Some weeks ago, I was reading a book by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow, The Grand Design. At a certain point, trying to define why do we exist? , why do we use the models we use in physics?, ...those kind of things you know... they pointed at the Game of Life example invented by the mathematician John Coward in 1970... Basically he wanted to show that a system with really basic fundamental laws (Physics) could evolve and "live" to become a more complex system (Chemistry) in which "something" (humans) could work out its own model and complex rules to explain its reality… the rules for this deterministic model that he exposed were so basic that I thought it could be funny to implement them in ObjectScript when I had some spare time... there are others implementations in JavaScript and other languages... but not in ObjectScript... and that had to be corrected!!… so here you are!

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Let's say I want to execute this cache script (saved as test.txt) from OS terminal:

zn "USER"
write 1
zn "%SYS"
write 2

Executing the following command in a terminal:

csession cache < test.txt

Would yield this output:

$ csession cache < script.txt

Node: gitlab-test, Instance: CACHE



Job succeeded

Is there a better way to run these scripts?

Currently I have two problems:

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I am using the free Intersystems Cache installation (CachePCkit V2017.1) on Windows 10 for my own use & personal development.
I am writing routines in Studio & running them in the Cache terminal TRM:3672 (TRYCACHE).
From a routine, how do I control print position within the terminal screen. I have tried using $X and $Y but this does not work and I cannot find what I need within the Cache terminal documentation.

Hope this question is not too simplistic for Members.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.

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Hi global developers!

I am using terminal but I have some problem with it.

I use $C(1) (ascii code 1) to separate data but I can't see it in the terminal and This is really hard to see in the table.

So I want to get you guys good brain and skill :)

how can I see it in the terminal ?

Terminal(intersystems) :

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I was able to run the Cache terminal from the command prompt with the following command, in the namespace that I provided in the brackets:

cterm /console=cn_ap:ENSEMBLE[TEST_1]

But the command suddenly stopped opening the terminal in the correct namespace. It just opens it in the default namespace. I tried it with different namespaces or invalid namespaces, it always opens the terminal in the default namespace now.

I cannot figure out what is causing this behaviour.

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Let's say I have this simple script file try.script

write 1
write 0

I can execute it in a terminal (csession) by calling:

csession cache < try.script

And I get the following output:


However I want to use a try catch block in my script:

try {
write 1/0
catch {}

But as script is executed line by line, it's interpreted like this:

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· Oct 2, 2018
Terminal Access Denied


I have been using evaluation version of Cache 2017.2, it was working fine and I was using Cache studio, SMP & Cache Terminal/console till yesterday.

Today, cache was in shutdown status, then I restarted. But, Cache terminal is not working and showing as Access Denied while otherthings like studio and SMP is working as expected. I checked all security level services on SMP, all are fine and enabled.

Can anyone help me to diagnose the problem and make it working.


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Hi guys,

Mostly the title. Let's say my commands are stored in a text file "inFile". Here was my best guess:

<dir to iris> console IRIS2018 <inFile

For reference, here's an example of the analogous structure that works on Cache:

C:\InterSystems\Cache2018\bin\cache -s C:\InterSystems\Cache2018\mgr -U <namespace to start as> <inFile

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