Question Scott Roth · Jan 18, 2024 Question about using ZSTART, ZSTOP, ZMIRROR I had a question about using ZSTART, ZSTOP, and ZMIRROR. If we use them and it is not correct, does it mess up with any of the existing functionality? So, if I create a ZSTART with a simple command of starting the %JDBC Server will that mess up anything existing in the Startup sequence? Is ZSTART, ZSTOP, and ZMIRROR just an extension of the existing functionality, or does it alter how the built in functionality runs? Should we tread lightly in the use of them? #Mirroring #ObjectScript #Startup #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 2 7 1 334
Question Scott Roth · Jan 17, 2024 Container help I downloaded to evaluate, however when I try to run the container it keeps exiting. #Containerization #Docker #InterSystems IRIS 0 2 0 166
Question Scott Roth · Jan 13, 2024 ZMIRROR - Illegal Value I am trying to work on a ZMIRROR that will execute a shell script to failover our VIP at the hardware level when NotifyBecomePrimary occurs. #Mirroring #ObjectScript #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 4 0 169
Question Scott Roth · Jan 13, 2024 Accessing EnsLib.HL7.Message Header properties within a DTL Within a DTL is it possible to access and update the Message Header properties of an EnsLib.HL7.Message? Currently we have multiple EMR Services for each environment sending to 1 Business Process to Normalize the data, then it is sent to another Business Process to route the data. #Business Rules #DTL #HL7 #Ensemble #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 7 0 444
Question Scott Roth · Jan 11, 2024 $ZF question - Calling scripts and redirecting output from script I am trying to write a ZMIRROR routine that makes a shell script call using $ZF #ObjectScript #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 2 1 169
Question Scott Roth · Dec 15, 2023 InterSystems IAM and InterSystems Community Edition Outside of the learning module for IAM, I would like to give it a try with Community Edition on my own however the Community Edition License does not include it. Has there been any discussion on allowing Company's Demo IAM through Community Edition before they get the license? Thanks Scott #InterSystems API Manager (IAM) #InterSystems IRIS 0 1 0 208
Question Scott Roth · Dec 14, 2023 LDAP Logging I am trying to troubleshoot an issue with LDAP and a specific user. Besides what is in the Audit Database is there another way to look to see the LDAP functionality that is being called and the response, like there is with OAuth and the ISCLOG? The Audit Log is returning a failure (Unexpected - /api/atelier login failure | InterSystems Developer Community) for this particular user, and I want to get proof that it might be something with the LDAP and not IRIS. Thanks Scott #LDAP #System Administration #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 6 0 367
Question Scott Roth · Dec 4, 2023 Unexpected - /api/atelier login failure We recently moved from using the Private Web Server, to using an Apache/Web Gateway setup and moved towards using the built in LDAP functionality within IRIS. Since then, we have 1 user that uses VSCode (/api/atelier) heavily that continues to have issues signing into IRIS through VS Code and the /api/atelier extension. I am trying to troubleshoot two issues.. #API #Authentication #LDAP #Security #System Administration #Web Gateway #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health #VSCode 0 8 0 1.4K
Question Scott Roth · Dec 1, 2023 Question about OAuth 2.0 Client (%SYS.OAuth2) Trying to setup my first OAuth 2 client to authenticate against Epic's Interconnect instance that is hosting FHIR/Web Service API's. Epic's documentation says the JWT request has to be sent as a POST request.. Does GetAuthorizationCodeEndpoint and GetImplicitEndpoint automatically put the request into a POST request, or do I need to format a %Net.HttpRequest to POST? Thanks Scott #OAuth2 #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 1 4 0 309
Question Scott Roth · Nov 17, 2023 Testing OAuth2 I am attempting to setup my first OAuth2 client, as we are adventuring into the realm of making FHIR API calls to our EMR from HealthShare Health Connect. I have gone through and set up the Issuer Endpoint, and Client Configuration but now I want to test it and verify that the setup is correct. When I setup the Client Configuration, it would not allow me to use Discovery as it was saying I needed a "Client secret" but was not given one. So I set it up manually, thinking I hit all the information correctly. #OAuth2 #ObjectScript #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 2 2 0 330
Question Scott Roth · Nov 7, 2023 Pulling in Global into Settings within the Management Portal We are moving away from Delegated Authentication in which I stored a username and password for our LDAP in a GLOBAL to be called by ZAUTHENTICATE. Is there a way to pull in that GLOBAL into the LDAP Configuration within the Managment Portal instead of having to manually enter it? There seems to be an issue with Copy/Paste that the password isn't being set correctly when I use Copy/Paste. Else I just export/import the LDAP Configuration from 1 server to another and manually update the Certificate to point to the correct file. Thanks Scott #LDAP #System Administration #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 0 0 146
Question Scott Roth · Oct 27, 2023 Web Gateway version vs IRIS version Does the Version of the Web Gateway have to match the version of IRIS that is currently running? Or are they independent of each other since they are different components? I am looking to install the Web Gateway (non-PWS) as we move forward with securing our Management Portal and VS Code connections using TLS. Thanks Scott #Web Gateway #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 1 0 273
Question Scott Roth · Oct 26, 2023 Apache config from PWS to Web Gateway This is probably not the right place, but I don't know who I can reach out to... I am trying to configure an Apache/Web Gateway to our instance of IRIS so we are no longer using the built-in PWS. Can anyone point me in the right direction to configure Apache/Web Gateway to repoint http://<server name>:52773/... to the https://<server name>/... gateway so our users will not notice? How do I do this in Apache, do I need to modify httpd.conf or the ssl.conf file? What is the correct syntax... #Web Gateway #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 7 0 434
Question Scott Roth · Oct 20, 2023 Installation User Will it hurt anything if I disable the user that installed IRIS, within IRIS? Does this cause a problem with background processes running or with the restart? I know the _Ensemble user is used to start/stop/restart objects within IRIS, just didn't see anything in the documentation about the user that installed IRIS. Thanks Scott #Security #System Administration #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 1 0 180
Question Scott Roth · Oct 6, 2023 Unable into Web Gateway Management I recently started work on trying to Tighten Security in our Development Instance of IRIS that is running based on recommendations from our Audit as you might of seen from my other posts. I am currently trying to get into the Private Web Gateway Manager within IRIS as CSPSystem, but when I attempt to sign in nothing happens. I went through and reset the password in the CSP.ini and within IRIS for CSPSystem. I made sure it had the new GatewayRole per suggested #Security #System Administration #Web Gateway #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 2 0 430
Question Scott Roth · Oct 6, 2023 Locking down - Security Errors with _Ensemble I am trying to lock down security within our Development environment per requirements from a Security Audit that was done earlier this year. I need to try to limit access at a public level, access to cache users, and exposure. I installed IRIS with the Lockdown method, and have configured my web applications, services, resources, etc. When I go into my namespace, I am constantly presented with the following error when I try to start or stop an Object... #Access control #Security #System Administration #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 3 0 221
Question Scott Roth · Oct 4, 2023 Making IRIS Calls externally via scripting - Security We currently have a couple of Shell scripts we have written to EnableConfigItem from a Unix (Red Hat) command line, so we can control when a Service/Operation is running via the cron in Unix. We do this by calling :>iris session xxxxx using _system user. During our Security audit it was mentioned that we need to lock down some of the cache users. #System Administration #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 3 0 280
Question Scott Roth · Sep 7, 2023 Question about ISCAgent Config We are noticing some issues with the communication between our Arbiter and our servers. Looking at the following documentation to limit connections, and logging... if I am configuring the ISCAgent on the arbiter, would we set #Mirroring #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 1 3 0 348
Question Scott Roth · Sep 5, 2023 LDAP Authentication Help Currently we are using Delegated Authentication using ZAUTHENTICATE to look at the groups that are associated with a user and if it matches a role within IRIS, to assign the user to that role within IRIS. #LDAP #System Administration #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 5 0 502
Question Scott Roth · Aug 22, 2023 GetCredentials() within ZAUTHENTICATE My original ZAUTHENTICATE.mac to use Delegated sign on did not include GetCredentials(), however I am being told it probably should have it so I am eliminate an error I am seeing when trying to troubleshoot the ZAUTHENTICATION. I am trying to add the GetCredentials() from the documentation to the existing ZAUTHENTICATE.mac but I am getting an error #Access control #Security #System Administration #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 7 0 395