· May 8, 2017
Fetch files from GitHub

let know the source code to fetch files from git hub repository..while running the attached file we are getting error.
ERROR #5001: Repository doesn't exist OR you don't have accesscoming1 1

Please help us to resolve the error.

Please find the code used :

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Hi, Community!

I'm using Git with DeepSee and when I need to do a commit to the git repo I'm exporting ALL the pivots and dashboards from the namespace. But I can forget to do that) And it can take time for a large system.

What is the way to manage automatical export of DeepSee artefacts which we are editing in UI (Cubes, Pivots, Dashboards, Pivot Variables, Term lists, Shared Measures) into files every time when I push Save button?

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Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Real-World CI/CD: Keep Calm & Build On @ Global Summit 2022
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In a healthcare setting we've an Ensemble namespace through which passes a key HL7 feed (the ADT feed from our PAS). It is split up, transformed and passed on to multiple downstream systems. We consider the feed going to each downstream system an interface. Each interface is developed as separately as possible - typically as a separate branch of our git repo (which we access via VS Code).

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In VS Code using the InterSystems ObjectScript extensions, I'd like the indentation applied to match that of IRIS Studio. Specifically for comments and dot syntax, I'd like pressing enter (carriage return) to preserve the current dot depth and same comment beginning.

In IRIS Studio after changing the indentation settings to custom using " \t.#/;" without quotes (note the leading space), the behaviour looks like this:

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