· May 20, 2017 10m read
Localization in Caché DBMS

This is a translation of the following article. Thanks @Evgeny Shvarov for the help in translation.

Let's assume that you wrote a program that shows "Hello World!", for example:

  write "Hello, World!"

The program works and everyone is happy.

With time, however, your program becomes more complex, gets more features and you eventually need to show the same string in different languages. Moreover you don't know the number and names of these languages.

The spoiler below contains a description of how the task of multi-language localization is solved in Caché.

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I recently spent some time with Atelier, and tried to use it's inherited (from Eclipse) XSL transformation capabilities.

I have installed Exlipse XML Editor and Tools and Orangevolt XSLT - as it provides Saxon XSLT processor.

I have XSLT 2.0 transformation defined, that uses isc:evaluate() callback function to perform some server side code.

And here is my problem: when I try to run XSL transformation of a file in my project, then as soon as the processor hits isc:evaluate() it fails.

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I'll be doing my first xml transform soon and I'm hoping to find a good graphical mapping tool to generate the XSLT. Does anyone have any recommendations? I've tried the demo of Altova MapForce and it's exactly what I want but it's super expensive. Working for a non-profit it would be nice if I could find a free or cheap solution.

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I'm new with writing Caché Objectscript so I need some assistance. I have XML which contains information like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

I have a class representing this object as follows:

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1. Created a class(test) and added a classmethod(checkdata).

2. Assigned a object with xml.

3. Created a new class for response and initialized in classmethod(checkdata).

4. Created a new class for request parsing with list of object parameter.

5. While parsing xml in request for list of object, the result count is "0". But the xml has value for "2" object list.

6. XML has follow:

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How to get XML subtree from XPATH.DOMResult object as Stream or CacheString.

Here is my classmethod. My system receives XML message which has nested structures. The requirement is to send one message at a time to the destination. I have created the XPATH document and used EvaluateExpression method and which returns XML.XPATH.Result of type DOM. I am able to read the dom and get value of the element and its text. But I am looking to send back the subtree.


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We are receiving XML documents and storing them. When we click to go into the clinician portal and again to view a patient, we can see the documents but none of the data is mapped to their respective buckets, i.e. allergies or medications.

I am thinking that I need to build an XSLT parser and change the format to SDA3, is this an appropriate approach? Or would using the Data Transformation (Ensemble -> Build -> Data Transformation) be a better idea? Lastly, if the XSLT idea is preferred, where would I call it within the stack?

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· Apr 13, 2016
XMLExport and Validation

I interested on how others feel on this subject. In general terms when you have a class that extends from %XML.Adaptor and you call XMLExport no validation is automatically done as part of the XMLExport process. As an example if you do the following

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Because of increasing business and governmental pressures to integrate their operations, the financial services industry is developing a number of standards for data exchange and other common functions. Standards such as XBRL, FpML, MDDL, RIXML, and FIXML are all specialized dialects of XML (Extensible Markup Language). Any financial services application with good support for XML will be able to communicate effectively using one or more of the emerging industry standards.

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