· May 24, 2018
image tab

Good afternoon, I have a tabGroup where I populate tabs with images using the scr property. If a user scrolls to the bottom of the image on a tab, when they go to the next tab, they are also at the bottom. When moving between tabs, I would like the user to always be presented with the top of the tab content. I have not been unsuccessful in doing this. Would someone have input on how to make this happen? Thank you in advance for any and all feedback.

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When dealing with a support issue of one of our Deltanji source control sites this week I learned that if you're using InterSystems versions earlier than 2018.1 on Unix-type platforms it's possible that a class you export in UDL format will subsequently fail to import. So I'm posting this information here in case it helps other folk.

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I need to set the label of a custom setting in the portal instead of the name of the associated property, eg.:

Class SomeClass Extends (Ens.BusinessService, %ZEN.Portal.ContextSearch)


Property ABadPropertyNameToChange As %Boolean;

Parameter SETTINGS = "ABadPropertyNameToChange:CustomSettingsSection"

will result in this in the portal



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· Jun 24, 2022

What is the correct way to specify rowspan and colspan in a ZEN PDF report using <Item> <Caption>

I am specifying rowspan in the <Caption> tag after the <Item> but it's not working.

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Hi everyone

I have a datacombo that displayes value from a db table.

I would like to set one of this value as default value. How can I do that? Is there a way to say selected value given the text or the Id from the DB table?

Thanks a lot and kind regards


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0 256

I have a dataListBox in ZEN which has an OnDrawItem method associated with it. The DrawItem method never seems to be called and I cannot see why. I am using IE11. Can anyone suggest a reason? The attached code runs in a namespace called CODE and can be run using view webpage on the TheLabsApp.BioAnal class. Please note that the data is in a global called ^%ANAL that resides in %SYS.

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I am reaching out to find out if anyone has come across a similar dilemma.

In my current role, I have been asked around the best way to design some patient labels for a client.

I primarily would stick to what I know and veered towards designing the label in ZPL and then creating a Abstract Class to call the ZPL code, however I have been asked why not to design via JReport. The patient labels will be processed via thermal ink printers primarily Zebras, I am wondering if anyone out there has come across this or would recommend to stick to what you know.

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· Sep 1, 2021


We are using AWS SSO authentication in our application to validate the users. For validating the users, we are passing the username and password from AWS SSO to our application. We need to validate the user in our application without using the password.

We developed the login class using zenPage. We used <loginForm> tag in the login page which is used for the automatic validation.
Is there any possible way to achieve this?

Thanks in advance.

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I would like to set the report headerHeight dynamically based on a group records count.


If GroupA has 5 records then the headerHeight should be 50mm

If GroupA has 3 records then the headerHeight should be 30mm

Could you please advice the best approach to achieve this?

Thank you,


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0 243

Hi -

Let's say I want to override the HTML that is generated by provided ZEN Mojo Helper Plugins I use the onloadHandler method of my document page, retrieving elements, and modifying them using jQuery syntax.

For example, I'm using bootstrap, and, I want the <button> element automatically generated with the use of the $navbar layout object, to collapse/expand a different <DIV> on my page, to the default one it produces.

Is this the correct spot and approach to use ?



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I am able to display my query result in the table pane, but I want to update it based on user click but it doesnt work. Can this be done? Below is what I am doing but it doesnt change my value on clicking. Would appreciate some guidance on this

I have ondblclick = zenPage.SelectItem

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· Sep 5, 2022
Hl7 viewer component

Hi All

I'm building a ZEN page that will dispay HL7 from a database, and am currently displaying it an textarea.

Is the HL7 viewer that is displayed when HL7 message is selected in a visual trace available as an out of the box tool I can plug into a webpage?


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0 231

Have a Zen report with a huge query that we are trying to break down and be more efficient.

Looks like Zen only wants to take a result set class as the data (or XML, but writing to a file to generate these reports is probably even more overhead).

Is there a way I can move through a result set object, delete rows I don't want based on some objectscript commands and the pass that to the report?

Or can I pass a dynamic object?


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· Jan 14, 2021
Page break - Zen Report

I have two tables in a row in my report, but if the first table gets too big to the point that tables 1 and 2 don't fit on the page, the page breaks.

The problem is that the page break is happening in the middle of table 2 and I wanted the page to break and leave table 2 on the second page.

No table grows to the point of occupying more than one page alone.

Any tips on how to guarantee this?

Remembering that the reports were made using Zen Report.

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· Jun 4, 2018
link component on a ZEN page

When using the link component on a ZEN page the default behavior is for the link to appear to the right of the tablepane row. Has anybody changed this behavior so the link appears to the left of the tablepane row? Thank you in advance for any and all feedback.

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Hi Community,

is there a possibility to implement a "remember password" feature in a ZEN Application?

In the management portal I added a web-application for a ZEN application with password authentification. I created an own login page, and now I want to implement a "remember password" feature (User should not have to login again after the session times out or when the browser window is closed).

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Hi Guys, I'm resending this because I sent on the weekend and looks like it has not been noticed much

I'm not that familiar in using Javascript in Zen pages, so basically we have a priting utility (app) that requires us to add a bit of JavaScript call to facilitate printing from our Zen pages as below:

So I added XData link pasted the required script, is this the correct way?

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