Hi all,

When passing on the content of a file in a REST API call, I need to put the original file name in an HTTP header. As it happens, some file names have non-8-bit characters in them ("å", "ö", and the like), and these arrive garbled on the other side. Does anybody know the correct way to encode them (assuming they should be encoded at all)?

$zconvert(filename, "O", "UTF8") does not appear to be it. I'm leaning towards $zconvert(filename, "O", "URL"), but leaning isn't good enough.


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Hi all,

We're creating a series of RESTful APIs that output data from a Cache database (made up of global storage that we've mapped to classes). I'm running into some problems with object-to-JSON conversions when relationships are involved. Eg:

ParentClass has children relationship to ChildClass

ChildClass has parent relationship to ParentClass

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I am trying to figure out if we can extend a business process in IRIS. My Use Case is that I am developing RESTful Interfaces and my each REST Interface needs to go through certain processes before getting to the actual action.

e.g. I have 2 REST Interfaces, GetPatient and GetEncounter. Both of these need to invoke "GetToken" Business Operation to go to the Authentication server to get an authentication token before they go ahead and hit the Business Operation to Get the data i.e. Patient or Encounter.

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· Jul 10, 2022
login failure

I am still working on iris-for-money app: https://github.com/oliverwilms/iris-for-money

Account.csp posts a rest call with _SYSTEM username and the password.

xhttp.open("POST", "/restapi/sql/" + query, true,"_SYSTEM","SYS");

/restapi web application has Password Authentication Method enabled.

SYS is the correct password for _SYSTEM user.

I do not understand why I see login failure in Audit database.

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0 271

I'm working with isc.rest and am going through the tutorial right now. My project directory exists on my IRIS server. When I try to create a module.xml file in the root package, I get a #16006 error. I see that there is a "generate" command for zpm that should create a module.xml for me on my local filesystem. How can I create this module.xml in the same folder that holds my code living on the IRIS server?

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· Mar 27, 2023
JSON Validation Errors

When using %JSONImport it seems to only report a single error, is there a way to report all the errors with out having to do multiple requests?


"errors": [


"code": 9406,

"domain": "%ObjectErrors",

"error": "ERROR #9406: Unexpected format for value of field, CurrencyCode, using Update mapping",

"id": "JSONImportError",

"params": [



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0 296

I am using the %Net.HttpRequest class to download a file from the internet .using the following code. When a file is returned in the DOM I am able to read the file content and save it to the desired location but when my response is a download dialog nothing is returned in the HttpResponse. Am I doing something wrong here is where I have gotten to so far any help appreciated.

current code

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0 275

We tested REST Services as described for Caché DocServer example and for requests using http protocol it works without problems. However when we use the https protocol for the same REST Service it is not available. Our infrastructure is as follows: Apache with openssl, which works on the other hand well for CSP with https. If we switch on the web gateway http trace facility we could see the request of CSP pages by https://... but again a request of a REST Service by https:// will not result in a entry in the tracer. We hope that this description of the problem is understandable.

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0 750

I have a Enslib.REST.operation which I want to use to send a JSON message. In Ensemble I am using the request message to the Business operation as an input for ObjectToJsonStream function so I can send it out (this is the way to go right?). However, I am now running into the fact that one of the attributes (template_name) contains an underscore and that I am not allowed to use the underscore to define the property in my ensemble RequestMessage:

Property template_name As %String;

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0 375

We have a Cache database in Azure, and want to expose it as an OData source (link).

My first attempt was to use Microsoft's Visual Studio 2017 and Entity Framework to create the data models...but it seems as if EF and Cache don't work together. (I do have those instructions from 2013, but they don't work. (See other post. Best answer seems to be "migrate to IRIS 2019.1.")

Is there any other form of OData support?

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0 672

If I add the same patient data with a different unique ID then it inserts as new data using a POST request.
So, In the FHIR server How can I prevent this kind of thing by using POST requests?
Note:- I don't want to use a PUT request for the same. The main thing is I want to get a unique patient record.
Que:- Is there any way to check data duplication on each FHIR resource?

Thanks & Regards,

Harshdeep Acharya

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0 401

Up until recently, I have been toying around with REST/FHIR capabilities but only internally. Now I have a request to make REST API calls outside of our Network.

I am using an RSA 4096 key, because Microsoft Active Directory Services which generates the signed certificate could not handle the Elliptical Key (ECC) when I put the request in.

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· Oct 22, 2023
JWT enabled Web Application

Hello Community,

I've enabled the JWT Authentication in my web application. I invoked the /login page to get the JWT and it creates an entry in %SYS.TokenAuth table. Is there any time span for the entries will rid out from the table automatically or It's a manual process? Where can I find the JWT signature private/public key

settings screenshot

web application

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First of all thanks for your time, thoughts, teaching and help:

We wonder how could we get the metrics from http://[Ip]:[Port]/api/monitor/metrics and use them in Kibana to chart statistics.

We would like to ask you how do you use the api monitor metrics, and as a second question, how would you suggest to utilize them in a third party software as Kibana to chart them.

We have thought to do the following:

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I'm testing a REST API that is used for our IRIS Backend with a mobile app (Angular / ionic).

The problem is that, our test environment does not yet have HTTPS capabilities, it's something we're going to set up ASAP, but right now we don't have it set up.

We want to test the API endpoints via a web browser using either a test application built in Angular, or the app itself built with NPM via the browser. This means that the set-cookie headers are being blocked by the browser.

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Hello Community,

Is there any way to avoid generating the built in validation inside the classmethod from the .disp class definition. I've added the resource with path parameter as integer in swagger 2.0 open API. The class method(in my case getRandom is the class method) inside .disp handles the integer validation by default. Is there a way to avoid/remove by default.

default validations for Integer

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