Hi Community!

When you run IRIS container out-of-the-box and connect to it via terminal e.g. with:

docker-compose exec iris bash

You see something like:

root@7b19f545187b:/opt/app# irissession IRIS

Node: 7b19f545187b, Instance: IRIS

Username: ***

Password: ***


And you enter login and password every time.

How to programmatically setup docker-compose file to have IRIS container with OS authentication enabled? And have the following while entering the terminal:

root@7b19f545187b:/opt/app# irissession IRIS

Node: 7b19f545187b, Instance: IRIS


0 3
0 418

Hi All!

I asked previously about the DR server in the cloud but actually, I'm curious about the backup server to use as analytics server more than for recovery in DR case.

There is a recommended practice to use an async mirror as a server for BI (InterSystems Analytics, DeepSee)

The question is if I have PRIMARY in the cloud (AWS, Google, Azure, etc) "how far" should async mirror member be placed? Same cloud, same private cloud or it doesn't matter at all for analytics purposes?

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0 320

Hi Community!

Consider I have InterSystems IRIS server in a cloud and want to introduce a DR server for it.

Are there any requirements for DR server for InterSystems IRIS if it is in a cloud?

Should it be the same subnet? One private cloud?

Can DR server be placed on another cloud, say Primary on Google Cloud and DR on Azure? Are there any caveats/concerns?

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· Jun 5, 2018
$CASE For Long Stories

Hi, Community!

$CASE is a fine syntax sugar for "Ifs" with one-line/one-word expressions, like in docs:

SET daynum=$ZDATE($HOROLOG,10)
  WRITE $CASE(daynum,
              6:"Saturday",0:"Sunday",:"entry error")

But if my expression for a current case is a multi-line business logic? Can I use "{}" somehow or better go with "IF" instead?

0 13
1 511

Hi, Community!

I'm using Git with DeepSee and when I need to do a commit to the git repo I'm exporting ALL the pivots and dashboards from the namespace. But I can forget to do that) And it can take time for a large system.

What is the way to manage automatical export of DeepSee artefacts which we are editing in UI (Cubes, Pivots, Dashboards, Pivot Variables, Term lists, Shared Measures) into files every time when I push Save button?

0 5
0 396

Hi, folks!

Suppose you have a Caché class with %String property which contains relatively large text (from 10 to 2000 symbols).

The class:

Class Test.Duplicates Extends %Persistent 


Property Text As %String (MAXLEN = 2000);


And you have thousands of entries.

What are the best options to find entries which are duplicates on this property?

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