Web Crawling is a technique used to extract root and related content (HTML, Videos, Images, etc.) from websites to your local disk. This is allows you apply NLP to analyze the content and get important insights. This article detail how to do web crawling and NLP.

To do web crawling you can choose a tool in Java or Python. In my case I'm using Crawler4J. (https://github.com/yasserg/crawler4j).

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· Jun 19, 2020 5m read
Migrate from Java Business Host to PEX

Migrate from Java Business Host to PEX

With the release PEX in InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 and InterSystems IRIS for Health 2020.1, customers have a better way to build Java into productions than the Java Business Host. PEX provides a complete set of APIs for building interoperability components and is available in both Java and .NET. The Java Business Host has been deprecated and will be retired in a future release.

Advantages of PEX

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Many times it is necessary copy or send files to your docker container instance.

In my case was with IRIS JDBC driver.

Docker has this recipe for this (credits to https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/cp/):


But to copy you need your container name. Write this command for this:

docker ps

In my, my-iris is the container name.

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· Jun 4, 2020 2m read

Hi All,

I am writing this article to tell about the application "CRUD-GLOBALS-IRISNATIVEAPI-JAVA" which is developed as part of "InterSystems IRIS Native API programming contest". The intention of this application is to manage the Globals which are in IRIS instance through java program using IRIS Native API. To use this application basic knowledge of CACHE Globals structure is required.

In this application as of now we have options to Create,View Globals and Data Search in Globals. Update and Delete will be added in next releases.

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This is a FYI for anyone who has experienced the following error after upgrading an existing instance to any product based on Caché 2017.2.2. In our case, the products are HealthShare HealthConnect for Redhat x64 and for Windows x86-64 but I believe it would be a common problem for any InterSystems product on any platform, if based on Caché 2017.2.2. After upgrading our development instance from 2016.2.2 to 2017.2.2, we experienced the following errors when attempting to start a pre-existing Java Object Gateway that was defined prior to the upgrade:

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With the release of InterSystems IRIS, we're also making available a nifty bit of software that allows you to get the best out of your InterSystems IRIS cluster when working with Apache Spark for data processing, machine learning and other data-heavy fun. Let's take a closer look at how we're making your life as a Data Scientist easier, as you're probably already facing tough big data challenges already, just from the influx of job offers in your inbox!

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Recently we have exercised this with a partner. It may be helpful for others as well.

The basic functionality is to connect to SAP through SAPJCo (Supporting SAPJCo 3.07+).

As a first step have a production with at least two items of the following type:

  • EnsLib.JavaGateway.Service
  • EnsLib.SAP.Operation

Configure the settings for the Java Gateway and the SAP Operation accordingly. And start the production.

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Presenter: Maxim Vershinin
Task: Easily extend your solution’s range of interoperability
Approach: Build Java-only business services and business operations that exploit open-source Java libraries

Problem: The title states the problem Open source java libraries exist for hundreds of protocols and formats. This session explains how you can easily build java only Business Services and Business Operations to that exploit these libraries to extend the range of interoperability.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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Presenter: Gerd Nachtsheim
Task: Contribute to and influence open-source communities
Approach: Discuss how the joint efforts of people within and outside of InterSystems created our Hibernate driver and contributed to the Hibernate project

Description: The development of our latest Hibernate driver was a joint effort of multiple groups of people within and outside of InterSystems with different roles that was ultimately contributed to the Hibernate project. Come to this session to learn more about how open-source communities think and how you can leverage and contribute.

Problem: Everyone else appears to be doing open-source contributions, but it doesn’t fit into our company.

Solution: If you find an open source project that is interesting for you or your customers, contribute to that project and make it a better one that is also easier to use within your landscape.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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