
I wonder if anyone has a smart idea to extract an XML fragment inside a text document (incoming from a stream)?

The XML fragment is surrounded by plain text.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8 ?>

The XML is not represented by any class or object in the Namespace.

The XML can look different from time to time

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I'm trying to configure a new interface that reads HL7, transform them into FHIR messages and then send POST or PUT or DELETE depending on HL7 doc type.

1-I added an HL7 TCP service that reads ADTs messages

2a-Send ADTs to a process to transform them into SDA (using the following command: do ##class(HS.Gateway.HL7.HL7ToSDA3).GetSDA(request,.con))

2b-Extract the patient MRN and add it to the AdditionalInfo property (using the following request message class: HS.Message.XMLMessage)

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I have an odd problem that occurs when I'm trying to import lookup tables in the XML format into Studio.

I store my files in in C:\CodeRepository.

I can manually import these lookup tables using "Import local..." option in the InterSystems Studio.

However, when I'm trying to import them using command in terminal: do $system.OBJ.LoadDir("C:\CodeRepository\","ck")

I'm getting the following error:

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· Jan 15
parse XML to object

hi there,when i use %XML.Reader parse XML to object,if the element value is null,the data in the table is $c(0),how avoid this?

my class file like this:

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· Jan 4


Im using an ORU_R01 2.3.1 message for converting to pdf. For the stylesheet, i need all the OBX segments under each OBR segment with custom table headers. Can anyone help me with the xslt?

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hi there,when object export to xml,i know that,it will call propertynameLogicalToXSD method,but i can`t find out that use %XML.Reader to parse XML to object witch method will be called before ,

simple code like this:

Class Samples.NewClass2 Extends (%Persistent,, %XML.Adaptor)
Property OPDT As %Library.DateTime;

my xml is

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0 154

Hello everyone!
Sorry for the vague title! But I wonder what would be the best way to easily import a large XML-file into a production, modifying it by deleting elements and nodes depending on what values are in those nodes/elements and later creating whole new XML-file from that?

I have gone through this: Using Caché XML Tools | Caché & Ensemble 2018.1.4 – 2018.1.8 (intersystems.com)

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I am trying access each "name" tag in the xml-file down below and want to display them through the trace in the production:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<doc type="consultant">
<name first="David" last="Marston">Mr. Marston</name>
<name first="David" last="Bertoni">Mr. Bertoni</name>
<name first="Donald" last="Leslie">Mr. Leslie</name>
<name first="Emily" last="Farmer">Ms. Farmer</name>


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0 159

Hi All

I'm having a problem with cleaning user inputted text from a HealthCare system my HealthConnect system interfaces with.

The input can be anything posted into an RTF box on an app which stored in oracle, and extracted by HealthConnect from oracle via an XML based API.

When the XML is returned, various values are read out of it using %XML.XPATH.Document and it is the presence certain characters entered into the RTF fields cause XPATH to throw an error. For example,

0 4
0 246


Using Interoperability, I can't figure out how to create separate XML's files from a CSV-file using the GUI-features Record Maps/Complex Record Mapper -> Data Transformations. I'm familiar with reading/writing the files using File Service/Operation, but don't understand the processing-steps.
The preferred method by my colleagues is to do this without any Objectscript or Embedded Python coding, but if this can only be done by some coding that's fine as well.

See example below.
Any help is appreciated!

Kind regards,
Ties Voskamp

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We've implemented SAML authentication for our application where we are the service provider and various other entities are the identity providers. We've done successful connections with several identity providers including Okta, Duo Mobile, Ping Identity, and Azure. Validating the SAML response with signed assertions has been working great. Now, I am trying implement support for the SAML assertions in the response being encrypted for a new identity provider and struggling to understand procedurally how to go about this.

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· Jun 13, 2023
CDA to CDA transformation

Hi Community,

I am new to CDA to CDA transformation in ensemble, Can anyone explain how Match,Select,Varibel,Attribute,Copy,Method Will work in CDA transformation using xslt stylesheets


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Good morning:

Thank you very much for reading the doubt and above all thank you very much for answering.

Given the following use case:

If we have a Destination Service that through a HTTP GET by REST gives us a certain JSON response, where it should be noted that it is a list of objects where each object in the list does NOT have a key:

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Programming and languages

Being a programmer nowadays is basically the geek version of being a polyglot. Of course, most of us here, in the InterSystems Community, “speak ObjectScript”. Howeever, I believe this wasn’t the first language for many people. For instance, I had never heard about it prior to getting the appropriate training at Innovatium.

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1.1 I met a few project that their interface servers were crashed. Cutoms wanted resume server as fast as we can. their servers are running at lan,and they can't use git,there are some namesapce in the server running different service,and usualy there is only one server.

1.2 In the message,it has property in type of characterstream,as you know,the message search page doesn't support filtering with property of characterstream,so it's so hard to find the messge you want.

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