· Nov 23, 2017
Indexing null value

Dear community!

I have problem with index NULL value. Unique index doesn't work for this case. If I use insert and one of parameter is "NULL". Message of constraint doesn't appear and row is inserted into table successfully. How Can I use index with NULL?

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I have a class with around 400k lines and 60 columns. Class storage is Cache SQL storage (Mapped from a global).

I want to create multiple indices on certain fields.

I am familiar with two approaches:

1. Create a new map (Index type) on a pointer global.

2. Create a bitmap index

Which approach is more recommended to be used in the case I described? If there are any other approaches, I will be happy to hear.

Thanks :)

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Hi guys!

Unique, PrimaryKey and IDKey?
In what contexts does it apply?

IDKey sets the registry key access to the store.
PrimaryKey, Unique, and IDKey define the uniqueness in the records, but what is correct?

I use everyone? What is the context of each?

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I am new to Cache' MV but have extensive experience with other Pick flavors especially Unidata.

I need to determine the impact of adding several indexes to a large file with over 51,000,000 records.

On other systems, I could use FILE.STAT, ANALYZE.FILE and shell to the OS to determine how large the index file was.

None of those seem to be available in Cache' MV. Shelling to the OS just tells me the size of CACHE.DAT.

What is the best way to determine what the disk impact would be if I added an index (CREATE-INDEX) to a file?



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· Jul 16, 2017
How to index a class


I have two persistent classes defined. Lets call it Parent and Child.

Child class is one of the property of Parent Class.

I would like to define a index on Child class.

So what is the default behaviour I defined a index on a non simple data type member?

Any possibility that I could customized the behaviour ? For example. Child class has three properties.

Could I configure the index to index any combinations of these three properties?

Thanks for your help.

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· Jul 7, 2017 19m read
Indexing of non-atomic attributes

Quotes (1NF/2NF/3NF)ru:

Every row-and-column intersection contains exactly one value from the applicable domain (and nothing else).
The same value can be atomic or non-atomic depending on the purpose of this value. For example, “4286” can be
  • atomic, if its denotes “a credit card’s PIN code” (if it’s broken down or reshuffled, it is of no use any longer)
  • non-atomic, if it’s just a “sequence of numbers” (the value still makes sense if broken down into several parts or reshuffled)

This article explores the standard methods of increasing the performance of SQL queries involving the following types of fields: string, date, simple list (in the $LB format), "list of <...>" and "array of <...>".

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Encryption of sensitive data becomes more and more important for applications. For example patient names, SSN, address-data or credit card-numbers etc..

Cache supports different flavors of encryption. Block-level database encryption and data-element encryption. The block-level database encryption protects an entire database. The decryption/encryption is done when a block is written/read to or from the database and has very little impact on the performance.

With data-element encryption only certain data-fields are encrypted. Fields that contain sensitive data like patient data or credit-card numbers. Data-element encryption is also useful if a re-encryption is required periodically. With data-element encryption it is the responsibility of the application to encrypt/decrypt the data.

Both encryption methods leverage the managed key encryption infrastructure of Caché.

The following article describes a sample use-case where data-element encryption is used to encrypt person data.

But what if you have hundreds of thousands of records with an encrypted datafield and you have the need to search that field? Decryption of the field-values prior to the search is not an option. What about indices?

This article describes a possible solution and develops step-by-step a small example how you can use SQL and indices to search encrypted fields.

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Consider I have a class Package.Data with Property UniqueStringValue as %String.

I introduced the Index for this property:

 Index ValueIndex on UniqueStringValue [Unique];

It works well. But if I try to check if there is an object with the certain value in code like this:

if ##class(Package.Data).ValueIndexExists(value)  

this expression fails, if value="value", even if there is an instance with instance.UniqueStingValue="Value"

How can I set the index to prevent saving case sensitive values in this class?

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0 555

I have a class which defines a property as array of %String. Is it possible to index values of this property and use this property in SQL?

I have tried 'Index idx On prop(ELEMENTS)' and then a select from the generated collection table, but this is still orders of magnitude slower than queries to the containing class.

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0 483

Hello Fellow Cache Developers:

Has anyone ever created an index on values of a list property? If so, would you be willing to share an example?

Also, feel free to offer input and suggestions regarding use of indexes on List values.

Here is my database scenario:

Parent Class:

PropertyA - %String

PropertyB - %Integer

Child Class:

PropertyC - %Integer

PropertyD - list of %Integer

Data illustration:

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Earlier in this series, we've presented four different demo applications for iKnow, illustrating how its unique bottom-up approach allows users to explore the concepts and context of their unstructured data and then leverage these insights to implement real-world use cases. We started small and simple with core exploration through the Knowledge Portal, then organized our records according to content with the Set Analysis Demo, organized our domain knowledge using the Dictionary Builder Demo and finally build complex rules to extract nontrivial patterns from text with the Rules Builder Demo.

This time, we'll dive into a different area of the iKnow feature set: iFind. Where iKnow's core APIs are all about exploration and leveraging those results programmatically in applications and analytics, iFind is focused specifically on search scenarios in a pure SQL context. We'll be presenting a simple search portal implemented in Zen that showcases iFind's main features.

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· Jun 1, 2016
Activating an index

I have a production system that has a large dataset of about 2 million rows. I need to create an index on a property but don't want it available to queries until the index is fully populated. Is there a way I can create the indexed, fire off the build, then "activate" the index so queries can use it.

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The object and relational data models of the Caché database support three types of indexes, which are standard, bitmap, and bitslice. In addition to these three native types, developers can declare their own custom types of indexes and use them in any classes since version 2013.1. For example, iFind text indexes use that mechanism.

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