· Aug 14, 2023
Do Vs Job method call

Hi Guys,

below is a javascript sample code in one of my methods in a CSP page where I'm loading some data from a global to a Javascript arrays, the problem is that if I call the method with do (d ..mymethod()) everything works fine but calling it with Job (J ..mymethod()) it seems that the javascript part is not working, is there a way to fix this?

The reason why I'm using Job call because I need it to run in background and not to hold other processes.

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Hi Guys,

I'm using the below code to download, extract files in a file directory then save data into a global, and remove the file directory as not needed anymore, but the issue is that the class(%File).RemoveDirectoryTree is not deleting, also tried class(%File).RemoveDirectory and same thing.

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Hi I want to utilise the file adaptor to pick up some PDF documents however I must not delete the source files from the server. I can see that there is a setting in the FTP adaptor to not delete from server but not in the file adaptor. Is there an easy way to do this or do I just need to create a custom adaptor that copies the files to a working location and records in a tracking global when I have done this so that I don't process the same file twice?

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Hi Guys,

After converting from Ensemble 2014 to 2018 and ran my application I get the below error message:

MSDS.ZEN.Component.imageclickbuttom exits and compiles fine and also compiled the Zen page extending the class successfully but still getting the error so not sure why I'm still getting the error!?


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When creating custom Business Hosts, it's often necessary to add properties to the class for additional settings that will be used in the initialization or operation of the host. The property name itself isn't always very descriptive, so it's an advantage to have a custom caption display with the field.

In Caché, it was fairly straightforward:

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

Migrating data to another system takes two steps.

1. Migrating class definitions

To migrate the class definition to another system, export it to a file in XML format or UDL format (extension .cls).

The export procedure in Studio is as follows.

Tools > Export

> Select multiple classes you want to migrate with the [Add] button

> Check [Export to local file]

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I would like to search for all messages where their body size is greater than 3MB.

I have searched through the common Header and body properties and I have not found a size property. I have looked at the extended properties but I am unsure if any of the extended classes allows me to find the Doc size.

I have stepped through most of the body property classes related to messages or documents that have an exposed property that filters by document or message size.

Is there a way to do this within the Message Viewer or Terminal?

Thank you in advance.

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0 201

Hello everyone!
So, I am supposed to receive a REST-request into my production, and I need to send it, exactly as I received it, to another server.
I am struggling to find any good info on this, and have a hard time coming up with a good approach.
What would be the easiest way to do this?
- I have so far thought about possibly doing it with an EnsLib.REST.GenericService and then sending it with an EnsLib.REST.GenericOperation.

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0 127

Hi everyone.

Is there a sensible approach to having a lookup table in Namespace A, and then accessing this from Namespaces B, C, D (etc)?

I'm trying to avoid creating a Global mapping of the lookup table global (^Ens.LookupTable) as I fear that it would then link all other lookups in that global and lead to some unexpected behaviour, but would be open to trying something in this realm if it's the best option.

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Hi all,

The last time I used CSP was back in 2008, so I am very rusty on it.
This question might have been asked many times, and the answer probably is that it is a matter of preference.

Are there scenarios to which CSP pages is easier/better to use than classes extending from %CSP.Page?
I want to build a little thing and don't want to start at the wrong end.
Doing an API-based, heavy client-side framework is not a requirement, and I would prefer not to do it that way.

Some of the criteria

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Hi ,

I'm currently working on a BPL (Business Process Language) in InterSystems Ensemble, and I'm facing an issue when trying to call the SendRequestSync() method within a code activity. My understanding is that SendRequestSync() is part of Ens.BusinessProcess, and since Ens.BusinessProcessBPL extends Ens.BusinessProcess, I believe it should be accessible.

However, during compilation, I'm encountering an error stating that the method doesn't exist in the class.

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Hi everyone.

I have a function that may end up being called from a number of transformations at the same time, and within the function there's some Embedded SQL to first check if a local table has an entry, and then adds the entry if it doesn't exist.

To prevent a race condition where the function is called by two transformations and they both end up attempting to insert the same value, I'm looking to use the table hint "WITH TABLOCK" on the insert, but this seems to be failing the syntax checks within vscode.

Are table hints supported with embedded sql?

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I need to create a routing rule where I've got to check for the value of "-" in field 5 of a repeating RQD segment, if the "-" is found in any of the RQD-5 I want to send it to a transform, if the rule doesn't find a "-" in any of the RQD-5 I want to send it to another transform.

Unfortunately we are running an older version of Ensemble and the foreach function is not available.

The other thing to add is the transforms are writing the output to a flat file so my business process is using the EnsLib.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine class.

Sample message:

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hi there,when object export to xml,i know that,it will call propertynameLogicalToXSD method,but i can`t find out that use %XML.Reader to parse XML to object witch method will be called before ,

simple code like this:

Class Samples.NewClass2 Extends (%Persistent,, %XML.Adaptor)
Property OPDT As %Library.DateTime;

my xml is

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I'm currently trying to setup a SFTP Ensemble production to handle all of my SFTP transactions. It's been going well, but I'm currently running into an issue where it is saying it is unable to exchange encryption keys. Error Below:

Unable to exchange encryption keys [80101005] at Session.cpp:238,0' matched ReplyCodeAction 1 : 'E=R' resulting in Action code R

Any advice on getting around this would be appreciated.

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· Jan 15
parse XML to object

hi there,when i use %XML.Reader parse XML to object,if the element value is null,the data in the table is $c(0),how avoid this?

my class file like this:

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Hi Guys,

I've this client method in my Zen page which looks good and compile fine:

I first tried calling this clientmethod in %DrawHTML() like : var res=zenPage.getNewPrinters(); but for some reason didn't work not sure why I even tried simplifying my clientMethod with simple code like just showing alert but still this call didn't work

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We are successfully using System Default Settings to manage differences in settings across environments where the production and underlying code are otherwise identical. However, the TestingEnabled and LogGeneralTraceEvents settings don't appear to be settable via this mechanism. While we appear to be able to set them on the SDS page, they do not show up as selectable when resetting the settings on the Production Settings tab in the management portal - see screenshots below.

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· Mar 3
base64 data to pdf

hi there , when i convert a pdf to base64 data, and then restore the data to pdf,i find that ,i must read the same as length of base64 data every time convert ,or i can't get the right pdf. the code is:

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In over a decade of using Ensemble/HealthShare, we have been able to use a single message type (doc type) for all HL7 ADT event types. We now have an application for which the HL7 segment sequence is different for A03s than it is for other ADT event types. The content of the segments is the same across event types; only the segment sequence differs. The data transformation has to do some custom logic, so we can't just use the "copy" variety of the transformation Create property.

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as i'm trying to develop a operation and its methods (SQL adapter), I'm running into issues when i run my test class.
I have the class i want to test in the very same folder as my test class.
I followed the tutorial in the documentation.
When i run the test class, i get the following message error :

LogStateStatus:0::ERREUR #5002: Erreur Cache: <METHOD DOES NOT EXIST>zTestAdd+1^unitTests.testMyClass.1 *myMethod,Package.BO.MyClass

Here is my test class (heavily inspired bythe documentation :-) :

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