This article is focused on indexing, though it shows the principle of the SQL queryEffective use of Collection Indexing and Querying Collections through SQL
go to post Robert Cemper · Oct 8 BIG THANKS!That soved the problem It's a shame that the owner of the package didn't react to the ISSUE on Github or OEX for 3 months
go to post Robert Cemper · Oct 2 run USER > zn "%SYS" %SYS > ZLOAD JOURNAL %SYS > Print in WebTerminal you just get NOTHINGin normal terminal and iterm you see the code
go to post Robert Cemper · Oct 2 @Mario Sanchez Macias You missed the point.The essential functionality is to have a total autonomous partition to work in.It was never named so, but it is the real Shell for ObjectScript and its predecessors for >50 years !