I use the HS_IHE_ATNA_Repository.Aggregation table a lot. Someone just referred me to the HS_IHE_ATNA_Repository.Document table, which has an AggregationId column.

I assume that column references the ID column in the .Aggregation table. If so, does this mean that if the same document was requested 1,000 times that there will be 1,000 entries for it in the .Document table? This seems inefficient to me. Why not have one record in the document table and have a DocumentId column in the Aggregation table?

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I have the following query which tells me how many documents were retrieved for each customer, but it only works for the "on-demand" customers:

SELECT PatientFacility, LEFT(LocalDateTime,7) as Mnth, Count(*)
FROM HS_IHE_ATNA_Repository.Aggregation
WHERE EventType IN ('RecordRequest','RecordRequestBreakGlass')
AND LocalDateTime >= '2016-01-01'
AND LocalDateTime < '2017-01-01'
GROUP BY PatientFacility, LEFT(LocalDateTime,7)
0 4
0 407

In the table/class HS_Registry.document there is a column/property named RepositoryUniqueId. There are about 14 unique values, which pretty much lines up with the number of our "Push" (Provide & Register) participants and thus unique document repositories. However, these values just look like OIDs. I've been searching for over an hour and I can't find anywhere that will provide me some context to these "Repository IDs".

Anyone have ideas or suggestions where I could find this info?

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0 527

Typically the thumbsup/thumbsdown icons are grayed out until you vote for one. Then it is either red or green depending on which you selected. I like this behavior. However, on my own posts, the ones I cannot vote for, the indicators are both colored. Since the visual queue has already been established that this indicates a selected vote, I think this should be changed. Perhaps, since we cannot vote on our own posts, completely hide them.

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· Nov 18, 2016
This text editor... I swear...

I had typed up a large reply and then learned something new so I intended to hit CTRL+A to select everything and delete it. Can't do that. Apparently CTRL+A, like backspace, causes the input field to lose focus.

I HATE this editor.

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0 385

I get this on some queries in some namespaces. For instance, this query:

SELECT TOP 10 SessionId, datediff(s,min(TimeCreated),max(TimeCreated)) as ResponseTime
FROM ens.messageheader
GROUP BY SessionId
ORDER BY ResponseTime DESC

It works fine in HSBUS but in HSREG it throws the error.

Server closed communication device

Does anyone know what would cause this? Would it log something more useful somewhere?

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0 1K

I am looking for a general overview of how you would attach a document to a patient record in healthshare. For instance, an Advance Directive or Living Will.

Here are some starter questions:

  1. What format is required, if any? Can it be a PDF or DOC?
  2. How can/should it be submitted? HL7? XDS.b? Embedded in a CCD?

Sorry for the open endedness. Any info would be helpful while I research this.

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