Hi Community,

Play the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Using Code Based Source Control for Health Connect Cloud

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Hi Community,

Watch this video to learn how to leverage embedded (server-side) source control in a build pipeline using the git- source-control package and other additional tools:

Embedded Source Control with Git & Containers @ Global Summit 2023

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I'm testing git-source-control and I have problem with a CSP application.

I was able to configure in settings a CSP application that use the path /csp/myapp, that worked.

I have another application /slg and I'm unable to add it to Git.
I created the mapping as "/CSP/" - "/slg" - "csp/slg/", then in Studio when I right click on the CSP folder in the Namespace Work Area, select Git -> Add:

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We have some custom tools that do project based deployment from environment to environment. In VS Code, we're struggling to find the best way to export PRJ files that contain the contents of a project the way we were able to in Studio. We can edit existing projects, and in server side editing we can create projects, but we can't seem to extract the project files (Not the classes, the wrapper) to store in our source control solution for deployment purposes.

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Hi All! For those of you who are users of our cloud services, you may have been introduced to Health Connect Cloud. One topic within that cloud service that can be a little tricky is understanding how GitLab and the source control workflow fit seamlessly into your integration workflow in Health Connect Cloud. I recently presented a lightboard video explaining how this works, including the slightly different workflows for building interfaces via code versus building via the Management Portal UI. If you use Health Connect Cloud, let me know if this is helpful or if you have questions!

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The VS Code extension for Deltanji source control has been updated to version 1.2.3. View the change log here for a full list of updates: https://bit.ly/3PqMJ26

Users can now benefit from the VS Code Quick Diff feature when using the ObjectScript extension. To use this feature just click on the gutter decorations to reveal an inline diff experience, where you can contribute contextual commands. You just need to provide VS Code with the original contes of any given file.

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Hello everyone,

My team is currently developing guidance and best practices for the generation, storage, and deployment of TUNE TABLE statistics across development and production environments. With that in mind, we want to get an idea of what methods teams in the field have developed for handling this data. In particular, we’d like to know the following:

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The Application Services team is pleased to announce the release of git-source-control version 2.4.0, introducing several new features to the open-source project.

For those unfamiliar, git-source-control is an embedded (or "server-side") source control tool for InterSystems products, installed through the InterSystems Package Manager.

Here are the key additions to the 2.4.0 release:

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