
So I am a front end developer working with REST API with Cache database on the BE. The BE guys are currently using Cache through a Windows virtual machine and they claim it is not possible to have a development server to work with. All the work they are doing is directly on the production server and changes are immediate and I think this is a bad idea going forward and we most definitely need a development server that has access to the same code base and different version (through git) to be able to do development. We also do all the testing on this production server with test accounts, but we cannot do automated testing with this setup.

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Hello to all,

I'm trying to post some form data from a form I made in React to the backend of cache fetching a REST-service.
Receiving and processing a JSON-object is no problem but how can I handle Form Data?

The frontend is sending the form as form data and also includes one or more files.

What is the easiest way to process this data in my REST.Broker- class?

Best regards,


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Hi all,

a HealthConnect customer of ours came across with a question to use an external service via REST and OpenID within one of his HealthConnect (2020.1) productions. The overal idea is to send data to the external system after receiving a baerer token to use for the communication between HealthConnect and this system.

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Does anyone know if I can create an API integration, from Ensemble to Salesforce? What I would like to do is trigger a Salesforce case to be opened when for example a Queue reaches a predefined threshold or an interface connection goes from green to non-green.

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I've added a REST service which worked fine on our test system but failed on the production environment because UnknownUser does not have %All set and I really don't want it set on production (in fact I've also switched it off on test).

Is there a way to allow a single REST service to have unauthorised access?

I was thinking adding a resource/role to UnknownUser specifically for that service but I've never touched on Users/Roles/Resources so I'm struggling to work out what needs adding where.


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Hi all

Does anyone have an easy way of reading the cdata in the xml response returned buy a Webservice?

At the moment I have a XML class and then I use read.Correlate() to read through that XML bit.

However, depending on the message I have different things in the CData and I don't want to create a class for each one of these.

The API returns the cddata as KeyValueOfstringstring.

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Hi All,

Actually, I'm developing few restful API's. I want to create a authentication tokens and display it on my login restful API. If I'm using CSP sessionId, how can I validate the session Id's in another or continues restful API's. else, is there any other approach to handle this task.

My Primary goal is, I have to integrate 2 different front end applications. One is Zen framework another one is web pages from Python.

If any lead, it would be appreciated.


Arun Kumar Durairaj.

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Hello All,

I am compiling a REST Operation to call our hospital Administration system, following tutorials around the REST API's etc. First time we have integrated like this so not much knowledge around our hospital - hoping someone on here can help.

I have been using the JSONStreamToObject Method which is working as i expected, apart from trying to get a specific item in the example JSON Response as follows:


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I am trying to create REST API following these instructions: https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/Doc.View.cls?KEY=GREST_apimgmnt

However it does not work.

I tried downloaded the v2.0 schema.json of the OpenAPI specification and pasted it on Postman with the parameters as speicifed, but I get this error message back:

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Hi Developers!

I stuck with one interesting problem.

For example, let's use this template repo. If you build this container A using docker-compose and then run the container it exposes REST-API which is available on:


The question is how to make this REST-API accessible from another docker container B running on the same machine? E.g. with IRIS 2019.4 Community from this repo?

The problem is that for the second container localhost it's something which belongs to container B.

I think I need to set up a network between containers somehow. E.g. using docker-compose. But is there any simpler way?

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I am writing an API that sends over a very large JSON object.

The code I'm using to get the data is actually used in our production system today for the use of writing a report.

However when I call the code using the API (using SoapUI) I am getting 'Error getting response; java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out'

The web applications settings have a session timeout setting at 15 minutes, but this is timing out within just a few minutes, so I know it's not hitting this mark.

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Hello community,

I have a very simple REST API connection doing a POST of JSON messages via AZURE APIM.

It worked successfully for few weeks until a day ago when i started receiving a bad response as below.

<META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW"><meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no"><meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0"><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"><script type="text/javascript" src="/_Incapsula_Resource?......................................

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· Oct 21, 2019
How to send a file via JSON

I have a text file that I pick up in a Business Service and need to send it to our vendor via JSON. I assumed (probably wrongly) that I could just create a RESTful Business Operation, plug in the server IP and URL as well as complete some of the other fields on the BO to send the file. When I do this, I get the following error:

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