I just identified a possible source of the hidden Python installation:

Microsoft Windows does not come with a default version of Python, and
as of InterSystems IRIS 2024.2, the InterSystems IRIS installer for Windows
no longer installs Python for you.

I did an upgrade from my previous  IRIS 2024.1 

After un-install of my own python versions
PY was still there in a different hidden and protected version unknown for me.
I detected it using regedit 
C:\\Program Files\\WindowsApps\\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.12_3.12.2288.0_x64__qbz5n2kfra8p0\ 

I fail to explain where it came from (pre-installed win ?? )
Manual killing it and reinstallation of an official Python distribution fixed it.

BIG THANKS for your advise and help- 

Your file format doesn't fit, but you are close.
UDL Header is missing, also leading blanks in the lines as you have no labels.
And you have to switch to namespace %SYS and back to make it work.

 new $namespace
 zn "%SYS"
 set db=##class(Config.Databases).DatabasesByServer("",.dbList)
 for i=1:1:$LENGTH(dbList,",") {
   set dbName= $PIECE(dbList,",",i)
   write dbName,!

Try this from %Library.Routine: 
with flag=2

classmethod Delete(rtnname As %String, flag As %String = 0, supressbackup As %Boolean = 0, nsp As %String = $namespace) as %Status

Delete the routine rtnname. If the rtnname is not fully qualified we will resolve this into a fully qualified name first and then proceed with the rest of the delete. For example if you specify 'test' and there is a 'test.mac' it will resolve to this, if there was only a 'test.obj' it will resolve the name to this. The parameter flag specifies how much to delete. The options are:

  • 0 - Delete entire routine, for a MAC routine this will delete MAC, INT, OBJ. For an INT routine it will delete INT and OBJ, for a INC routine it will only delete the INC, for a BAS routine it will delete the BAS and the OBJ code.
  • 1 - Delete just the named routine, for example for a MAC routine it will only delete the MAC and it will leave the INT and OBJ if present.
  • 2 - Delete all the source code but leave any OBJ code.

something like this ?

| COL    | VAL |
| ------ | --- |
| codRep |        401,       428,       428,       464,       472 |
|  Abril |     100000,    180000,    160000,         0,         0 |
| Agosto |     100000,    350000,    200000,     90000,         0 |

then this is the SQL statement

SELECT 'codRep' "COL", list($JUSTIFY(codRepresentante,10)) "VAL"
   FROM Ped.MetasRepresen where ano=2024
Union All
SELECT ' Abril', list($JUSTIFY(vendasAbril,10)) 
   FROM Ped.MetasRepresen where ano=2024
Union All
SELECT 'Agosto', list($JUSTIFY(vendasAgosto,10))
   FROM Ped.MetasRepresen where ano=2024

like this:

/// using $ZZFIX() custom function
Class rcc.GetFixZZ Extends %Library.String
Parameter LENGTH As %String = 10;
Parameter ALIGN As %String = "LEFT";
Parameter PADCHAR As %String = " ";
Method Get() As %String [ CodeMode = generator, ServerOnly = 1 ]
	set code=+%parameter("LENGTH")_","""_$E(%parameter("PADCHAR")_" ",1)_""""
	set code=code_","_("RIGHT"=$zcvt(%parameter("ALIGN"),"U"))_")"
	$$$GENERATE(" quit $ZZFIX(%val,"_code )
ClassMethod StorageToLogical(%val As %String) As %String [ CodeMode = generator, ServerOnly = 1 ]
	set code=+%parameter("LENGTH")_","""_$E(%parameter("PADCHAR")_" ",1)_""""
	set code=code_","_("RIGHT"=$zcvt(%parameter("ALIGN"),"U"))_")"
	$$$GENERATE(" quit $ZZFIX(%val,"_code )
} }

Though, if you need this functionality over multiple namespaces
I'd suggest to use a Language Extension:
#1 an .inc for the the code definition in namespace %SYS

/// fix length string + padding + l/r-adjustment
ZZFIX(%val, len , pad = "", right = 0)
        if right quit $e($tr($j("",len)," ",$e(pad_" "))_%val,*+1-len,*)
        quit $e(%val_$tr($j("",len)," ",$E(pad_" ")),1,len)

#2 add this line to %ZLANGF00.mac

#include ZZFIX 

after compiling it you may run a test in any namespace

USER>set test="213abc"
USER>write $ZZFIX(test,10,"*")
USER>write $ZZFIX(test,10,"*",1)
USER>write $zzfix(test,5,"*",1)
USER>write $zzfix(test,15,"$")
USER>write $zzfix(test,15,"$",1)

If available this could of course also replace the
ClassMethod in the DataType definition.
It's a matter of taste.

Thank you @Jeffrey Drumm !

Yet another idea:
Sometimes you may want a static non-blank padding character.
e.g. ****123 or 345~~~~
this is included as Parameter PADCHAR as %String =" "  ;  default= blank

/// padding other than " " might be useful in some cases
Class rcc.GetFixSqlPad Extends %Library.String

Parameter LENGTH As %String = 10;

Parameter ALIGN As %String = "LEFT";

Parameter PADCHAR As %String = "";

Method Get() As %String [ CodeMode = generator, ServerOnly = 1 ]
    set code=+%parameter("LENGTH")_","""_$E(%parameter("PADCHAR")_" ",1)_""""
    set code=code_","_("RIGHT"=$zcvt(%parameter("ALIGN"),"U"))_")"
    $$$GENERATE(" quit ##class(rcc.GetFixSqlPad).Fix(%val,"_code )
    QUIT $$$OK

ClassMethod StorageToLogical(%val As %String) As %String [ CodeMode = generator, ServerOnly = 1 ]
    set code=+%parameter("LENGTH")_","""_$E(%parameter("PADCHAR")_" ",1)_""""
    set code=code_","_("RIGHT"=$zcvt(%parameter("ALIGN"),"U"))_")"
    $$$GENERATE(" quit ##class(rcc.GetFixSqlPad).Fix(%val,"_code )
    QUIT $$$OK

/// PADCHAR=" "; LEFT=0, RIGHT=1 
ClassMethod Fix(%val, rcc, rccp = "", rccal = 0) As %String
    if rccal{
        set %val=$e($tr($j("",rcc)," ",$e(rccp_" "))_%val,*+1-rcc,*)
    else {
        set %val=$e(%val_$tr($j("",rcc)," ",$e(rccp_" ")),1,rcc)
    quit %val


This doesn't work for SQL - Therefore a new version

Class rcc.GetFixSql Extends %Library.String

Parameter LENGTH As %String = 10;
Parameter ALIGN As %String = "LEFT";
Method Get() As %String [ CodeMode = generator, ServerOnly = 1 ]
    set code=+%parameter("LENGTH")_","_("RIGHT"=$zcvt(%parameter("ALIGN"),"U"))_")"
    $$$GENERATE(" quit ##class(rcc.GetFixSql).Fix(%val,"_code )
    QUIT $$$OK

ClassMethod LogicalToDisplay(%val As %String) As %String [ CodeMode = generator, ServerOnly = 0 ]
    set code=+%parameter("LENGTH")_","_("RIGHT"=$zcvt(%parameter("ALIGN"),"U"))_")"
    $$$GENERATE(" quit ##class(rcc.GetFixSql).Fix(%val,"_code )
    QUIT $$$OK

ClassMethod LogicalToOdbc(%val As %String) As %String [ CodeMode = generator, ServerOnly = 1 ]
    set code=+%parameter("LENGTH")_","_("RIGHT"=$zcvt(%parameter("ALIGN"),"U"))_")"
    $$$GENERATE(" quit ##class(rcc.GetFixSql).Fix(%val,"_code )
    QUIT $$$OK

// only required for SQL Display Logical mode !
ClassMethod StorageToLogical(%val As %String) As %String [ CodeMode = generator, ServerOnly = 1 ]
    set code=+%parameter("LENGTH")_","_("RIGHT"=$zcvt(%parameter("ALIGN"),"U"))_")"
    $$$GENERATE(" quit ##class(rcc.GetFixSql).Fix(%val,"_code )
    QUIT $$$OK

/// LEFT=0, RIGHT=1 
ClassMethod Fix(%val, rcc, rccal = 0) As %String
    if rccal{
        set %val=$e($j(%val,rcc),*+1-rcc,*)
    else {
        set %val=$e(%val_$j("",rcc),1,rcc)
    quit %val


A more compact data type with LENGTH and ALIGN
For RIGHT alignment I cut off oversized data by LENGHT counted from the end.

Class rcc.GetFixAligned Extends %Library.String
Parameter LENGTH As %String = 10;
Parameter ALIGN As %String = "LEFT";

Method Get() As %String [ CodeMode = generator, ServerOnly = 1 ]
    set rcc=+%parameter("LENGTH")
    if "RIGHT"=$zcvt(%parameter("ALIGN"),"U") {
        set code="$e($j(%val,"_rcc_"),*+1-"_rcc_",*)"
    else {
        set code="$e(%val_$j("""","_rcc_"),1,"_rcc_")"
    $$$GENERATE(" Quit "_code)
    QUIT $$$OK

by extending %RegisteredObject you lost the basic data type
and all other parameters of %String
this should do it:

Class rcc.FixStr Extends (%Library.String, rcc.FixStr.Props)
/// Fill value according to LENGTH parameter
Method Get() As %String [ CodeMode = generator, ServerOnly = 1 ]
	set tCode="$e(%val_"""_$j("",+%parameter("LENGTH"))
	set tCode=tCode_""",1,"_+%parameter("LENGTH")_")"
	$$$GENERATE( "  Quit "_tCode)

Hi @Jeffrey Drumm ;
different approach: use your own datatype that always returns fixed MAXLEN string:


/// Make fixlength String according to MAXLEN parameter
Class rcc.GetFix Extends %Library.String
/// Fill value <var>%val</var> to <a href="#MAXLEN">MAXLEN</a> characters.
Method Get() As %String [ CodeMode = generator, ServerOnly = 1 ]
	set code="$e(%val_"""_$j("",+%parameter("MAXLEN"))
	set code=code_""",1,"_+%parameter("MAXLEN")_")"
	$$$GENERATE( "  Quit "_code)

and a test class:

Class rcc.FixTest Extends %RegisteredObject
Property test As rcc.GetFix(MAXLEN = 12);

and now some check from terminal:

SAMPLES>set z=##class(rcc.FixTest).%New() set z.test="rob"
SAMPLES>write z.test,$L(z.test)
rob         12

SAMPLES>;some oversized string
SAMPLES>set z.test=";some oversized string"
SAMPLES>write z.test,$L(z.test)
;some oversi12

Hope this helps you along