· Sep 24, 2023 2m read

Reviews on Open Exchange - #32

If one of your packages on OEX receives a review you get notified by OEX only of YOUR own package.   
The rating reflects the experience of the reviewer with the status found at the time of review.   
It is kind of a snapshot and might have changed meanwhile.   
Reviews by other members of the community are marked by * in the last column.

I also placed a bunch of Pull Requests on GitHub when I found a problem I could fix.    
Some were accepted and merged, and some were just ignored.     
So if you made a major change and expect a changed review just let me know.

# Package Review Stars IPM *
1 iris-vector a 6* experience 6.0 y  
2 iris-GenLab 5.5* top demo 5.5 y  
3 irisapitester just WOW 5,5* 5.5 y  
4 Customizing the InterSystems IRIS for Health FHIR Repository - samples convincing approach for customization 5.0 y  
5 iris-python-lookup-table-utils a nice example of pure py 5.0    
6 iris-rundeck-plugin Significant time saver! 5.0   *
7 password-app-iris-db clean demo example 5.0    
8 Essential-IRIS-REST good examples 4.5 y  
9 iris-python-machinelearn interesting variations 4.5    
10 ZProfile Mandatory performance tool 4.5 y *
11 iris-size-django A great example of using django for Iris 4.5   *
12 iris-recorder-helper works fine with some limits 4.5 y  
13 apptools-django a huge thing 4.0 y  
14 IRIS WHIZ - HL7v2 Browser Extension Easy to Get Running, Helpful 4.0   *
15 native-api-py-demo some demo basics 3.5    
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