I have successfully created REST service classes on my local IRIS server following this book: Using the /api/mgmnt/ Service | Creating REST Services | InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2021.2

I am now 1) trying to edit impl.cls in VS Code and 2) export it to my local repo so I can push to the remote repo.

When I click on my project in VS Code and 'Add to project' and choose the new package, spec.cls and impl.cls, I get the following error:

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· Mar 7, 2023 3m read
_spec for swagger-ui from spec class

Surely you wanted to use the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) JSON you used for your spec class on the iris-web-swagger-ui iris package. The generated OAS from the ##class(%REST.API).GetWebRESTApplication(...) method is very crude, with no description on the parameters or the expected response structure.

So after creating your REST application from an OAS you should have:

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I don't found how to get params send by a GET REST query (not in url but by request param).

this is config of the call in postman

I try to get %request.Data, doesn't work : Data is undefined

I try to get %request.GetCgiEnv("Data"), doesn't work, return ""

I do ZW %request and see that my parameter is present in cgi parameters, but I don't now how to access it.

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I am trying to design a RESTful service that takes a string (with control characters). Does something with that in the logic on the server, then returns a string, which may also have control characters.

Basically the string is a pharmacy claim in a delimited format that uses control characters for those delimiters. The logic on the server will pull the entire claim apart and process it.

I was thinking that a GET method could be uses but I'm used to sending content in JSON format and wondered what other normal RESTful ways there were to do this.

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· May 4, 2018
How to use MS Exchange wsdl


We are trying to create a new operation wich gets a XML message and send it's contents in an email.

We've used the SOAP Wizard to generate the Proxy Classes but now we are a bit lost...

What we are trying to achieve is to Create appointments in a Outlook Calendar and send emails.

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After some trials, I am comfortably on my way developing spec first REST APIs using /api/mgmt/, OpenAPI 2.0, testing with Postman.

My question is related to scaling up.

Assume these things:

- Our software is CSP web app and it's web application is '/csp/application'

- I created a new REST enabled web app called '/csp/application/v1' and for my first API I created a spec that defines an endpoint /getTeapots so the endpoint is localhost/csp/application/v1/getTeapots

- Using the /api/mgmt/ endpoint, I loaded the spec into API.TeapotLibrary

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I am trying to connect to another server using %Net.HttpRequest.

I keep getting this error : SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unsupported protocol.

My guess is that the site I am reaching for uses TLS1.3 which is not supported in 2016, But I cant right now ask my client to upgrade.

Is it possible to override this ? install some kind of a patch or a more recent version of openssl on the server ?



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Presenter: Danny Wijnschenk
Task: Build a development stack that enables state-of-the-art rapid development with a stable but adaptive back end.
Approach: Use InterSystems’ new document data model to achieve modern full-stack development

The MEAN stack is a very popular stack for building applications quickly that can change at a rapid pace. We will explore the benefits of such a stack and how you can tackle the requirements for modern and fast paced front-end development with support of a stable, but yet adaptive back-end using our new document data model.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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Im curious if there is any specific configuration that has to be done on an IIS web server to serve up RESTful web services.

I have a server that has IIS installed, with the CSP gateway. a second server that has Cache installed on it.

I have configured a web application using the Cache System Management Portal for the web services that has a dispatch class pointing to my dispatch class.

I have created an application mapping in my CSP Gateway Management Portal on the web server such that url's with /webservices prefix are routed to my cache server.

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I need to redirect user to a url, which is 5000+ characters long.
To do that I set:

set %response.Redirect = url

However, in the browser I receive this header:

LOCATION: <First 3972 characters of the 'url' variable>

In WriteHTTPHeader method of %CSP.Response, where the LOCATION header is

Write "Location: ", <Redirect>,!

After I added a buffer flush, after the above-mentioned line:

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· Oct 21, 2019
How to send a file via JSON

I have a text file that I pick up in a Business Service and need to send it to our vendor via JSON. I assumed (probably wrongly) that I could just create a RESTful Business Operation, plug in the server IP and URL as well as complete some of the other fields on the BO to send the file. When I do this, I get the following error:

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Asymmetric cryptography is a cryptographic system that uses pairs of keys: public keys which may be disseminated widely, and private keys which are known only to the owner. The generation of such keys depends on cryptographic algorithms based on mathematical problems to produce one-way functions. Effective security only requires keeping the private key private; the public key can be openly distributed without compromising security.

In such a system, any person can encrypt a message using the receiver's public key, but that encrypted message can only be decrypted with the receiver's private key.

Robust authentication is also possible. A sender can combine a message with a private key to create a short digital signature on the message. Anyone with the sender's corresponding public key can combine the same message and the supposed digital signature associated with it to verify whether the signature was valid, i.e. made by the owner of the corresponding private key. (C) Wikipedia.

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What are other's thoughts, opinions and experiences going from CSP to RESTful services, specifically when it comes to reusing code in CSP files?

One could define a method in CSP as follows:

<script language="cache" method="SubmitSomethingAwesome" arguments="aswesomeId:%Numeric">

And it's generated in csp.mycsppage.cls ascsp.mycsppage.SubmitSomethingAwesome(awesomeId as %Numeric).

Have people had success defining there rest call by calling the generated CSP classmethod?

Things that work well I've found:

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I am trying to connect the external application. Authenticating via Two SSL,

I have the Client Cert, Private key and the Root Certificate

The connection is successful from local (both via terminal and as well via Postman)

But when trying from IRIS application by configuring the certificates in the SSL configuration, i am not able to successfully verify the SSl connections

When test from the ssl configuration with the endpoint and port its gives the error Error #988: SSL connection failed. SSL/TLS error in SSL_read(), SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: I/O error (54)

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I have a message class define. But sometimes the RelatedItems fields is not returned.


Property RequestedTerm As AH.AHLIB.Custom.Symedical.Message.PostRelationResponse.termsRequested;

Property RelatedItems As list Of AH.AHLIB.Custom.Symedical.Message.PostRelationResponse.RelatedItems;

Respnse normally will return someting like this,

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